The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1306: A bunch of keys

The reason why Jiang Yun was able to achieve today's achievements on the medicinal tract, although it is related to the inheritance of the drug god, but the root cause is because the grandfather Jiang Wanli laid a solid foundation for him!

Since Jiang Yun began to understand things, he was told by his grandfather that he could not cultivate. Therefore, all his energy was used to study refining.

The first thing to do with refining is to identify the medicine!

Among the 100,000 mountains, there are countless kinds of medicinal materials, and Jiang Wanli will also take out the medicinal materials that are not found in the mountains.

At that time, Jiang Yun did not know, and now naturally understand that those herbs are from other worlds, so the herbs he identified are extremely complicated.

What's more, Jiang Yun's later inheritance of the drug god, the drug **** also left a lot of records about the medicine.

Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that the amount of medicine that Jiang Yun knows and understands is definitely not lost to any refining pharmacist.

Even if compared with Dan Daozi, it will not be too inferior.

However, at this moment, the more than 20 kinds of herbs placed in front of him, Jiang Yun even did not even know one.

I can imagine that the shock in his heart is big.

After looking straight at the medicinal materials for a while, Jiang Yun looked up and said to Dan Daozi: "Dan senior, can I have a look?"

Dan Dao nodded and said: "You can do it at will!"

Jiang Yun reached out and picked up a red grass shaped like a flame. After the gods explored it, his face suddenly changed again, and he looked up at Dan Daozi.

Dan Daozi’s face showed a bitter smile: “I can guarantee with personality. Among these herbs, I have not moved any hands!”

Despite the positive answer from Dan Daozi, Jiang Yun is still a little unbelievable, muttering: "This, how is it possible!"

Because of the red grass in the hands of Jiang Yun, there are seventeen different kinds of medicinal properties.

What makes Jiang Yun more shocked is that these medicinal properties are like living things. They can not only actively avoid the knowledge of Jiang Yun, but also can quickly merge with each other, thus becoming a completely different medicine.

You should know that a medicinal material does have a variety of medicinal properties, but the most basic point is that these medicinal properties are fixed!

This is a recognized rule for all refiners!

However, the red grass that Jiang Yun is holding now is completely subverting this criterion.

Jiang Yun’s eyes looked at other medicines: “Is it all the same?”

Dan Dao nodded: "Yes!"

Jiang Yun did not give up and picked up a flower of nine petals. The gods went deep into it and couldn't help but **** again.

There are more than thirty kinds of medicinal properties in it!

Now, Jiang Yun can finally understand why Dan Daozi had to make such a hand in the nine medicines for everyone.

Obviously, Dan Daozi’s medicinal herbs for refining medicinal herbs should be in front of them.

The medicinal properties of these herbs are extremely complicated, and with the addition of more complex changes, it is difficult for any refining pharmacist to integrate these herbs. Therefore, Dan Daozi needs someone to help.

This person must first have a strong soul power so that he can perceive all the medicinal properties contained in each medicinal material.

Secondly, the pharmacy is not too weak.

Although Jiang Yun does not know what Dan Daozi wants to refine, but through these herbs can not guess, the level of medicinal herbs must be extremely high.

In the end, the power of fire has become secondary.

However, Dan Daozi clearly knows that Jiang Yun’s thoughts are the same: “You can try to burn these herbs!”

In the heart of Jiang Yun’s heart, the fire of life emerged directly, and the flower of the nine petals in his hand was wrapped up. Looking at the burning of the flame, Jiang Yun’s face was ugly.

Because of the burning of his own powerful fire, this nine-petal flower did not show any signs of melting.

Jiang Yun looked up at Dan Daozi: "The fire of colorless?"

“Not bad!” Dan Daozi nodded. “These herbs can only be burnt with a colorless fire.”

"Now you understand, they contain too much medicinal properties, even if it is me, one can't guarantee that they will blend together in perfect condition."

"You also know that as long as there is a slight mistake in the whole process, there will be a frying furnace, which will be a failure."

“So, when I'm mixing the liquid, I need someone to help me, as you did last time, to isolate the various medicinal properties so that they can complete the fusion.”

"Although your knowledge is strong enough, since you have cultivated the technique of Nirvana, and I have enough colorless fire here, it should be enough for your life to complete a nirvana."

"After Nirvana, not only will your knowledge become stronger, but you will be more proficient in controlling the colorless fire, and perhaps help me burn these herbs."

When the voice fell, Dan Daozi waved again, and in front of Jiang Yun, there was a pile of herbs.

Watching these have been put together in different categories, but at least a bunch of medicinal herbs that are half-person high, Jiang Yun can not help but take a breath.

Because this class has clearly increased the number of herbs, it still does not know!

"There are a total of ninety-nine of these herbs, and each one requires a lot. Although I can burn them with one person, I will have to wait at least half a year to complete this first step. ""

"With the more complicated fusion liquid, even if everything goes well, it will take at least a year for Cheng Dan!"

"Although this time is not really long, but the sooner it can be completed, the better is naturally, so if you have your help, you should be able to shorten the time by one-third or even more!"

So far, Jiang Yun has finally understood the purpose of Dan Daozi.

Indeed, if all these ninety-nine herbs are piled together, they can pile up a hill.

So many herbs can only be burned with a colorless fire.

If you change to yourself, don't say half a year, two or three years may not be able to complete the first step.

Although I understand it, Jiang Yun did not immediately respond, but fell into meditation.

To be honest, in his opinion, even with his own help, the possibility of finally being able to refine the drug is negligible. After all, the time is too long and the medicine is too much.

Seeing that Jiang Yun is silent, Dan Daozi naturally knows that he is thinking about it. Hehe hesitated: "I know that I may say that this may seem a bit small."

"But as long as the friends can help each other, then no matter what the final result is, not only do all the rewards listed in the Zhao Xian book are given to the Taoist friends, but if there are other conditions, as long as I can do it. I definitely don't say no words!"

Dan Daozi is tempting!

No way, he is really anxious to refine the medicinal herbs needed. Now it’s hard to find the conditions that are completely in line with his own conditions, and even beyond, Jiang Yun, of course, let Jiang Yun agree. .

Jiang Yunwei said: "Since Dan's predecessors are open and honest, then I will tell the truth. In fact, the rewards of Dan's predecessors, apart from allowing my own ethnic group to move into the nobles, I have no interest in other things."


Dan Daozi couldn't help but glimpse a little, and he did not hesitate to make a **** meal in order to refine this kind of remedy.

The rewards, especially the several medicinal herbs in it, even if the heavens and the five robbers will break the scalp, Jiang Yun is not interested.

"I don't know what the Taoist needs?"

Jiang Yun looked up and fixedly looked at Dan Daozi: "What I need most is a key!"


Dan Daozi once again saw it, but then the face suddenly changed: "How do you know the key?"

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