The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1286: Go to the medicine

The nine avenues have their own ways to expand their strength and expand their territory.

For example, ask Dao Zong and ask for the broad division of the Taoist sect. The five elements of Dao Zong seek qualified disciples, and then include the sectarian family behind the disciples into their own ancestors.

Only the medicinal tract is not used, and it is not needed at all!

The status of the Pharmacist is extremely detached among the thousands of tracts.

Not to mention the other Eight Avenues did not dare to provoke, even if even the Temple of the Temple is also a polite atmosphere.

The reason is naturally the medicine of the medicinal tract!

The medicinal herbs are the must-have for every monk, and they have offended the medicinal tract. It is like exaggerating the words, just like breaking the road of their own cultivation.

Perhaps you have a way to get low-grade medicinal herbs, but high-ranking medicinal herbs, especially several special remedies, are only medicinal tracts!

Therefore, for the Pharmacists, all forces of all sizes must be as good as possible!

Of course, it is impossible for the medicinal sect to take care of the ethnic groups to which all the disciples belong. After all, the number of disciples of the medicinal tract is extremely numerous.

And if you want to truly get the stipulation of the lord Dan Daozi, you can lead your own ethnic group or Zongmen to move into the medicinal tract. Only some of the true pharmacists who have made a great rumor, or who have made great contributions to the sect can enjoy it. To such treatment!

As you can imagine, Dan Daozi directly opened such a condition in Zhao Xianshu, which is really making everyone who knows extremely tempted.

It is not difficult to imagine that at this moment, the forces of all sizes, in the thousands of ways, are looking for suitable refining pharmacists at all costs.

However, in addition to looking for refining pharmacists, there are also many people looking for Jiang Yun!

Within the Five Elements of the Taoist Temple, the four elders gathered together again. Everyone was frowning, his face was gloomy, and he did not speak a word.

Half a month ago, after they reversed the time and saw Jiang Yun and the Firebird, the four people immediately dispersed and launched all the power to find the trace of Jiang Yun.

Originally, when they wanted to come, with their own identity and strength, it was not easy to find out the whereabouts of Jiang Yun.

But they did not even think that Dao had already taken them one step at a time, blocking all the news of Thunder and about Jiang Yun.

Before that, Jiang Yun was only in various prisons. He never lived in the thousands of roads, so they finally only knew through the real Yuan and Guan. Jiang Yun’s name and the identity of the refiner!

Even if you know this, if you want to find Jiang Yun in such a big world, it is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack, so after a long time, they have nothing.

"What should I do now?" The blue woman first opened her mouth and broke the silence.

Tumen smashed his old face and said helplessly: "God knows what to do!"

The other two are silent, and everyone’s heart has a sense of powerlessness.

The beautiful woman went on to say: "If we don't, we will go directly to Wuyang and face her with her!"

The old lady looked at her and said, "If she doesn't admit it, what do you do? Directly?"

"Do you start!" The beautiful woman blinked in the cold: "With the power of the four of us, we will kill her, and then put the sin on her head. Anyway, she is already dead, and there is no evidence of death!"

Tumen shook his head and shook his head: "Water elders, although we all know that you and Wuyang have hatred, but your approach is to declare war with the Taikoo Yaozu, the consequences, but not the four of us can afford!"

The beautiful woman is not convinced: "Is that what she really did? After all, we also saw the flame, the vagueness is a firebird!"

Tumen said: "Change to other people, yes, but if you want to start with a demon, you must have tangible evidence!"

The beautiful woman shrugged her shoulders and said: "Then I have no choice. You think about it. Anyway, when the lord blames it, the four of us are together!"

After a moment of silence, Tumen said from the opening: "I have a way, but can you find this Jiang Yun, or look at luck."

Everyone looked at him and said, "What way!"

Tumen said a name from the mouth: "Bu Yi!"

Bu Yi is also called the **** operator. He is also famous in the thousands of ways.

Because the way he cultivated is different, it is the way to calculate.

Moreover, he was allowed to cultivate to the heavens and the five.

Generally speaking, he does not dare to say that he is counted, but ten times can count nine times.

However, if you want to ask him to make a calculation, it will cost a lot. You need more than just Lingshi and other things, and you may even have to pay for life and soul!

The most important thing is that even if he can't figure it out, what you pay can't be recovered.

After hearing the name, the other three looked at each other and nodded in unanimously. "Well, there is no other way to do it now. You can only go to Bu Yi and try your luck!"


At this moment, in the boundary leading to the medicinal tract, there are two old people walking side by side.

The old man on the left, the head of the scorpion, walked on the side, and a pair of soy-sized eyes turned and whispered, and constantly looked around.

Once he met other monks, his gaze was immediately full of provocation, and seemed to fight with others.

However, other monks are too lazy to have a general knowledge of him. This also makes him quite boring. He touches his own character and speaks to the old man on the right: "The spirit, do you say Jiang Yun will go to the medicinal tract?"

The old man on the right side was holding a cane in his hand and smiled bitterly: "My ancestors, I am not sure about this, but as long as Jiang Daren goes, there will be no other person in this recruiting book!"

Naturally, these two people are the earth and river spirits of the Taikoo Yaozuo!

Originally, they were not interested in Dan Daozi's recruitment of refining pharmacists. However, because of the rewards of Dan Daozi, there was a Jiufeng burning fire, which was of great use to the saints;

The second is that they haven’t had any news about Jiang Yun since they had been away from Jiang Yun’s Thunder Day.

Jiang Yun did not go to any of their 16 ethnic groups. Therefore, after consultation, they decided that they would go to the Pharmacist to see if they could find Jiang Yun.

In order to prevent such accidents from happening again during the Thunder, even the brothers of the Xinghe River, one of the three Taishang tribes of the Gesong family, are secretly following, so this is why the Xinghe River wants to find someone to put on one. the reason.

There is a big brother to support, he still has something to fear!

Hearing the strong confidence in Jiang Yun revealed in the Lingerzi dialect, although Dixinghe admitted that Jiang Yun did bring a lot of shock to himself, but this time he did not believe that Jiang Yun was also on the pharmacy. Can be so outstanding.

However, he did not refute the Star River, because he is used to it. In the heart of the spirit, Jiang Yun is omnipotent.

"That hopes that as you said, Jiang Yun can be seen by Dan Daozi. In this case, when we ask him for the Jiufeng Burning Fire, it will be simpler."


Among them, two of them are also moving toward the medicinal tract.

These two people, one is a woman in red, and the other is a man with a human face.

At this moment, the man said: "Wuyang, are you sure that the awakened people are going to the medicinal tract?"

"The saints said that nature can't be faked!" The woman said that there is a dim sum: "Jin Ge, how do I have a strange feeling, this time, we seem to be able to meet an old friend!"

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