The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1307: Give you a chance

Obviously, Dan Daozi knows what key Jiang Yun wants!

Although this key is not worth mentioning for the Pharmacist, it is not the Pharmacy!

If you lose this key, the consequences will be very serious.

Seeing the reaction of Dan Daozi, Jiang Yun’s heart is secretly relieved!

Although Xiao Letian told Jiang Yun that the world of the world and the key, Jiang Yun has no real evidence.

After all, that is only the guess of Xiao Letian.

Moreover, it has been a long time now, and Jiang Yun is worried that there will be a change in the future.

For example, the world has disappeared, or Dao Zun has taken the key from the Nine Avenues.

Even, Xiao Letian’s guess will not be wrong at all!

At this moment, Dan Daozi’s reaction can finally prove that Xiao Letian’s guess is not wrong.

Since the hands of the Pharmacist are still in the hands of the world, the other eight avenues should be the same.

Jiang Yunzheng said: "As for how I know this key, it is not difficult to guess the identity of Dan's predecessors. After all, Dan's predecessors knew that I had practiced the practice of Nirvana."

Dan Daozi stared at Jiang Yun deeply, and spit out two words in his mouth: "The Soul!"

“Not bad!” Jiang Yun tried hard and said: “I need a key to save some friends and elders.”

Dan Daozi was still silent, but he finally shook his head and said: "Sorry, old friends, even if you want me to be a drug, I can give you, but this key is really not good."

Jiang Yunyi gnawed his teeth: "Dan's predecessors, I can do all the other rewards, as long as this key, because I want to save people, is extremely important to me, so I hope that Dan's predecessors will be perfect."

Dan Daozi sighed: "Daoyou, since you can know the key, you should also know what the key means for our nine avenues."

"If you give the key to you, it doesn't matter to me personally, but my medicinal sect, no, is that all the creatures of my entire Pharmacy Day may have terrible consequences, so I can't give it to you. ”

Jiang Yun naturally understands, but of course he will not give up, and suddenly he lowered his voice: "Predecessors, if you put the key somewhere, but someone broke into it and forcibly took the key, then I think about the medicine. As for Dao Zong, should there be any serious consequences?"

When I heard Jiang Yun’s words, Dan Dao’s eyes suddenly flashed a cold light, but then he suddenly laughed and said: “Gui Jiang, Gu Jiang, you are the first to tell me in front of me. The person who wants to grab my things, your courage is really not small!"

Jiang Yun smiled bitterly: "My courage is not big, but I have no other way. I have to save my friends and elders."

"Please complete the predecessors, as long as the seniors tell me where the keys are placed, even if I can't get them in the end, I will never mention this matter again."

"Of course, even if the seniors refused to tell me, the things of alchemy, I will do my best to help!"

Jiang Yun’s only dependence is alchemy, and he does not want to use this to make a slogan, so he said this.

Dan Daozi smirked and smiled. After watching Jiang Yun for a long while, he nodded slightly. "However, this method you said can work. Although I lose the key, I will be responsible, but at least I will not be involved." ”

As soon as Dan Daozi changed his tone, Jiang Yun suddenly smiled and stood up, respectfully bowing to Dan Daozi.

Dan Daozi received this worship from Jiang Yun, closed his eyes and immediately slammed openly: "Well, I will give you a chance!"

"But, in order to minimize the responsibility of my medicinal tract, the defense of the place where I put the key is bound to be extremely strict. If you can grab it, you will see your ability!"

"And I can't tell you now. After the end of the refining of the medicinal herbs, I am the same sentence. I will tell you no matter what the medicinal herbs will eventually become."

Jiang Yun once again hugged a fist: "Thank you!"

"Well, do you have any other requirements?"

Of course, Jiang Yun has other requirements, but the request for the key has already brought Dan Daozi’s troubles.

Jiang Yun is not an insatiable person, so hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said: "No!"

"Is it really gone?"

Dan Daozi’s face showed a smile like a smile: “In fact, I haven’t given you any benefit so far, even if I promise you the key, you still haven’t got it.”

"I don't want you to end up empty-handed, so, what are the requirements, even though!"

Dan Daozi can't see that Jiang Yun actually has requirements, but it is hard to tell.

And I also hope that Jiang Yun can really help himself, so let him all say it, it is also selling his personal feelings!

"In this case, the younger generation is not welcome!"

Jiang Yun's big sleeve waved, and two people appeared in front of Dan Daozi, all of them were unconscious, naturally it was Mu Shaofeng and Xue Qing.

"Predecessors, these two people, can you save?"

Dan Daozi did not answer, and the gods have already swept the two.

After Mu Shaofeng’s body only stayed in the interest rate, he moved to Xueqing.

Seeing Xue Qing, Dan Daozi's complexion could not help but change slightly. Even the five auras spread on the fingertips, gently placed in the clear eyebrows of Xueqing, constantly trembled slightly.

Jiang Yun is also hanging around with his heart waiting.

Although he is sure to go to the horizon to find medicine, but if Dan Dao can now wake up Xue Qing, then naturally best!

After a quarter of an hour, Dan Daozi regained his aura, and after sinking for a while, he pointed his finger at Mu Shaofeng: "He was destroyed by Dantian and wanted to regenerate it. Although it was a little trouble, I can Do it."

"As for her!"

Dan Daozi looked at Xue Qing and shook his head. "She is poisonous in her soul. To poison, at least first understand what poison it is, so we must break her soul."

"But once the soul is broken, the poison will burst out immediately, filling her whole soul."

"So, no one other than the poisoned person can solve the poison at all!"

"Of course, this is just my opinion. Maybe there are other high-ranking people in the world who have a way."

Looking at the snowy and sunny, Jiang Yun’s heart sighed.

Although he had some hope for Dan Daozi, this result is also in his expectation. After all, he himself knows the situation of Xueqing, indeed, as Dan Dao said.

"Thank you for Dan's predecessors, then trouble the older generation to save my brother!"

Jiang Yun carefully sent Snow Qing back to the top of the black cloud. Dan Daozi nodded. "I need to send him to the warm pool and raise his Dantian with the pool water."

"it is good!"

Dan Daozi raised his hand and waved, and the body of Mu Shaofeng immediately flew up on his own and fell into a small pond not far away.

In fact, Jiang Yun has long seen this pond, which has always been covered with a faint mist, knowing that it is similar to the medicinal bath that he had when he was a child. It is full of various medicinal properties.

I just didn't expect the medicinal properties in it to warm up Dantian.

"Do you still have a request?"


Dan Dao nodded and said: "Now I will provide you with enough colorless fire to let your life devour, complete Nirvana, how long does it take you?"

Jiang Yun said with a deep heart: "If you are fast, you should be able to finish it in half a day. If you are slow, it will be enough for two or three days."

"it is good!"

Dan Daozi suddenly looked up and said: "Yes, I still have one thing to forget."

"what's up?"

"From now on, everything you see, you are not allowed to tell anyone!"

"This is no problem naturally!"

Jiang Yunxin knows that Dan Daozi needs refining medicinal herbs and certainly does not want outsiders to know, so he promised.

However, what he didn't expect was that Dan Daozi raised his hand and glanced at it. In front of himself and Dan Daozi, there appeared a... figure!

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