The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1331: Fire purgatory

Jin Ge!

Hearing this name, Jiang Yun’s face could not help but reveal a trace of memories.

Road demon Jin Ge!

Like Wuyang, in the clear and turbid wasteland, there is also the spirit of Jin Ge, and it has completed its own golden hole!

The words of Wu Xingzi made Wu Yang’s eyes stunned slightly. She knew that the other party did not lie to herself, and her own communication jade could not be sent out.

And if Jin Ge can't come in time, then don't talk about protecting Jiang Yun today, I am afraid that even myself may fall here.

However, her face still has no expression of the slightest expression: "The five elements, some of his men do not know my origin, but you, will not know?"

The five elements are faint: "Of course you know, you are a saint!"

Holy family!

These two words make Tumen a slight glimpse from the four people and Jiang Yun, they have never heard of any saints.

Wuyang masked the frosty road: "Since you know that I am a saint, the consequences of killing me, can you afford it?"

The five elements smiled and said: "Can you afford it? It is my business, you don't need to worry about it!"

"Not to mention, I have told you that I have completely blocked this seam. Except for my four elders, you will all die, so no one will know that I killed you!"

"Your holy people are powerful, but without any evidence, they will not be killed by us, regardless of your death!"

After listening to the words of the Five Elements, Wuyang’s heart could not help but move: “Are you coming for me today?”

This problem is also a common doubt in the hearts of people in the workplace, even if the Tumen is from four people.

They are puzzled by why their sovereigns are here.

If the five elements are for Jiang Yun, then it is a bit of a fuss.

Although the four of them had just followed Jiang Yun’s way, they could at least kill Jiang Yun.

But if it is for Wuyang, how can he know that Wuyang will appear?

The five elements simply said: "You can say that!"

"When the fire died thousands of nights, the first person I thought of was also you. Even I personally went to your residence. The result just happened to see you and Jin Ge leave."

"That makes me wonder if there is anything that will allow you to leave with Jin Ge, so I will be behind you."

"I didn't want to kill you, but you also know that the relationship between the saints and us is always not very harmonious."

"Especially the strength of your saints can't be underestimated, so now that you have such a great opportunity to kill you, I certainly can't miss it."

When I heard this, everyone finally realized it.

The five elements were originally intended to capture the murderer who killed the fire for thousands of nights, but after accidentally hitting it, it was followed by Wuyang and Jin Ge and has been tracked here.

At the moment, the most depressing one is Wuyang, and behind him and Jin Getangtang, behind the two demon, followed by a five-way, the two of them did not even notice.

So that now they have been forced into a desperate situation by a few of them.

If you die, you don’t need to bring them to the stars, such as Xinghe and Jiang Yun. This makes Wuyang look at the three people behind him.

The surface of the Earth Star River is sluggish, and the body of the Earth Spirit is slightly trembling. Only Jiang Yun is still calm.

Jiang Yun was almost dead, so although the result is still dying, he has nothing to fear.

It’s just that Jiang Yun’s heart is also worried. He doesn’t know the strength of the Five Elements, and whether he has found the sneak sneak hidden in nothingness.

If not, it is naturally best, but if it is discovered by him, then Xueqing will also be able to escape.

Wuyang sighed in his heart and said to the three people: "You, I will try to entangle them as much as possible. If you can find the chance to escape, then go immediately, don't hesitate!"

In the face of five elements of the Five Elements, which is equivalent to facing the strong people of five humanities in the same way, Wuyang is still not worthy of self-protection, and may be distracted to protect them.

The Earth Star River finally recovered, and slammed his old face with force: "Mom, I really want to die. I knew that I should listen to my older brother’s words. I will work harder on cultivation. If I can become a demon, You can be trapped by them!"

"In the next life, if there is still a next life, then I swear, I must be a demon to practice hard!"

At this time, the Five Elements is followed by the words of Xinghe: "Do not worry, you will not have another life, I will let you fear and scatter, and you will disappear!"

"Well, I have said everything. Now, I will send you on the road!"


With the order of the five elements, he himself swaggered in the first big sleeve, and immediately appeared five different five elements in his body, condensed into a five-color palm, and went straight to Wuyang.

As the lord of the Five Elements, although the Five Elements only take one of the five lines to achieve the Avenue, it is naturally also the power of the Five Elements.

With the five elements of the shot, Tumen did not dare to neglect from the four people, immediately rushed toward Jiang Yun and Di Xinghe three.

In the face of the attack of the Five Elements, Wuyang's face was condensed, and his body shape suddenly exploded again. It turned into a flamingo of a size of a thousand feet. Between the wings, there were countless fire feathers madly coming out. The lines of the fire were all attacked by five people, including the five elements.

Obviously, at this time, Wuyang also thought about creating opportunities for escape to the Earth Star River.

And Jiang Yun looked at the traces of the sky, suddenly bite a bite: "Wuyang predecessors, can you integrate your lines into my body?"


Jiang Yun’s words made Wuyang confused.

His own lines represent the power of the avenue, and the power is so great, but Jiang Yun has to let the lines into his body, which is simply looking for death!

"The Wuyang predecessors, now I have no time to explain, I may have a way!"

Jiang Yun’s reopening made Wuyang finally hesitate, and his wings swayed, and there were hundreds of lines that rushed to Jiang Yun.

Although Wuyang has controlled the power of the lines as much as possible, the lines of the lines still make the blazing flames on the body of Jiang Yun.

Fortunately, Jiang Yun’s fire hole is originated from Wuyang, so these lines will not kill him, but it will only make him extremely painful.

This scene, naturally let others see is dumbfounded, who can not understand how Wuyang will turn the spearhead and attack Jiang Yun.

"Wuyang predecessors, fight for me for some time!"

Although Wuyang still does not understand what Jiang Yun is going to do, but now, she feels that she only has to listen to Jiang Yun’s words.

Therefore, Wuyang no longer retains its own strength, and all of them are rushed to launch, and they open their own mouths, sucking hard, and swallowing all five elements of the Five Elements into their own mouths.

With the strength of Wuyang, it is impossible to kill the five elements of the five elements now, but it is only possible to trap them for a while.

Of course, this time will not be too long.

"Jiang Yun, no matter what you want to do, you better hurry, I can't hold on for too long!"

The five people in Wuyang’s belly are already in a world of fire.

Although there are endless flames burning around them, these flames are a crazy figure.

Everyone shadows under the flame, not only madly approaching the five people, but also screams of sorrow and pain, as if they are suffering a lot of suffering, which makes a desperate atmosphere here!

This is the Tao of Wuyang, the purgatory of fire!

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