The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1309: Too easy

Among the five elements, Huo Kejin, the gold elders are particularly sensitive to the power of fire.

In the place where Jiang Yun and the fire had been fighting for thousands of nights, he also noticed the power of fire left there.

When I heard the elders of Kim, the southern part of Tibet, which was not far away, looked at the cold direction in the direction: "There is the land where the sovereigns live. The sovereigns should now refine the medicinal herbs. The power of fire is naturally strong. ”

"Why, do you suspect that the lord of my medicinal tract is the one you are looking for?"

Although this is the sarcasm of southern Tibet, it is true that the refining pharmacists are basically good at the power of fire.

Tumen shook his head and smiled and said: "Don't dare, we just talked about it."

After that, Tumen went from a self-care to a refining pharmacist.

It seems that he is looking at the other side with his knowledge, but in the dark he has voiced to the blue woman: "The elders of the water, trouble you to inquire about the origin of the ancient ginger!"

The blue-dressed woman said with a slight sigh: "Why, do you suspect him?"

Tumen said: "I don't doubt, Xu Lin is skeptical!"

"I just asked Xu Lin. There are many refining pharmacists in this world, but there are not many people who can surpass him."

"Before today, he had never heard of the name of the ancient ginger. The other party was like a spurt out of the air, but the conditions in the pharmacy were better than him, so he suspected that the **** was changed. Looks and hides the true identity."

"Now, the elders of Kim have sensed the power of fire in the residence of Dan Daozi. There are not only Dan Daozi, but also Gu Jiang, so in any case, this ancient **** is suspect."

"And, Gu Jiang, Jiang Yun, these two names are also somewhat similar, so you should check it out, not even if it is really him, is not a lot of things saved!"

The blue-dressed woman frowned and said: "Since he changed his face and hide his identity, how can I check?"

"He came from the Dan furnace road. There, someone must have seen him. You have to search for the soul. If you use other methods, you should be able to find some clues about him."

Although the blue woman still feels that the reason for Tumen is too far-fetched, but they are here to check everybody, so they turned and left.

Tumen once again looked at Dan Daozi’s direction of living and said to himself: “Gui Jiang, hope is you!”



At this moment, Dan Daozi looked at Jiang Yun with a dull gaze, and his face was extremely shocked!

Because he clearly saw that the herbs next to Jiang Yun’s body were like a stream of water, constantly rushing toward the colorless fire in front of Jiang Yun.

Once in the fire, it will be burned to liquid almost immediately, and the speed is so fast that Dandao feels like being in a dream.

Although this colorless fire is not an ordinary flame, it is a flame that even he does not know the origin.

However, with his rumors in the pharmacy, and his own powerful strength, using this colorless fire to burn these medicinal herbs, even if it is only one plant, it takes a short time.

However, Jiang Yun uses a colorless fire, which is obviously much higher than the power of him.

Therefore, these herbs, which should have been extremely difficult to burn, have become ordinary medicines in the cloudless fire of Jiang Yun.

At this moment, Jiang Yun is also a brow with a brow, and he looks at Dan Daozi with an incomprehensible color.

Although Dan Daozi just said that these herbs are easy to burn, it is too easy.

As soon as he was indulging, Jiang Yun said: "Dan's predecessor, why don't you try some medicine for me?"

"it is good!"

Dan Daozi said nothing, throwing a batch of the most difficult to burn herbs to Jiang Yun.

As a result, although Jiang Yun spent a lot of time, but compared to Dan Daozi, it is faster than knowing how many times.

Especially a piece of animal bone shaped like an axe, Dan Daozi remembers that it took him three days to burn it into a liquid, and in the cloudless fire of Jiang Yun, there is only a 30-day time. !

"This, what the **** is going on? It won't, is this the benefit of Nirvana?"

Dan Daozi only feels that his head is big. When he is in his current realm, he rarely encounters things that he does not understand. However, at this moment, he is above the best refining medicine, but he has encountered something that he cannot understand at all!

However, this is a good thing!

With the burning speed of Jiang Yun, at least the time for refining the medicinal herbs is greatly saved.

Seeing that the herbs next to Jiang Yun are disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and when more and more liquids are condensed in the air, Dan Daozi finally returns to the gods: "The ancient friend, that, the medicine will trouble you. Burned, I will spread the liquids first and give you a shot."

When I said this, Dan Daozi’s face was slightly red.

The purpose of looking for Jiang Yun himself is to let him be a helper for himself, but now the situation is reversed, and the lord of his own medicinal Taoist sect has actually started to fight for Jiang Yun.

However, now he can't take care of it. When the big sleeves are waved again and again, they see that the liquid medicine has been dispersed according to their respective attributes.

Next, Dan Daozi simply stopped burning the herbs, but watched Jiang Yun on the sidelines.

Although the speed of Jiang Yunzhuo burning liquid is almost the same, but because the quantity of medicinal materials is too much, it took a full day to finally burn all the medicinal materials into liquid.

Looking at the ninety-nine groups that were suspended above the sky, the size of the liquid was in the size of the liquid, and the faces of Jiang Yun and Dan Daozi became dignified.

Because the next liquid medicine fusion is the most difficult!

Jiang Yun asked: "Dan's predecessors, the volume of these liquids has become larger, so when they merge with each other, will the medicinal properties that are produced will multiply?"

If that's the case, Jiang Yun thinks that this refining can be abandoned directly.

At least a dozen new medicinal properties can be produced under the fusion of a small amount of liquid medicine, so the medicinal properties produced by so many chemical liquid fusions are unimaginable.

"That won't, I have tried it myself!"

Dan Daozi shook his head and said: "We take a little and put it in my Dan furnace. Then I will slow down the speed of the liquid medicine fusion. You and I are responsible for a kind of liquid medicine, try it."

"it is good!"

Jiang Yun’s eye of the gods appeared again, and the area actually increased.

The knowledge of Dan Daozi is also emerging, and it is also a shape that condenses into a flame!

Based on this, Jiang Yun’s evaluation of Dan Daozi can not help but improve a lot.

Dan Daozi once again took a deep look at Jiang Yundao: "Begin!"

Jiang Yun tried hard.

Dan Daozi reached out and lifted two pieces of liquid in the air, and each of them split a group of about the size of the palm. It fell into the Dan furnace and slowly touched it together.


At this moment, Dan Daozi’s palms were printed and decided to gently pat the two groups of liquid.

With the palm of Dan Dao's hand, Jiang Yun suddenly felt that within the Dan furnace, the speed of the two groups of liquid medicine suddenly slowed down.

"This is the power of time!"

This scene, let Jiang Yun can not help but tremble.

Although the name of the Nine Avenues, Jiang Yun was already a slap in the face, but he really did not know how strong the patriarchs of the avenues were.

Today, in the body of the medicinal lord, Jiang Yun can finally perceive one or two.

Dan Daozi, the soul is powerful, the gods are morphological, and they even master the rules of time.

At this moment, Dan Dao suddenly sang a high voice: "Gui Jiang, prepare!"

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