The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1296: Complex Danfang

In the middle-aged man's eyes, Jiang Yun clearly felt that his intrinsic power contained a powerful soul, as the sky collapsed and covered his soul.

However, when Jiang Yungang wanted to use the same soul resistance, the soul of the man’s eyes suddenly disappeared.

At this time, the disciple of the drug Taoist sergeant had kneel down against the middle-aged man and pointed his finger at Jiang Yundao: "The sovereign, this is the ancient master brought by the Tibetan elders!"

Obviously, this middle-aged man with extremely powerful soul is the lord of the medicinal tract, Dan Daozi!

Although Jiang Yun does not know the specific strength of the other side, but the strength of the soul alone, the other party is definitely the second only to the existence of the drug god.

Even more than the drug **** who specializes in the practice of Nirvana, Ye Tianshi, surpassed himself!

However, this is also normal!

Being able to become the lord of the Nine Avenues, naturally have their own uniqueness!

However, although the lord of the medicinal lord has a kind smile, but there is a faint sorrow between the eyebrows.

With the opening of this disciple, the eyes of everyone in the temple naturally looked at Jiang Yun immediately, and most of the gaze revealed a few bad intentions.

For these hostile eyes, Jiang Yun did not care.

Peer is a family.

Everyone came to Dan Xianzi's Zhao Xianshu, and every other refining pharmacist appeared, and the opportunity for others to be seen by Dan Dao naturally reduced one point.

Therefore, all the refining pharmacists here are enemies between each other!

Dan Daozi smiled and nodded to Jiang Yun: "The ancient master, I already know what happened inside Dan furnace road."

"This is the fault of my medicinal tract. Therefore, I will give a satisfactory explanation to the Taoist friends later. Now I also ask the Taoist to sit down first!"

This sentence alone makes Jiang Yun’s admiration for Dan Daozi!

The other party is the owner of a sacred medicinal tract, and he is just a monk who is not known.

However, in the face of himself, Dan Daozi’s attitude can be so modest, which is enough to show that he is a man, and he is much stronger than Jiebei.

Despite admiration, Jiang Yun did not say much. After the ceremony, he took a seat and sat down to the seat near the gate.

With Jiang Yun's sitting down, Dan Daozi coughed softly and looked at all humanity: "You, of course, we should wait until all the refining pharmacists arrive and start testing again, but because I am temporarily surprised here. Things, so let's get started right now!"

The voice of Dan Daozi just fell, and immediately there was a voice echoing: "Dan Zongzhu, in fact, should have begun long ago, really should not waste time on some people!"

The talking is the short-haired old man who is arrogant and arrogant, and his disdainful eyes are also sweeping through all the refining pharmacists present!

It is not difficult to see that he is also a refining pharmacist, and he should not be rumored, so he did not put other refining pharmacists in his eyes.

However, except for Jiang Yun, other people obviously know his identity, so despite the heart, no one dares to show it.

Jiang Yun is just like someone who has never heard of it. If you feel good about yourself, you have seen too much.

Dan Daozi smiled slightly: "All of you are from various circles, there is mutual understanding, some strange, but I have already said in my recruiting book, this time I need a refining pharmacist, as long as it can meet my conditions. So, regardless of the origin, regardless of the origin, I will not introduce each other for you."

"Next, I will talk about the test method."

"Everyone knows that every time I test different methods, in order to prevent the public from coming out, someone will come up with a solution to the problem. After all, the world is big, the dragon is lying, and I have to look away."

"And the method of testing everyone this time is very simple. You can use the flames, Danfang and materials that I gave you, and refining a medicinal herb in front of me."

"You don't have to think about whether you can refine it because I will watch the whole process of your refining."

"At that time, if there is something that can satisfy my requirements, it will naturally pass. On the contrary, I can only apologize for letting you run away."

"However, in order to thank you for coming, no matter whether you can stay or not, I will have a gift!"

After listening to Dan Daozi, everyone is not in the face.

As Dan Dao said, the method he tests every time is different. It is not a secret. Many refining pharmacists who have been eliminated before have already spread it.

It was the first time that a medicinal herb was made in front of his face.

After a while, Dan Daozi continued: "Well, if you have no doubts, then we will start now."

Refining medicinal herbs is a common practice for refining pharmacists, so everyone will naturally have no doubts.

So, I saw Dan Daozi’s big sleeves, and a storage ring appeared in front of every refining pharmacist.

"Everything you need to refine your medicinal herbs is in it. If you still need a Dan furnace, I can provide it for you."

Dan furnace is a refining tool that every refining pharmacist must have. In general, the refining pharmacists will have their own Dan furnace, so Dan Daozi will not provide it.

Everyone has grabbed the ring in front of him, and Jiang Yun is no exception.

The gods swept through it and found that there were nine kinds of herbs, three in one, one medicinal, and one jade.

Yu Jian recorded an unknown Dan Fang.

The first thing that everyone saw was the nine herbs, and at first glance, some people frowned.

Because these people, I can't recognize these nine herbs!

At this time, the voice of Dan Daozi sounded again: "These nine herbs are extremely rare. If you have the nine medicines that you can't recognize, please retreat to the side!"

Obviously, this means they have been eliminated!

I don't even know the medicinal herbs, how can I refine the medicinal herbs!

Under the watchful eyes of others, three refining pharmacists stood up and stood up, silently retreating to the side.

Jiang Yun is all aware.

Because of the name of the medicinal materials used in the refining furnace left by Yaoshen, there are nine of them!

At this time, some people couldn't help but ask: "Dan Zongzhu, don't you say that there is still a flame? Why didn't you see it?"

Waiting for Dan Daozi to answer, the short-skinned old man has already preemptively said coldly: "The flame is hidden in the medicinal herbs, and even this can't be seen, it's a good idea to come here!"

Dan Daozi nodded: "Xu Lindao's friend said yes, as long as you crush the medicinal herbs, you can get the flame I gave."

After a pause, Dan Daozi went on to say: "Everyone can rest assured that I am guaranteed by the reputation of the medicinal tract. There is absolutely nothing else in the medicinal medicine except the flame."

"Let's take a closer look at Danfang. Just be prepared, don't tell me, feel free to start!"

With the fall of Dan Daozi's words, everyone along with Jiang Yun immediately felt a thick knowledge of God appearing above his head.

Everyone naturally knows that this is the process of Dan Daozi's gaze to watch his own refining, so he does not pay attention to it. Each of them focuses their attention on the jade.

Because this alchemy is related to whether Dan Dunzi can be seen in the end, everyone is extremely careful about Dan Fang, and each word must be carefully pondered several times.

But gradually, most people's faces are becoming dignified, and even people are already unmanned.

Although there is no description of the name and grade of the medicinal herbs in Danfang, the alchemy methods and procedures described are extremely complicated!

In particular, the mastery of the fire is simply a metamorphosis.

If it is better to use his own flame, Dan Daozi will use the flame he sent.

Naturally, this also makes everyone's eyes look at the medicinal possession of flames!

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