The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1297: Colorless fire

When alchemy is alchemy, the heat is the most critical, and whether the fire can be properly controlled is naturally related to the flame used.

There are many kinds of flames in the world, like the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, etc. The power of each flame is also different.

For the refining pharmacist, getting a good flame will help, but a good flame is not easy to get, so most refiners have only the most common fire.

However, don't underestimate the ordinary fire.

As long as you have enough insight into the fire, you can also let the fire to exert the power of terror.

In short, just like the Dan furnace, every refining pharmacist is also fixed in the flames used in alchemy, so he is very familiar.

If you suddenly change a kind of flame and want to master the fire to master the fire, the difficulty will naturally increase.

In particular, this flame is still sent by Dan Dao!

At this time, everyone has taken the medicinal medicine out and looked at it in his hands.

Although there are three copies of the medicine, it means that everyone has three chances, but at this moment, no one dares to be the first person to start.

They are waiting for other people to crush the medicinal herbs first, so that they can see if there is really only a flame and what kind of flame.

Jiang Yun is also watching the medicinal herbs, and under the slightest indulgence, his fingers forcefully, he heard a "snap", has been the first to crush this medicinal.

This is not because Jiang Yun is very confident, but he believes in Dan Daozi.

With the power of the horrible soul of Dan Daozi, you can easily balance every person present, no need to hide any traps in the drug.

What's more, Jiang Yun knows better that the path of alchemy, except for the conditions that must be possessed, is nothing more than perfection.

Once unsuccessful, then twice, twice unsuccessful, then three times!

Instead of waiting for it here, it is better to start the experiment directly. There are three chances anyway.

Jiang Yun’s move naturally caught the attention of everyone, and immediately looked at Jiang Yun and Jiang Yun’s hands!

However, Jiang Yun has already crushed the medicinal herbs. It is reasonable to say that there should be a flame, but everyone sees it clearly. Jiang Yun’s hands are empty!

However, everyone feels that the temperature in the hall has risen!

As for Jiang Yun’s face, it is a shocking color!

Because, only he can clearly feel that there is already a flame in his hand.

It’s just this flame, it’s colorless and transparent!

The flame without color will make it visible to the naked eye!

Jiang Yun owns several kinds of flames on his own body, and he has also contacted many monks who are pursuing the fire. But he really has never heard of any kind of flame that will be colorless and transparent.

Of course, although the flame is colorless and transparent, it is invisible to the naked eye, but if the knowledge is strong enough, it is able to see the outline of the flame.

At this time, there were also other refining pharmacists who saw the colorless flame in the hands of Jiang Yun with the knowledge of God. Everyone’s face was shocked.

Obviously, like Jiang Yun, no one has ever heard of such a strange flame.

Even if the one is always with a arrogant color, the short-haired old man named Xu Lin is no exception.

At this moment, Dan Daozi’s voice suddenly sounded: “Four, I’m sorry, please retreat to the side!”

When the voice fell, Dan Daozi swung a large sleeve and saw that four reamers who were stunned by the face were directly turned back.

The faint color on their faces is even thicker, and they don't even understand why they were eliminated.

Others understand it, because the knowledge of these four people is not enough to see this colorless flame.

Alchemy has not yet begun, there are already seven refiners to be eliminated, which naturally makes everyone's heart immediately feel a sense of urgency.

Therefore, everyone did not dare to delay, and they took back the look of Jiang Yun, and then crushed the medicinal herbs in their hands.


The sound of flame burning sounded one after another, so that the temperature in the hall suddenly climbed to an extreme, and some of the weaker refining pharmacists were already sweating.

This temperature naturally has no effect on Jiang Yun. He still stares at the colorless transparent flame in his hand, and his brow gradually wrinkles.

Because, despite the flame, he found that he could not control the flame at all!

To control the flame is to use the aura, and you have already imported a large amount of aura into the flame, but this flame has no reaction at all.

It seems that there is a faint will in the flame that does not allow you to manipulate it!

So that Jiang Yun has some doubts, is this Dan Dao deliberately playing and waiting for himself.

I gave myself a flame, but I couldn’t control it at all. How to make a remedy!

However, Dan Daozi, who is laughing and not talking, knows that there is a special way to control this flame!

Other refining pharmacists have also discovered this problem one after another, all of which are frowning and unclear.

After a while, Xu Lin finally burst into a screaming voice: "Haha, I understand!"

When the voice fell, I heard a loud bang, and in front of him, a white Dan furnace appeared.

The Dan furnace is crystal-clear, and the inside of the furnace can be clearly seen from the outside, and there is a faint chill on the Dan furnace, which makes the temperature of the hot hall greatly reduced.

Dan Daozi also smiled and nodded, while using the voice that everyone could hear: "Snow fairy furnace, which is made of snow-capped snow, has a spirit inside, hence the name Xuexian."

"I have been admiring for a long time. I didn't expect to see it today. I really deserved my name!"

Lian Dan Daozi gave such a high evaluation of this furnace, it is not difficult to see that this furnace is inevitably extremely precious!

Xu Lin was smug, haha ​​smiled: "Dan Zongzhu won the prize, although I am a good snow fairy furnace, but if compared with Dan Zong's Dan furnace, it must be inferior."

Dan Daozi once again smiled and said: "Xu Daoyou also invited and slowly refining the system. Since the Taoist friend has already understood the first one, it will be troublesome for the Taoist friends to explain to other Taoist friends!"

As soon as I heard this, Xu Lin’s face was more smug: “Dan Zong’s main opening, Xu is naturally willing to serve.”

After that, Xu Lin swept through all the other refining pharmacists who were present with a strong disdainful eyes: "If it wasn't for Dan Zong's main opening, you should not want to control this flame in your life."

Although everyone's heart is extremely embarrassed about Xu Lin's ridicule, but there is no way, they and others do not know how to control the flame, so they can only lose their smiles and wait for Xu Lin to continue to say.

However, Xu Lin still did not hesitate to explain, pointing his finger at the crowd: "Actually, I suggest you not to leave!"

"Because even if I tell you how to control this flame, you can't refine the medicine."

Just then, there was another sound that sounded: "If you want to control this flame, you should need to fuse this fire with your own flame, or say, surrender!"

The person who speaks is naturally Jiang Yun!

And he still looks at the colorless flame in his hand at the moment, as if he was just talking to himself.

However, what he said was clearly introduced into the ears of everyone, so that everyone is exposed to the gloom.

Only Xu Lin’s face suddenly sinks, his eyes revealing fierce light, and he looks at Jiang Yun with a bad look.

Because of Jiang Yun’s move, it is clearly a counterattack against himself.

But when Xu Lin wanted to attack, Dan Daozi had already smiled and said: "I didn't expect the ancient Taoist friends to discover it!"

"Yes, as the old friend said, this fire is a bit weird, you have to surrender it to control."

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