The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1287: God attack

At this moment, Jiang Yun has also left the chaotic road, and also rushed toward the medicinal tract!

However, he did not tell the Confucius family that he would go to the drug sect to bump into luck.

After all, he did not have the full grasp to be recognized by Dan Daozi.

After actually getting out of several prisons, today's Jiang Yun has clearly realized that although Dan Daozi's conditions are extremely demanding, among the thousands of roads, there are hidden dragons and tigers, and the strong ones are like clouds, and the refining pharmacists naturally.

Now I have given Confucius hope that if I can't help them, then the disappointment of Kongjia will be even greater.

Along the way, Jiang Yun no longer has the slightest delay, focusing all the energy on the road.

Only when he has to borrow a transmission array will he enter the realm and ask if there is any news about himself.

But when he had already arrived at the drug path, he still did not hear the slightest news.

This naturally made him realize that I am afraid that the five-way Taoist dynasty really could not find his whereabouts.

In this regard, he has not been too concerned.

He didn't care about the pursuit of the Five Elements, and the only thing he couldn't worry about was the Confucius.

As long as the five elements do not go to the troubles of the Confucius, it is no big deal even if they really reveal their identity.

In this way, after spending nearly a month, Jiang Yun finally came to the medicine road safely!

Although the Pharmacy Doctrine also has its own way, unlike other Taoist days, there is no restriction on the whole road, allowing anyone to enter and leave freely.

However, it is not so easy to enter the world where the Pharmacist Zongzong Gate is now.

No way, because Dan Daozi’s recruitment of the book, the impact is too great, and the number of refining pharmacists who come to try their luck is too much.

If you don't control it, a world may not be able to accommodate these refining pharmacists.

In desperation, the Pharmacists can only temporarily arrange the incoming refining pharmacists in three worlds.

Then every ten days, send the three elders to the first round of screening of these refining pharmacists!

Only through the first round of screening, is it qualified to actually enter the Pharmacist, and then Dan Daozi personally test to determine if you meet the conditions.

As for the family sects behind the refining pharmacists, as well as some people who come to see the excitement, unless they are truly high-ranking and strong, otherwise they are not allowed to enter.

For the arrangement of the Pharmacist, no one disagreed, and each refining pharmacist was immediately placed in the corresponding three worlds after entering the Pharmacy Day.

The same is true of Jiang Yun, which is arranged in a world called Dan furnace road.

The time he came is a little unfortunate. He has just had a round of screening, so he has to wait here for ten days.

However, Jiang Yun is willing to wait.

Because of these worlds under the Pharmacy of the Pharmacy, the vast majority of monks are pursuing the medicinal tract. Therefore, not only are all kinds of medicinal materials planted in the whole world, but there are people everywhere in the alchemy refining, which makes them in the air. They are filled with a touch of scent.

For such a taste, Jiang Yun is naturally very familiar, and has not heard it for a long time, so I am immersed in it, and let him miss the medicine gods of the mountains and seas.

Even in ten days, he did not go to the place where the Pharmacists arranged the place to live, but directly found a place where no one was, quietly alone for ten days.

Of course, he did not idle, taking advantage of this time, he also recalled the knowledge of the pharmacy and adjusted his own state.

Ten days, the blink of an eye, when Jiang Yun came to the test site, it was already full of people.

A large area around the high platform, densely packed with people, and above the high platform, stood a purple robe old man, with a proud color.

This person is called Xiebei, but it is one of the three elders sent by the Pharmacist of the Pharmacy, seven pharmacists, and the Taoist.

"You, the rules, everyone must have known, I will not repeat, but today, we have to change the way of testing!"

"Now, please ask all the refining pharmacists to go to the high platform, let me test everyone!"

When I heard the words of Jiebei, everyone around me couldn’t help but face each other.

Because the refining pharmacists that Dandao is looking for now need to have three conditions at the same time.

Pharmacy rumors, proficient in the power of fire and the power of the soul!

For the first two conditions, in the screening of this first round, it is simply not expected.

The first reason is that if all the tests are done, it is too much trouble;

Secondly, since the pharmacists who dare to try their luck, they must also have certain pharmacy and control power. No one dares to make up for it.

After all, even if you are lucky enough to pass the first round of screening, but when the second round of screening is Dan Daozi personally come out, if Dan Daozi finds you are full of words, then the consequences need not be said.

Therefore, this first round of screening is actually just testing the power of your soul.

And the power of the soul is strong or not, it is the knowledge of God!

The method of testing is also very simple. There are several Dan furnaces placed in different places in the world. All the refining pharmacists spread their surroundings with the gods and reported the number of Dan furnaces in the corresponding positions.

In general, the distance covered by the gods can exceed the limit, even if it is successful!

And the kind of test, in order to prevent some people from cheating, is also carried out separately.

However, now the solution to the North has actually changed the test method, so that everyone can board the platform at the same time, so that everyone is a bit puzzled.

However, everyone naturally did not dare to ask more questions. With the fall of the solution to the North, there were successively figures on the platform.

In a blink of an eye, there are thousands of people gathered on the high platform, and Jiang Yun is naturally in it.

Looking at the people around, Jiang Yun could not help but feel the same again.

This Dan Daozi's Zhao Xianshu has been released for several months, and the refining pharmacists who came to participate have come one after another.

But until now, there are still so many refining pharmacists, and it is conceivable that the number of refining pharmacists in this world is also extremely impressive.

Seeing that people have arrived, Jiebei proudly smiled and said: "Well, now, all of you use God's knowledge to attack me. I will judge the power of your soul according to your knowledge. Strong and weak."

God attack!

When I heard this, some people were at a loss, some people understood, and Jiang Yun belonged to the group of people who were in awe.

Although he is extremely powerful, he never used God's knowledge as a weapon to attack, so it is completely unclear how God knows how to attack.

There are not many refining pharmacists like Jiang Yun. Obviously everyone has never tried this.

Faced with the stunned color on most people's faces, the explanation of the north face is impatient: "The power of the soul is the soul force. Since it is a kind of power, it can naturally be used as a weapon, and this is actually us. An attack method that a refining pharmacist is good at."

"As for the attack method is also very simple, you should have tried the soul search?"

"Even if you haven't searched the soul, how do you attack with Reiki in the weekdays, now you can change the Aura into a god!"

"Well, let's get started now, don't have any scruples, don't hesitate to show your knowledge to attack me!"

After a moment of silence, some people couldn’t help but ask: "Will such a **** attack be injured?"

"Ha ha ha!" Jiebei laughed and said: "There is a natural possibility of injury, but I will try to control the power of God's knowledge and not let you hurt!"

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, quick fix!"

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