The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1252: Soul is imprisoned

No damage to the hole!

Although Jiang Yun’s voice is light, these three words are like three thunderings, and they burst into the hearts of everyone’s ears.

Because this name represents a genius genius, representing the Confucian family in the heyday!

Within this area, some people will not know Guan Zhifei, but absolutely no one will not know the name of the hole.

After all, it was too amazing to have the ability to cultivate the power of the Five Elements at the same time.

The inexplicable disappearance of the hole without injury, coupled with the news that Kong Xuehai and others announced that the hole was harmless and dead, many people are sorry for it.

It is also because of the flawless fall of the hole, the Kong family gradually moved from strong to falling.

However, no one has thought that this genius, which has been missing for decades, will appear again when the Confucius is facing life and death!

After a moment of silence, Zong Bai suddenly burst into a sneer, but step by step, standing directly in front of Jiang Yun, eyes looking like electricity, looking directly at Jiang Yundao: "You are a hole?"

Jiang Yun calmly said: "I am a hole!"

Although Jiang Yun can clearly feel that Zong Bai is using his knowledge to look at his own body, Jiang Yun is not worried.

Zong Bai’s strength is higher, and it is still worse than thunderstorms.

However, he disguised himself as a crown in the Thunder, and even the thunderstorm could not see the slightest clue. Zong Bai could not be seen.

Even Zong Bai can see what he wants him to see!

While Zong Bai looked at Jiang Yun, the people invited by the Guan family above the valley could not help but talk about it.

"Is he really a hole?"

"At least on the outside, it should be him. I used to see him once in the past. Now, compared with that at that time, his appearance is basically not much changed. It is nothing more than maturity!"

"On the basis of appearance, it should not be enough to judge that he is a hole without hurt. After all, there are many secret laws that can change people's appearance."

#FV{首首! Hair _T

"Then I don't know, but now the predecessors are clearly judging his true and false."

"The predecessor was his master in the past. If this person is impersonating, then he must not be able to pass the predecessor."

Guan Peng’s face has no usual smile, but it has been gloomy.

Especially the shocking performance of his own son Guan Zhifei when he saw the hole without injury, it really made him feel extremely embarrassed.

Because this just verified that the previous hole was not hurt, he did not take off the mask, and he was afraid that Guan Zhifei would not have the courage to take it.

Of course, Guan Peng is also a bit unbelievable. The hole is not hurt, it is really no hole, so he is waiting for Zong Bai's final conclusion.

As for the Confucius family, in addition to being shocked, there are naturally doubts, but more are still expected.

They are the people who sincerely hope to stand in the middle of the valley, the great young master of their own Confucius, the enchanting genius of that year.

Because of this, their Confucius will not be able to get rid of the dangers of today, but there will be great possibilities to recapture everything lost and return to the peak state.

Under the gaze and waiting of everyone, Zong Bai finally slowly said: "Since you are harmless, then seeing as a teacher, why not?"

Zong Bai’s words made everyone fall into shock again, and the Confucius family, even Kong Xuehai and Kong Benchu’s faces all showed their joy.

Apparently, Zong Bai did not find any flaws in Jiang Yun’s body, and even basically believed that the hole in front of him was harmless, and it was really no hole!

"Master?" Jiang Yun still said with a blank expression: "Sorry, I don't remember having your master!"


When this statement came out, Zong Bai suddenly became furious, and everyone around him couldn’t help but exclaim.

The hole did not hurt and dared to say such words, this is simply a betrayal of the teacher, the bully destroys the ancestors!

Seeing that Zong Bai is going to be angry, Kong Xuehai said: "The predecessors, please also anger, no injury is not intentional disrespect to you, but really do not remember!"

"We actually found it harmless a year ago, but his soul seems to be imprisoned, so he almost completely forgot the past, so after we took him back, I didn't tell anyone, and there was no way. Unlock this imprisonment."

"Now, he still can't remember the previous things, just know that he is a hole!"

After listening to Confucius, Zong Bai sneered aloud: "Is the soul locked?"

When the voice fell, Zong Bai did not give Jiang Yun a reaction time. He reached out and pressed it on the top of Jiang Yun’s head. The power of the gods directly infiltrated into the soul of Jiang Yun.

However, just after the moment, Zong Bai’s complexion suddenly changed, and the mouth made a sigh, the palm of his hand had already left the top of Jiang Yun’s head, and his figure was even awkward, and he stepped back one step later!

Because when his gods had just touched the soul of Jiang Yun, he immediately felt a horrible force pouring out of it. Not only did he directly shock his own gods, but there was still a little bit of power. I have not entered my body.

After standing in shape, Zong Bai’s face became extremely ugly.

Although I still have a trace of suspicion in looking at Jiang Yun’s eyes, I still believe in most of my heart!

The power to be able to repel yourself is absolutely impossible for Jiang Yun to do. This means that Jiang Yun’s soul does have imprisonment, and it can only be left by a strongman who is stronger than himself!

After a while, Zong Bai suddenly sneered: "You first compare with Zhifei, let me see, these years have not seen, how much has you grown up!"

Dropping this sentence, Zong Bai’s figure returned to its original place, but his words made the hearts of Kong Xuehai, Kong Benchu ​​and Kong Meng finally completely put down.

All these statements are all told by Jiang Yun, let them say so.

And they have never been in the bottom of their hearts. After all, the soul is imprisoned. It sounds illusory, and may be able to pass other people, but it is very likely that it will not be a white.

Now, Zong Bai’s words prove that he has at least believed in more than half.

The reason why Jiang Yun and Guan Zhifei should be compared, the purpose is naturally to see if Jiang Yun can display the power of the Five Elements!

And this, Kong Xuehai, they have not worried!

Everyone around is naturally well-informed, and Zong Bai has confirmed the identity of the hole!

Even some of the monks who were originally invited by the Guanjia, some of them reacted faster, have begun to ponder whether they want to change their attitude towards Guankong.

At this moment, the most angry and helpless is to shut down everyone.

Especially Guan Peng, if the eyes can kill, then it has already killed Jiang Yun thousands of times.

Because he is also clearer than others, if the hole really comes back without injury, then it is likely that he will be reinstated by Zong Bai.

And his son Guan Zhifei, even if he can still be a disciple of Zong Bai, but Zong Bai will never put too much attention on his son.

After all, the qualification of a hole without injury is much higher than that of Guan Zhifei.

At that time, the situation of shutting down the home and the Confucius will happen, and the Guanjia will be down, and the Confucian family will rise again!

Thinking of this, Guan Peng’s voice of murder was given to his son: “Zhi Fei, take out all your strengths, at all costs, you must kill the hole without hurting!”

Not waiting for Guan Zhifei to understand the meaning of his father's words, Jiang Yun, who is standing in front of him, has also said: "Now, you are sure, let me take the shot first!"

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