The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1333: Four figures

For today's game, although Jiang Yun has a mortal heart, but what he is worried about at the moment is that the five elements will find himself hiding in the void of emptiness!

Once the squadron falls into the hands of the five elements, the snow and the firebirds inside, even the Leimu, they will have life and worry, and this is the result that Jiang Yun absolutely does not want to see.

However, this piece of seams has been completely blocked by the five elements. With the power of Wuyang, it is impossible to break through the blockade. Therefore, Jiang Yun thought of this method after seeing the pattern of the fire that Wuyang released.

He borrowed the power to destroy the magic image, not to kill the five elements, but to break the blockade of this seam!

Although the power of the eternal demon is strong, but when it faced the blue woman, it only ruined her body. Therefore, at the same time, facing the five elements of the five elements at the same time, it is not a threat.

Even if you can kill one of them, you and Wuyang and others are equally difficult to escape the end of death, so it is better to use the power of the sorcerer to break the blockade!

Once the blockade is broken, not only Wuyang can inform Jin Ge not far from here, but if the firebird wakes up, they can take it out with Xueqing.

What's more, if the scars on your body are broken a few times, you can still have the power of the Chiang Kai-shek, so that you can compete with the five elements.

When the tenth is over, Wuyang’s eyes flashed in the cold: “Jiang Yun!”

She is about to reach the limit. After all, she is trapped by a strong man who is equivalent to five humanities.

"Okay!" Jiang Yun’s eyes also revealed Han Mang Road: "Wuyang predecessors, I will borrow a force later to try to break the blockade of the five elements for this seam!"

"Once the blockade here is broken, you have to bother you to take the opportunity to inform King Ge!"

Jiang Yun’s words made Wuyang a little unbelievable.

Because she knows the strength of the blockade under the five elements, even if she can't break it with her full attack, Jiang Yun can use the borrowed power to break open.

But now, she can only choose to believe in Jiang Yun.

"I hope that the power you borrowed is strong enough. At that time, I will immediately inform King Ge. As long as he can come, with the power of me and him, maybe let us have the possibility to leave here alive!"

"But if you borrow enough power, then we can only wait to die!"

Jiang Yun suddenly took a deep breath: "Come on!"

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun’s body was covered with magic lines, and the King Kong demon appeared again behind him, slamming his fist above him.


In the huge roar, this seam was shaken wildly, and under such a fierce sway, there was a huge vortex on the top!

For Jiang Yun, Wuyang was still a little unbelievable.

Although they are rare in the earth, they do not say that Jiang Yun has the power of the nine ethnic groups. At this moment, he sees the magic lines on Jiang Yun’s body and the diamond statue behind him. Wuyang naturally knows and brings She is not a small accident.

In addition, feeling the horror of the whirlpool, she finally believed a little.

Because the breath in the whirlpool is definitely not weaker than myself, even stronger than myself, perhaps it is really able to break the blockade of the five elements for this seam!

Thinking of this, Wuyang’s spirit is also a vibration!

Jiang Yun’s voice also sounded again: “Sorry, Wuyang predecessors, maybe we still need to stick to it for a while, but you can release them, I will drag the Tumen door from four people!”

Even if it succeeds in motivating the power of the sorcerer, it will take some time to let the power of the geek really come here.

"it is good!"

Although Wuyang is still a little unbelief, with Jiang Yun’s power, how could it be possible to drag the Tumen from the four people, but her morality is really about to run out, so she promised a while, opened her mouth and spit out a A huge fireball.


The fireball blasted directly, and five people from the five elements who were unharmed!

"what is that?"

After the five people came out, they saw the vortex that appeared above at first sight. Tumen couldn’t help but wonder.

The face of the blue woman suddenly changed. For this whirlpool, she was so impressed that even though there were companions and sovereigns at the moment, her voice still shook with some trepidation: "My flesh is A black finger sticking out of the vortex is easily crushed into nothingness."

This sentence, let the Tumen look from one of the three people for one.

Only the five elements looked at the whirlpool, and there was a cold light in the eyes: "That is the power of the Mozu, don't worry about it, kill them all first!"

When the voice fell, his figure swayed and he rushed to Wuyang, and Tumen rushed to Jiang Yun from the four.

Before they approached, Jiang Yun’s unfinished King Kong Golem, once again, slammed into four people, including four incomparable fists.


Accompanied by four loud noises, Tumen’s body shape from the front of the four people was unable to move forward by the force of this punch, and had to stop at the same place.

The blue woman screamed again: "He just used this power to shake me back. I suspect that there are quite a few strengths left by him in his body!"

"Hey!" Daddy sneered and said: "This Jiang Yun, his own strength is not very good, there is a lot of bottoming on his body."

"However, let alone the strength left by the strong, even if he really has three or four strong people in his body, today is sure to die!"

At the same time, Wuyang and the Five Elements are also hit together.

The true strength of Wuyang was originally inferior to the Five Elements. It just took a lot of effort to trap them. Therefore, facing the Five Elements at the moment, it is not an opponent at all.

The two had just seen each other, Wuyang had already been beaten with blood, and the figure fell back.

Looking up at the vortex above the rotation speed began to slow down, Wuyang suddenly reached out to his own eyebrows, the flame imprint on it burned, the original weak faint exuding from the body, suddenly madly skyrocketing.


By burning the avenue imprint, you can improve your strength in a short time!

The five elements are cold and cold: "Hey, even if you burned your avenue, it is not my opponent!"

With the burning of the avenue, Wuyang also opened his mouth and screamed in the sky.

And as its humming sounds, from this emptiness, there is a cry again!

In this humming sound, I saw another huge firebird violently tearing the void, and rushed directly to the sky.


In the loud noise of the sky, Wu Yang and Jiang Yun clearly saw that there was a crack in the cracks around them, and there was a sound coming from the crack.

"How, I said Wuyang will definitely cooperate with us!"

"This **** seal must have been left by the old guy of the Five Elements. It must also be combined with the power of the Five Elements to break open!"

"Don't worry, Wuyang is not contributing!"

"Okay, the seal has broken, brothers, don't let Wuyang wait too long!"

There are four different voices in total, and in the eyes of Wuyang and others, there are also four different huge figures!

A demon man with a human face, dressed in gold, is like gold;

A vast expanse of black earth, looking at it, it is boundless;

a tall, green tree with no foliage;

A constant flow of blue water, the light inside it flashes like a life.

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