The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1251: Take off the mask

When I heard the sound of this sudden sound, everyone’s eyes naturally looked at the Taniguchi, and the two people who walked in slowly from there.

Kong Meng, everyone knows it naturally, but the black man wearing a face mask around Kong Meng, everyone is confused, do not understand who this is.

However, seeing the appearance of the two, Kong Xuehai finally secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and the heart that was always hung was halfway down.

Guan Peng's brow was slightly wrinkled. After glanced at Jiang Yun, he secretly swept all the people in Kongjia.

They found that their faces were even with a stunned color, which made him wonder, and turned to Confucius and Haidao: "Confucius, this one is your Confucius?"

Not waiting for Kong Xuehai to answer, Guan Zhifei, who is standing in the middle of the valley, has sneered: "I don't even know who he is, even people who don't even show their faces."

"Is that you want to do it with me?"

Jiang Yun did not respond at all, but slowly walked, not through the crowd, went to the front of Guan Zhifei, under the mask, two clear eyes, calmly watching Guan Zhifei.

Guan Zhifei cocked his chin: "Are you worried that I will be embarrassed to see someone after I am defeated, so I wear a broken mask?"

"Do not worry, losing to my hand is not a shameful thing for you!"

Jiang Yun shook his head and said: "I am worried, if you let me see my face, you will not have the courage to shoot!"

"Ha ha ha, great tone!"

Guan Zhifei suddenly laughed, but his eyes showed a murderous way: "I was not interested in who you are, but now, I really have to look at your true face!"

"Come on, let you shoot first!"

Jiang Yun did not mind Guan Zhifei's contempt for himself, slowly raised his palm and prepared to shoot.

However, at this time, Guan Peng was suddenly shouting: "Slow!"

All eyes suddenly looked at Guan Peng, and even Guan Zhifei did the same. He did not understand why his father was doing well to stop it.

Although Guan Zhifei does not care who Jiang Yun is, but Guan Peng is calculating, but can't care!

Three days ago, for Kong Meng's choice and Guan Zhifei's test, he did not feel that something was wrong.

But when he returned to Guan, he saw Guan Lin who came back, and after knowing what happened in the real Yuan Dynasty from Guan Lin’s mouth, he naturally knew the existence of Jiang Yun.

This also made him realize that the reason why Kongjia chose to compare with Guan Zhifei, the original plan, should be to let Jiang Yun play for Kong, but thanks to Zong Bai seems to have discovered what clues, deliberately left a warning.

In the past three days, he also sent people to secretly check the details of Jiang Yun, to pay attention to the movement of the Confucius, but not only did not find the most useful news, and in the Confucius family, he did not find Jiang Yun figure.

When he wanted to come, it should be that Jiang Yun had left with Kong Benchu ​​and others after returning to Kong.

But now, looking at this late arrival, but even the real face is not dare to reveal people, Guan Peng feels that the other party has great possibilities, that is, Jiang Yun!

Although he is very confident about his son's strength, even if Jiang Yun is really fighting for Confucius, he is not worried that his son will be defeated, but he is jealous of Jiang Yun's identity!

After all, Guan Lin told him that Jiang Yun is not only a sorcerer, but also a Mozu!

These two identities are added together, and even if they have a white support, they are not willing to provoke.

Therefore, he will stop Guan Zhifei from now.

In any case, you must first figure out who the person wearing the face mask is!

Guan Peng looked at Kong Xuehai and smiled slightly: "Confucius, don't forget, the predecessors gave you a warning. This comparison is a matter for me. I only allow you and me to send people. Compare!"

Kong Xuehai also smiled and said: "The words of the predecessors, Kongmou naturally can not forget!"

"Not necessarily!" Guan Peng suddenly reached out and pointed Jiang Yundao: "I suspect that this person is not your Confucian family. Otherwise, why can't he even show his true face!"

Confucius's smile is convergent: "Guan Peng, why did you say this, he just said, the reason for wearing a mask is to worry that your son will not dare to shoot him after seeing his true face!"

"Ha ha ha!" Guan Peng suddenly laughed and said: "Don't dare? Kong Xuehai, you are also the head of the family, you can think of such a naive reason!"

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"Tell you, today, this person must take off the mask and let us see his true face. Otherwise, there is no need to continue this contest!"

Guan Peng’s words immediately led to the echoes of many monks above the valley.

"Yeah, this is a test. Why do you need to wear a mask to pretend to be a ghost here, to reveal the true appearance, and to make a big fight!"

"Yes, if you don't dare to take off the mask, it means that there are ghosts in your Confucius. This person is definitely not the person of your Confucius family, but the helper you invited from other places!"

Listening to the snoring of these onlookers, many people in the Confucius were angry, but they replied without words.

Because they don't know who is standing in front of Guan Zhifei!

Even some savvy parents of the hole have long secretly checked the leader of the younger generation of Confucius.

These people, all of them at the moment, are scattered around the valley as bystanders.

In other words, this mask man who doesn’t even know who he is, is really a great possibility, not a man of his own family!

And this also made them feel worried.

If you can't beat the family, then it's all right, but if you are guilty of fraud, looking for someone to pretend to be a Confucius and a family, it is now being questioned by everyone. Once it is exposed, the Confucian family will become the target of public criticism.

Kong Xuehai looked at these talking people with no expression, and the eyes were cold.

Because many of these people were still brothers and brothers in the same year, and Confucius was still a good friend.

However, with the current situation of Guanjia, they immediately turned to go to Guanjia, and in turn helped Guanjia to deal with their own Confucius!

Finally, Kong Xuehai’s cold road: “You can live!”

"Since you really want to see it, then I will let all of you see it clearly!"

Kong Xuehai’s gaze finally looked at Jiang Yundao: “You, take off the mask!”

Jiang Yun raised the palm that had never been put down, slowly took off the face mask on his face, and completely revealed his face that was harmless to the face.

Looking at Jiang Yun’s face, this moment, the entire valley, thousands of people in an instant, all fell into the dead.

Especially Guan Zhifei, after a trip, the whole person was astonished as a lightning strike, and suddenly slammed back.

The expression on his face was like seeing a ghost. It was full of horror. He pointed his finger at Jiang Yun and opened his mouth. He clearly wanted to say something, but he couldn’t even say a word.

Although the reaction of other people is not as strong as that of Guan Zhifei, it is almost always the same as the horror, and stunned at Jiang Yun.

"who are you!"

Just then, an old voice suddenly sounded, and the two cold lights were like sharp edges, and they shot straight on Jiang Yun’s face.

It’s Zong Bai who speaks!

Although he kept his eyes closed from beginning to end, he knew it clearly about the things around him.

So when he saw Jiang Yun’s face at the moment, the shock was the biggest among all!

Jiang Yun is not afraid of Zong Bai's gaze, cold and cold to him, the same word: "hole, no, hurt!"

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