The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1364: Express emotion

Looking at the black shadow that entangled on the **** of Zhan Qiu, Jiang Yun’s eyes suddenly lit up!

In the view of Zhan Qiu and Wang Yuanzhong, it is believed that Jiang Yun must be shocked, but they will never know that Jiang Yun’s heart is indeed shocked at the moment, but more is a surprise!

Even Jiang Yun’s heart silently shouted out a name, a name that he took – Jiang Ying!

When Jiang Yun left the clear and turbid wilderness and returned to the mountains and seas, he encountered a strange shadow in the body of the ghostly beast!

What kind of shadows these creatures are, Jiang Yun also said that they are not clear, they can only be roughly guessed, they are some kind of parasite-like existence born in the body of the ghost spirit.

They are shadows, vary in size, have no facial features, have no limbs, can change their shape, and can also make people fall into illusions without knowing it.

Because the bodies of the beasts are like the seams, most of them are dark, and these shadows are hidden in the darkness, completely integrated with the darkness.

If unsuspecting people are placed in that environment, it is impossible to discover the existence of these shadows, and then waiting for them is to be drawn into the illusion by the shadow.

That was the case with Jiang Yun, but he not only discovered these shadows in time, but also saw fragments of different sizes in the shadows.

Even a shadow has escaped into the debris of Jiang Yun’s body.

This shadow is different from other shadows because it gave birth to wisdom!

Therefore, Jiang Yun, who was only half-baked in the demon sorcerer, was bold enough to help it open the Nine Miles, help it become a real demon, and gave it the name of Jiang Ying!

Along with these past experiences, the light in the eyes of Jiang Yun gradually converges. Looking at the shadow of the shadow that wraps around the finger of Zhan Qiu, it is a little more soft.

Because, this black shadow is exactly the kind of shadow from the body of the ghost spirit!

This is why Jiang Yun feels familiar when he sees that it was black.

"Jiang Daoyou, this thing is not a demon in the end, can you deal with it?"

At this time, the voice of Zhan Qiu sounded.

He saw that Jiang Yun was just staring at the black shadow. He couldn’t move and didn’t talk. He couldn’t help it.

Jiang Yun regained his gaze and looked at Zhan Qiu with a quiet look.

So far, Jiang Yun already knows that Zhan Qiu, like the old man, went through the tower and entered the body of the ghostly beast.

And his piece of printed debris, there is a great possibility, is to take out from this shadow body that is rooted in his eyebrows!

Although Jiang Yun can not be sure that in addition to Jiang Ying, other shadows are not demon, but at least he can be sure that refining magic has a role in these shadows!

However, he deliberately frowned slightly: "I don't know exactly what it is. After all, I saw this kind of thing for the first time, so I can only try it first."

Zhan Qiu said with a little head: "Well, Jiang Daoyou can let go!"

Zhan Qiu is fed up with this shadow.

Although the existence of the shadow has no effect on him, there is always a shadow in the body that does not know what it is, and this shadow is gradually growing together with his own organs. It is not a comfortable thing, so he I sincerely hope that Jiang Yun can have a way to deal with this shadow.

Jiang Yunwei sank, raised his hand and drew a demon print, gently tapped into the shadow of the body.

At the same time, Jiang Yun’s knowledge is also heard in the shadow body: “I don’t know if you can understand me, but I want to tell you that I am not malicious to you.”

"You can trust me completely, because I know one of your kind, he is called Jiang Ying, I don't know if you have heard of it!"

With the fall of Jiang Yun’s words, Jiang Yun immediately felt that the shadow body had shivered slightly.

Although no sound was emitted, Jiang Yun miraculously felt a fear and reverence from the shadows.

This made Jiang Yun suddenly realize that this shadow, although it can not be said that the spirit has been born, but it is the last step, at least it knows to express its own emotions.

Moreover, the object of fear and reverence of these two emotions can be explained, it should know Jiang Ying!

This discovery naturally makes Jiang Yun happy, and continues to use the gods to say: "You don't have to be afraid, I won't take you out of this person's body, only temporarily suppress you. In the future, I will definitely find a chance to release you. !"

Jiang Yun actually has a way to extract this shadow directly from the body of Zhan Qiu, but Zhan Qiu’s previous action of hiding his head and the act of killing the 19 monks without hesitation and Wang Yuanzhong did not hesitate. It is not difficult for Jiang Yun to judge that they are also ruthless.

And leaving this shadow in the body of Zhan Qiu is at least a check and balance, and maybe one day, I can still use this shadow.

The shadow clearly understood the meaning of Jiang Yun, and it gradually calmed down and no longer twisted.

This scene naturally made Jane’s face suddenly show ecstasy.

I tried countless ways. As soon as I touched this shadow, the shadow would be madly twisted. Now Jiang Yun just made a fingerprint and even let the shadow calm down, which made him see hope.

However, Jiang Yun took back his palm and shook his head. "This shadow is not a demon. Therefore, my refining technique has effect on it, but the effect is not great."

"If you do more than a few times, you may have the opportunity to take it out of Zhan Daoyou's body."

Having said that, Jiang Yun closed his mouth.

Originally, Jiang Yun thought that the two men came to find themselves, just to remove the shadow, but now that they know that the shadows are from the body of the ghostly beast, they naturally understand that they must still ask for their own.

Sure enough, after hearing Jiang Yun’s words, Zhan Qiu and Wang Yuanzhong looked at each other and nodded. Afterwards, Zhan Qiu re-entered the shadow back to his eyebrows.

This time, the shadow not only did not move, but with the recovery of Zhan Qiu's wounds, the shadow disappeared without a trace, and even the black gas did not appear.

This discovery also made Zhan Qiu more determined his own thoughts. The body exuded and completely enveloped the whole room: "Jiang Daoyou, have you heard of the weird building?"

Seeing the practice of Zhan Qiu, Jiang Yun knew that he had guessed it, and he sneered in his heart, but his face had no expression: "I have heard it!"

Zhan Qiu continued: "The news of the strange building that has been circulated in this period of time, must have heard of Jiang Daoyou?"

"Yes!" Jiang Yun brows slightly wrinkled: "But the demon lord is not saying that this is something that is out of nothing?"

"Hey!" Zhan Qiuxiao smiled: "That is his fear that there will be a large number of monks pouring into the demon day. I tell Jiang Daoyou the truth, this is not a rumor, but a fact."

"Even, the reason why this weird building appeared is exactly what I caused!"


Jiang Yun’s face showed a surprised expression, but his heart suddenly understood why the appearance of the tower was different from his own experience.

Seeing Jiang Yun’s reaction, Zhan Qiu’s face was proudly said: “I don’t care, my brother and I entered this weird building 40 or 50 years ago, and these years have been there. It was not until just over three months ago that I just left!"

"The reason why I left because I want to find a few friends and go into the weird building again, because there are a lot of treasures and creations in it!"

“Is there any interest in Jiang Daoyou, go with us?”

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