The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1310: Good start

Hearing the violent drink of Dan Daozi, Jiang Yun hurriedly recovered from the shock, and the eyes of the gods condensed and looked at the liquid medicine that he was responsible for.

At this time, the two groups of liquid have already touched together.

When Jiang Yun was testing, the frying furnace appeared here twice, so that now his heart is really a little shadow, worried that he still can not capture all the medicine.

Fortunately, with the nirvana of its own life, the power of Jiang Yun’s soul is also enhanced.

In addition, Dan Daozi has slowed down the time by at least doubled. Therefore, at the moment when the two liquids have just touched, Jiang Yun has clearly seen that there are 21 more medicinal properties.

After seeing it, Jiang Yun naturally did not dare to neglect. Under the fingers, twenty-one auras rushed out, and they immediately separated the liquids.

At the same time, Dan Daozi has also completed the isolation.

So, both of them held their breath and watched the two groups of liquids slowly blend together until they finally merged together.


Although this is just two slap-sized liquids, the faces of Jiang Yun and Dan Daozi are all showing joy.

Although the process of the past is short-lived, even in the eyes of outsiders, perhaps there is no clue, but only Jiang Yun and Dan Daozi know that the fusion of the moment can be said to be thrilling.

Only two people have missed a drug, or have not isolated all the drugs in time, then the two groups will directly blast.

Dan Daozi smiled slightly: "The old friends are not very old, but the gods and the aura are strong, which makes me open my eyes!"

"Dan's predecessors have won the prize!"

A good start makes both of them feel good.

After watching each other and smiling, Dan Daozi continued to separate the liquid medicine suspended in the air and throw it into the Dan furnace.

At the beginning, Dan Daozi's liquid medicine area was not large, but as the two people cooperated more and more tacitly, the speed of the shot was getting faster and faster, and the area of ​​the liquid medicine that was separated was naturally larger. .

In this way, when it is another day, two herbs have been completely integrated.

Although there are still 97 herbs left, as long as you follow this speed, you can complete the fusion of the medicines in up to two months.

This is much faster than the original estimate of Dandao!

Naturally, this also allowed Dan Daozi to finally see some hope, so that the worries between the eyebrows were dissipated a lot, and the smile was full of Jiang Yundao: "Is the old friend, do you want to take a break?"

Although the process of each liquid medicine fusion is very short, Jiang Yun and Dan Daozi always need to maintain a high concentration of spirit and precise control of the aura, so they consume the power and aura of the soul, and even affect the mind.

Dan Daozi is worried that Jiang Yun can't hold on. If there is a little slack, it will probably lead to failure.

Anyway, now that time is sufficient, he does not mind letting Jiang Yun rest and rest, so that he will always maintain his peak.

However, Jiang Yun refused the good intentions of Dan Daozi: "No!"

Dan Daozi does not know that Jiang Yun's patience is excellent, and the power of the soul and the manipulation of the aura have been experienced.

Not to mention that only one day, even if all the medicines are all integrated, his mind is also relaxed.

Moreover, Jiang Yun also found that although the whole process is a bit boring, but this is also an exercise for his own knowledge and aura.

Especially when the gods are highly concentrated, Jiang Yun feels that he may be able to use this opportunity to further expand his knowledge.

Dan Daozi smiled slightly: "Then we will continue!"


"This **** is indeed a bit suspicious!"

While Jiang Yun and Dan Daozi continued to refine their medicines, the blue-dressed woman who went to the Danshaodao area had already re-entered with Tumen from others, and directly threw out a piece of jade: "Let's see for yourself!"

Tumen found an excuse from the three people, avoiding the southern part of Tibet, and after shredding the jade slips, it was the process of Jiang Yun and Jiebei.

Naturally, this is the blue woman who was found in the soul of other monks who were present at the time.

The three people looked very carefully. After reading it, the oldest old man frowned. "What is suspicious?"

"It can only be seen that the knowledge of the ancient **** is indeed strong, and that the whip seems to be able to specifically target others."

"In addition, he did not show his own cultivation as a realm. Where is there anything suspicious?"

However, Tumen has been slowly saying: "It is indeed suspicious!"

"You found that there is no such thing as this ancient ginger, but it is not difficult to hear from the words of Jiebei. His true strength should be no different from that of North."

"The strength is not strong, but dare to fearlessly provoke the solution to the North, and even to solve the North, this shows that he must have other reliance on his body."

The old man still frowned. "His dependence is to let Jiebei suddenly not move, and then take out the whip and hurt the northern spirit. This is nothing wrong!"

Tumen followed from the following: "Wood elders, if you change to be you, just have a whip and a technique or a tool that can make your opponent unable to move, do you dare to shoot Dan Daozi?"

The old man thought for a moment and shook his head and said, "Don't dare!"

Tumen nodded hard and said: "This is it, so I think there should be other reliance on his body!"

"And this reliance, so that he can completely fear the strength of people beyond him, for example, fire for thousands of nights!"

The old man finally showed his sorrow: "You mean, that fire demon!"

Tumen smiled and smiled: "These are just my guesses, but in any case, this **** is really suspicious."

The blue woman frowned: "What do we do now? He is with Dan Dao, we can't just grab him directly?"

Dan Daozi allowed them to look for murderers in the Pharmacists, and they have given them a big face.

If they dared to break into the residence of Dan Daozi and arrest people, I am afraid that even the lords of the Five Elements can't save them!

Tumen said from the sinking: "I just asked Xu Lin, Xu Lin said, if Dan Daozi is really refining medicine, it will definitely take a short time, so now we will continue to look for other things here. People, also sent people to check the bottom of this ancient ginger."

"Before the end of the Dan Daozi refining, this **** will not leave for the time being."

"After the completion of Dandaozi refining, I think we should get the exact news too!"

"At the time, it's just grabbing, not just letting go!"

When the Tumen passed, the three men nodded.

The blue-dressed woman thought about it and then asked: "If it is really ginger, then we have to shoot him, will Dandao be able to stop it?"

"Should not!" Tumen shook his head and said: "Gui Jiang is not a medicinal sect, and Dan Daozi certainly does not know each other. He is only qualified for Dan Daozi."

"If it is true that he killed the fire for thousands of nights, Dan Daozi will certainly not shelter him."

"After all, it is extremely unwise to offend our five-way Taoist sect for an irrelevant person."

"In short, as long as you can confirm that the **** is the murderer, then no one dares to cover him in this world!"

The blue-dressed woman suddenly smiled slightly: "I don't care what you think, but in my opinion, Gu Jiang is Jiang Yun, the killer who killed the fire for thousands of nights!"

Tumen never understood: "Why are you so sure?"

In the eyes of the beautiful woman, the color of greed is revealed: "Because he is the sage recruited by Dan Dao, then all the rewards in Zhao Xianshu are owned by him!"

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