The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1332: Secret of the saint

Although he was in the purgatory of fire, the face of the Five Elements was not changed in the slightest. He calmly confronted the Tumen from the four humanities: "These figures are the true fire power, and you can make up for it. The power of the avenue is not the opponent of this fire."

While speaking, there is a mark of the same shape as a drop of water in the eyebrows of the five elements.

This is the road to the achievements of the Five Elements, the way of water!

As the imprint emerged, it turned into a real drop of water, swaying slightly, giving off a circle of ripples.

Among these shackles, there are four other avenues that represent the four lines.

However, these four imprints are illusory.

Obviously not the real avenue.

The five kinds of imprints were connected end to end, forming a circular wheel, like a five-line road that was extremely harmless. After zooming in several times, he and his Tumen were all covered up from four people.

Under the ring of the runner, despite the fire, but the flames of the people can not get close to them.

As for the screams, they are also isolated, just as they are in different spaces.

This allowed Tumen to breathe a sigh of relief from the four people. Today, if not the five elements come, the four of them will eventually be able to complete the task, but they will inevitably have to pay a very painful price.

Looking at the flame figures around, Tumen asked from the puzzled: "The Sovereign, this Wuyang seems to be just trapping us, delaying time, is it difficult for her to have other helpers to come?"

The five elements are still faint: "In order to trap us, her power consumption will be extremely large."

"She is willing to delay the time, let her delay, in the end, perhaps we do not have to shoot, she will become extremely weak because of the exhaustion of the power."

"As for help!" Wu Xingzi sneered aloud: "Since I dare to kill her, it is naturally full of confidence, even if she really has a helping hand, it is impossible to break my seal!"

The words of the five elements naturally let the four people completely let go of their hearts. The blue woman asked incomprehensibly: "Right, the sovereign, what is the saint?"

“Why have we never heard of it before? Is it a kind of Taikoo Yaozu?”

The Five Elements shook his head and said: "You just say the opposite! The Holy Family, although it is also a Yaozu, is above all the Yaozu including the Taikoo Yaozu!"

"Specific what is the saint, in fact, I am not very clear."

"Because everything about the saints is secret, even how many people there are in them, who the patriarchs are, where they are, no one knows."

"I only know that the strongest person who walks outside the saint is revered as a saint. It is very strong, natural, and no one has seen his true face. Even if he is standing by you and me, we cannot recognize it. ""

"In addition, the saints are not born innate, and many of them are a member of the saints through the cultivation of the day after tomorrow, or by chance, awakening the blood of the so-called saints."

"And once a group of people wake up, the saints will know, and will send people to pick up, in order to protect their own people."

"This time Wuyang and Jin Ge's joint venture was dispatched. According to my guess, it is very likely to attract new people."

Hearing here, Tumen has been stunned from the four people, the incredible color of his face!

A newly awakened ethnic group, even need two demon to personally go to pick up, this behavior is really too extravagant!

However, it can be seen from this that the saints really attach great importance to each of their own people.

Tumon couldn’t help but ask again: "Then they received the tribe?"

“I don’t know!” Wu Xingzi shook his head and said: “But it should be no. It is estimated that Jin Ge is waiting for the wake of the tribe in the Pharmacy Day, and Wuyang is here for Jiang Yun.”

"In short, the strength of the saints is extremely powerful, and even some strong people believe that the saints are the most powerful ethnic group in this world."

"Although this statement is not necessarily true, even Dao Zun adults are indeed somewhat jealous of the saints."

"As for why you don't know, the reason is very simple. The saints almost never ask the world. Even if the outside world is turned upside down, they will not allow their own people to get involved."

"It is said that even if it was the battle of the nine races that changed the situation of the heavens and the earth that year, the saints not only did not participate in it, but also ordered all the Taikoo Yaozu not to be involved in the war and not to help any party."

"If the saints appeared in the same year and stood on the side of the nine people, then the result of that war is really hard to say!"

The words of the five elements made Tumen look at each other from the four people, and they all saw the shock and dignity from the other's eyes.

As the elders of the five elements, they are already very high in identity and know the secrets that many ordinary monks do not know.

But with regard to everything about the saints, they have never heard even a little bit of news.

Tumen hesitated from the hesitation, and asked carefully: "The lord, then we killed this Wuyang this time, if it is known by the saints..."

Since the saints are so powerful and so terrible, they attach such importance to their own people. If they are aware of the consequences of killing Wuyang, they will not be able to imagine Tumen.

This question made the Five Elements silence for a while before saying: "There are some things that should not be told to you, but since they have met today, and this piece of heaven and earth will not take long, it may be chaotic, so let me first disclose a little. Let's go!"

While talking, the five elements swept the four people coldly, especially after the blue-dressed woman finally said: "It is also to let you know, don't look at everything all day, think that your strength is strong now. It is."

"In this world, there are hidden dragons and tigers, some real powerhouses, don't say you, even I have to look up!"

"I can't say more, I can only tell you, someone is going down for you, even for me!"

"This time killing Wuyang is also a test of the attitude of the saints!"

The words of the Five Elements are here, and the shock of Tumen from the heart of the four people is no longer described in words.

They naturally understand that killing Wuyang is actually not a decision of the Five Elements, but someone is instructing the Five Elements to do it.

And the people who can instruct the five elements are not in this world, at least under their understanding.

The biggest possibility is the Taoist adult!

Dao Zun adults want to see the attitude of the saints through the death of Wuyang. Is it still not involved in any disputes as before, or will it be truly born!

Such a big secret made the four people really dare not ask any more questions, and they fell into silence.

The five elements are naturally no longer open, and the eyes are watching the fire purgatory outside.

It was only a moment later that he once again said: "The power of Wuyang is almost exhausted. You are ready. I will deal with Wuyang personally, but you will solve the other three people."

"However, that Jiang Yun, I want to live!"


At the same time, Wuyang also looked at Jiang Yun, and there was a hint of anxiety in his tone: "Jiang Yun, how long do you still need, I will be unable to trap them!"

Until now, Wuyang did not know what Jiang Yun was going to do.

She can only see that at this moment, the burning flame of Jiang Yun’s body is about to disappear. It feels like Jiang Yun has swallowed these flames with his body.


For Wuyang, Jiang Yun simply responded to two words, and his entire attention was focused on the scars of his body!

The reason why Jiang Yun wants Wuyang to use the pattern to attack himself, the purpose is naturally to continue to break the scars that make up the reincarnation seal, so that he can borrow the power of the sorcerer again!

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