The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1363: a thin gift

With the fall of Jiang Yun’s voice, the door opened and the two people came in from outside. It was Wang Yuanzhong and Zhan Qiu!

For the sudden appearance of these two people, Jiang Yun’s heart was a little unexpected, but his face was not revealed.

Especially when his eyes saw Zhan Qiuzhi, he immediately recognized it. This person was the person who had previously been invisible in the corner of the Wangjia Hall. The piece of printed debris should be owned by him!

Even among the few gods that have previously focused on themselves and Jiao Jiao, two of them have far more knowledge than others, and naturally they are two of them.

Jiang Yun’s expressionless expression: “Wang Daoyou, you two are coming, what is it?”

Wang Yuanzhong’s face was full of smiles. He first held a fist in front of Jiang Yun’s hand, and then reached out to Zhan Qiu’s side. “I’m disturbing my friend. This is my good friend, Zhan Qiu. We do have something to do. Come."

"Right, I haven't asked the Taoist to honor my name!"

"Jiang Yun!"

Jiang Yun did not care to report his real name, nodded to Zhan Qiu, but his eyes were quietly sweeping through the whispering black air in the other's eyebrows, and the heart passed a trace of doubt.

Because of this black gas, I have a feeling of deja vu.

Zhan Qiu is also a smile, but also a fist to say: "It turned out to be Jiang Daoyou, under the Zen Qiu, listen to Wang Xiong, the Taoist friend wants to meet me, so come to see the Taoist friends!"

Wang Yuanzhong laughed happily: "The black stone was what he took out for auction."

"When Jiang Daoyou proposed to see him, because he was not with me at the time, I refused to make my own claim."

"After Zhan brothers came back, I heard that this incident will blame me a bit. This is not, I will take him to see the Taoist friends, and I hope that Jiang Daoyou will not blame."

For the two people singing and singing, Jiang Yun could not help but sneer.

Although I still don't know what the two men are going to do for themselves, they don't appear when they play against Jiaozuo, but they only wait until now...

Moreover, the attitude of these two people is also too polite!

You must know that today, you have revealed the true realm of God bless four, and these two people are real and powerful. In fact, their own identity can not enter their eyes.

However, they not only visited in person, but also looked polite, which made it easy for them to guess. The two men came to find themselves, I am afraid there is something to do, and I need to help myself.

Jiang Yun said faintly: "In fact, there is nothing. I was wondering where the black stone of Zhan Daoyou was, but now I am not interested in knowing it."

Waiting for the two to open, Jiang Yun continued: "So, if there is anything wrong with the two, just say it out!"

"Haha, well, Jiang Daoyou is really a quick talk!" Wang Yuanzhong laughed and said: "In this case, we will not circle, Zhan brother, it is better to tell you personally!"

"Good!" Zhan Qiu nodded. "We just witnessed the fight between Jiang Daoyou and Jiao Yu. I knew that Jiang Daoyou turned out to be a refining demon, so I came here specially and wanted Jiang Daoyou to help me!"

"Of course, I will not let the Taoist friends take it out, so we have prepared a gift for the Taoist friend."

"Although the anxiety has completely disappeared from this world, it is not the Taoist personally started, but after all, the sword spirit has returned to the Taoist friend."

"And, there are so many people who have witnessed this incident. When someone accidentally says it out, it will naturally be inevitable that Jiang Daoyou will be implicated."

"Therefore, the more I bothered, the more I solved these problems for my friends!"

When the voice fell, Zhan Qiu suddenly raised his hand and saw that in front of Jiang Yun, 19 **** heads suddenly emerged!

Looking at these people's heads, Jiang Yun's pupil can not help but shrink slightly.

Because of the appearance of these people, they are no strangers, just tonight, I have just seen them!

Naturally, these nineteen heads are the monks who had previously ambushed around the king's house and had a heart for Jiang Yun.

Although they finally gave up the blasphemy against Jiang Yun and turned and left, they died in the hands of Wang Yuanzhong and Zhan Qiu!

Indeed, when they are alive, it is very likely that they will spread the cause of the death of Jiaozuo. At that time, the same door and friends of Jiaozuo will certainly come to Jiang Yun to take revenge.

In order to avoid this kind of thing, Jiang Yun is also ready to leave the Cangxi Road, and quickly go to the demon road.

However, I did not expect that they are all dead now!

After Jiang Yun’s eyes swept over these people’s heads, he re-visited Wang Yuanzhong and Zhan Qiu, and suddenly smiled: “There are two laborers. However, is there still two people missing?”

Wang Yuanzhong also always pays attention to Jiang Yun’s expression, hoping to judge Jiang Yun’s thought through the change of Jiang Yun’s expression.

However, the words Jiang Yun said now, but the two can not help but change.

Of course, they understand the meaning of Jiang Yun's words. The two people who are few are the two of them!

Waiting for the two to answer, Jiang Yun has already converged a smile, coldly said: "With two people missing, it will inevitably make me think that you are threatening Jiang!"

Seeing that Jiang Yun killed the people who were anxious, now that Wang Yuanzhong and Zhan Qiu are left, then no matter what they come to find themselves, if they don't agree, they can completely announce the truth.

Even, it is possible to plant all the deaths of these nineteen people on their own.

After all, the Wang family is a native of this region. It is quite prestigious. If they really insist that Jiang Yun is the murderer, no one will doubt it.

Jiang Yun’s words allowed Wang Yuanzhong and Zhan Qiu to look at each other and raised the same thought in their hearts. This Jiang Yun is definitely not simple!

Because Jiang Yun guessed the whole pair, they are so planning.

However, they did not expect that Jiang Yun could think of so many things while seeing the human head, so it is not difficult to see that Jiang Yun’s mind is extremely meticulous!

However, they are also a bit puzzled.

Jiang Yunming knows that he is not good-willed, but he is prepared, but still so calm, it is difficult, he has the strength to compete against himself?

After losing the soul of the lock and the sacrifice of the Nine Sacrifice, Jiang Yun really has no way to fight against the strong people in the Taoist world. However, the five lines of Wuyang’s Taoist singer gave him a pattern, but he was given another one. A strong card.

Don't say that Wang Yuanzhong is only a Taoist world. Even if it is a heaven and a man, the cloud will have confidence to compete, so he will not fear the two.

After the two thoughts changed at the same time, Zhan Qiu haha ​​smiled: "Jiang Daoyou is really blaming us. We really just want to solve some trouble for our friends."

"Since the Taoist friends don't like it, then I will change the gift. This is a small meaning, not a tribute, but also a friend."

While speaking, Zhan Qiu has handed over a storage bag. Jiang Yun did not reach out and take it, but the cold road: "Zhan Daoyou still said clearly, what is the need for Jiang to help!"

Zhan Qiu smiled and said: "I want to ask Jiang Daoyou to see if I can confess my demon!"

Jiang Yun’s gaze once again looked at the black air of Zhan Qiu’s heart.

After a fixed gaze for a while, Jiang Yun’s brow slowly wrinkled and said: “This black gas is a demon?”

For this black gas, although Jiang Yun has a sense of deja vu, but can not remember how and when he has seen it in the end, but did not feel the slightest demon in the black gas.

Zhan Qiu put the storage bag in his hand directly on the table, and smiled bitterly: "In fact, I don't know what it is, so, Jiang Daoyou, I can see it at a glance!"

When the voice fell, Zhan Qiu stretched out his two index fingers, and once again deeply inserted into his eyebrows, pulled out this black and hard!

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