The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1369: Soothing Jiang Yun

Wang Yuanzhong’s voice fell, facing the fingers of the man’s stab, not hiding or flashing, and the breath of the whole body soared again, and he directly grabbed his hand and grabbed it toward the other’s fingers.

With his strength, he has to deal with a Taoist monk in the district, and does not bother to use any spells.

When Wang Yuanzhong’s palm was about to touch the young man’s finger, the man’s mouth turned out to be mad.

"With you, I have not taught me to be a man!"

However, with the madness of the words, there is a sudden redness at the fingertips!

That is a sword of blood!

Seeing this sword, Wang Yuanzhong’s face suddenly changed, and Jiang Yun’s eyes suddenly condensed!

At this moment, whether it is Wang Yuanzhong or Jiang Yun, they have already guessed the origin of this young man named Song Yue, who is a bit too arrogant!


One of the nine avenues!

Nine Avenues, in this world, is the behemoth next to the Temple of the Tao.

Every Taoist has its own uniqueness.

For example, the medicine of the medicinal tract, the array of the dynasty.

And Jianzong, the Taoist who is not named after the Tao, the number of disciples within it can be said to be the least among the nine avenues.

But if you think that the sword is weak, then it is a big mistake.

Jianzong is the most powerful sect of the attack!

Naturally, this is also related to the sword repair in the Zongmen.

In addition, the style of the sword is also extremely arrogant.

Because their lords have said that all the disciples and disciples are going to be like swords, and they will never turn forward.

Therefore, at this moment, I saw the scent of the young man’s fingertips, and then contacted the man’s arrogant behavior. Naturally, it was not difficult for Jiang Yun and Wang Yuanzhong to guess that the other party was from Jianzong.

Although Jiang Yun still doesn't know why Jianzong's disciples will find their own troubles, but knowing that Song Yue is from Jianzong, it is a thought that flashed in his heart.

"If you can take advantage of the opportunity of the Jianzong disciple, you can get the key of the sword."

Compared with Jiang Yun, who still remembers the key of Jianzong, Wang Yuanzhong has become a difficult situation to ride the tiger.

Indeed, this area is the site of his king's family, and even the entire Cangxi road, the words of his own Wang family, have done a certain amount of things.

But this depends on who compares with!

Compared with other forces of all sizes, the Wang family is not afraid, but if compared with the Nine Avenues, the Wang family is simply an ant!

As long as the Nine Avenues are willing, the Wang family can be easily crushed to death, and no one even dares to mention the Wang family to ask for love.

Therefore, all the thoughts that Wang Yuanzhong had previously decided in his mind have all become a bubble at this moment.

To give him great courage, he did not dare to shoot this Song Yue again.

Now, his heart really hates Jiang Yun.

If you know that Jiang Yun is a disciple of Jianzong, then if you kill yourself, you can't make this head for him.

But at this moment, looking at the **** long sword that is about to pierce his palm, Wang Yuanzhong can only bite his teeth, and the palms are not recycled at all, but the strength of most of the palms is removed.

Hearing the sound of "噗", this **** long sword pierced Wang Yuanzhong’s palm and passed through.

This scene naturally makes the onlookers who are still unaware of Song Yue’s identity stunned.

No one believes that Wang Yuanzhong, the ancestor of the Wang family, was smashed by a young boy with a sword.

Only Jiang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly, and his face showed a hint of ridicule. He already understood the purpose of Wang Yuanzhong.

Wang Yuanzhong also refused to pay attention to the reaction of the people below, but rushed to the Song Yuedao with a voice: "Song Daoyou, do not know this sword, can you dissipate?"

"If you still feel uneasy, then Wang will let you stab a few more swords!"

Although Song Yue’s character is indeed arrogant and overbearing, at this moment, Wang Yuanzhong’s voice can’t help but glimpse a little, and the brain can’t turn around at once.

The time when Wang Yuanzhong did not give him a response at all was already followed: "Song Daoyou should come for a monk called Jiang Yun!"

Song Yue nodded with doubts.

"Song Daoyou, please come with me, I have a sentimental message about this Jiang Yun thing!"

When the voice fell, Wang Yuanzhong suddenly waved his sleeves, and with a gust of wind, he and Song Yue’s figure had disappeared from the sky.

Naturally, this makes the audience more confused, and does not understand what is going on.

Only Jiang Yun continued to pick up the wine glass in front of him, waiting for the sound of Wang Yuanzhong or Zhan Qiu.

Because Jiang Yun knows well, Wang Yuanzhong does not dare to offend Song Yue, then there are only two ways before them.

One is to hand over to Song Yue directly, but in this way, it is impossible for them to enter the tower with them.

The other way is to still protect yourself, but you must first find a reason to deceive Song Yue, and let yourself owe them a big favor.

When Jiang Yun wanted to come, Wang Yuanzhong was more likely to choose the second road.

Because they need to refine their identity as a demon!

Sure enough, just after the interest rate, Jiang Yun’s ear rang with Zhan Qiu with a hint of blame: “Jiang Daoyou, you can be a miserable thing this time.”

"You should have told us that the person who wants to kill you is a disciple of Jianzong!"

Jiang Yun’s face suddenly turned cold, and the cold road said: “Does Zhan Daoyou suspect that I was deliberately concealing?”

"Even if you don't know that Song Yue is a man of Jianzong, how can I know?"

"Not to mention, I have never thought about asking you to take the lead for me. I don't want to hurt you. You have made me believe in you again and again."

"Why, now I know the identity of the other party, I dare not provoke it, so I will scatter the gas on Jiang's body!"

"Look like it, you think that Jiang is better than the Song Yue bully!"

"In this case, you told me that Song Yue, I am waiting for him outside the Cangxi Road!"

After that, Jiang Yun immediately stood up, and the voice of Zhan Qiu hurriedly rang again: "Jiang Daoyou, anger, anger, we don't mean this!"

"Since we promised to help you settle this matter, it is natural to say it."

"Just, the forces of Jianzong are too big. We can only think of a compromise. So, can the Taoist friends be wronged now, first go back to the inn to avoid a moment, wait for us to send this Song Yue away, you Come out again."

If this time really let Jiang Yun go, then Zhan Qiu and Wang Yuanzhong can lose their wife and lose their soldiers, so the two are now a stable Song Yue, a steady Jiang Yun, no matter how to avoid Let Jiang Yun and Song Yue meet.

"Dodge?" Jiang Yun smiled coldly: "Why should I hide from him? What about the Jianzong disciples? Do you think that Jiang is not his opponent? Or, in that sentence, I am waiting for him in the seam!"

Although Jiang Yun did not put Song Yue in his heart, he knew that now is the best chance to leave the Cangxi Road.

In other times, with the help of the looting and the power of looting, once they are discovered by two people, then the two will inevitably chase themselves at all costs.

Although Jiang Yun is not afraid, but Zhan Qiu is proficient in the power of space, and in the face of the pursuit of the two strong Taiwanese, even if Jiang Yun can finally get rid of, it must pay some price.

At this moment, at least one of them must be accompanied by Song Yue, so it is the best time to leave at this time.

Zhan Qiu continued to comfort Jiang Yundao: "Wang Daoyou, why do you have to be angry with a kid? This Song Yue is a disciple of Jianzong, but he is only a foreign disciple, and he is not angry with him."

"It's better than this. When our brothers first entered the quirky building, they recorded their own experiences. You are free now, go back to the inn and have some preparations."

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