The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1370: Extinction

Although Jiang Yun knows that this is Zhan Qiu trying to stabilize himself, this sentence really makes him curious.

Although I have also entered the body of the ghostly beast, I have experienced two worlds, but I don’t know much about the specific situation in the world.

Since the Zhan Qiu brothers recorded their experiences in the spirited beasts, they could take the opportunity to see where they had been.

The only indulge, Jiang Yun deliberately sighed with a cold sigh, pretending to be reluctant to say: "Well, since this is the case, look at your face of Zhan Daoyou, I will not compare with this Song Yue I will go back to the inn now!"

"Well, I immediately sent someone to send the things to the inn!"

With Jiang Yun's promise, Zhan Qiu, who is in the Wang family, finally took a long breath.

But then, his face showed a sly color.

"Damn, if there is something to ask for you, a younger boy in your district, I can make you so arrogant, and dare to call me to drink!"

"To help you out today, what you have done for you, wait until you enter the weird building, you must let you repay ten times!"

"When you have no use value, see how I can clean up when I arrive!"

Indeed, in the identity of Zhan Qiu, where is the need to be so tolerant to Jiang Yun, such a little-known boy, is not because the identity of Jiang Yunlian is too important.

After all, he and Wang Yuanzhong had already sent invitations to several friends, and everyone basically agreed, and they rushed to Cangxi Road.

Just wait until everyone is there, and they can leave immediately to the weird building.

In such a short period of time, it is impossible for them to find another singer, so they can only protect Jiang Yun and ensure that he is safe.

I have to say that the efficiency of Zhan Qiu is still very fast.

When Jiang Yun returned to the inn without hesitation, a middle-aged man was standing at the door of the room where he lived.

Seeing the emergence of Jiang Yun, the man took a gift to Jiang Yun, and handed a piece of jade slip without saying a word. After Jiang Yun took it by himself, he immediately turned and left.

Jiang Yun entered the room, laid off the isolation method, and played the jade for a moment, to determine that there is no trap inside, this will explore the knowledge into the jade.

Presented in the mind of Jiang Yun is a boundless darkness.

Naturally, this is the body of the beast of the spirits, just like a self-contained world.

Looking at this darkness, Jiang Yun did not care.

Although he used to walk through the darkness as well, all the way, except for those shadows, he had never seen anything else, and of course he could not judge the specific position.

Therefore, Jiang Yun’s gaze looked at a young man not far away.

This man's looks and Zhan Qiu have some similarities. They should be the brothers of Zhan Qiu. There is a scar on the corner of his mouth, which seems to give a sense of sin.

This also proves that Zhan Qiu did not lie. He did enter the body of the ghostly beast with his brother.

Next, the surrounding screens began to change.

From time to time, there will be a group of light of different sizes, but some of the light groups emit bright light, while some light groups are extremely bleak.

And these light groups, that is, the world that was swallowed by the spirits of the beasts as food.

Whenever there is a world, this Zen brothers will inevitably enter into it, search for treasures without scruple, look for mineral medicines and other valuable things.

I have to say that their harvest is still quite rich.

After all, these worlds don't know how long it has been swallowed by the spirits.

Although almost all of the creatures in it have died, many items have been preserved.

There are even some creatures in the world, as well as the existence of monks, just like the clearing of the wilderness.

For these creatures, the Zhan brothers also exposed their cruel and greedy nature.

Not only are these creatures comfortable to play with, but when they leave, they must also kill all the creatures, leaving no living, and not treating them as life.

And with the power of their way, even though there are some weak monks in these creatures, they will be their opponents.

In short, where the two of their brothers lived, it was completely extinct!

Looking at the scenes of cruel and **** scenes that appeared in front of him, Jiang Yun’s eyes could not help but gradually emerged from the fierce light, forcibly suppressing his inner anger.

Jiang Yun is the most respectful of life, so he naturally felt great hatred and anger for the actions of the two brothers.

Just when Jiang Yun couldn’t stand it and was about to give up watching, in the picture, the voice of Zhan Qiu suddenly sounded: “Hey, I actually felt the breath of the robbery, let’s go, let’s see!”

Road robbery!

These two words made Jiang Yun's heart unable to move, faintly thought of something, but for a while but could not grasp, can only continue to stare at the picture.

When the voice fell, I saw that the Zhan Qiu brothers were flying fast in the darkness. Although they encountered other worlds all the way, they were ignored.

I don't know how long it has passed, and in front of them, there is finally a huge light group that can't see the specific shape.

The two still did not stop their bodies, with the expression of excitement on their faces, each of them accelerated their speed and rushed toward the light group.

With the continuous advancement of the two positions, Jiang Yun suddenly found that the direction of their advancement is certainly this huge light group, but the real destination is a small black spot that emerges above the light group.

In fact, this black spot is not small, but it is insignificant relative to the huge light group of the entire area.

If you don't look carefully, you can't find it at all.

Jiang Yun’s eyesight is extraordinary, so this can be seen.

And as he widened his eyes to the extreme, looking at this little black spot, he finally found out that this black spot seemed to be a small hole.

Moreover, this hole is slowly dimming and seems to be about to disappear.

At this time, the voice of the Zhan Qiu brothers suddenly sounded in the picture: "Found, the breath of the road robbery, is from this world, I really did not expect that our luck is so good, even someone just opened the seam aisle!"

The voice of Zhan Qiu followed: "It is too early to be happy. If it can lead to a robbery, then there is a person who asks the world in this world!"

Zhan Qiu’s brother disdained: “How about the situation, the Taobao has just disappeared, it’s not too long, indicating that this person is just entering the questioning environment. With the strength of our brothers, it’s hard to be afraid that he will not! ”

"Moreover, I don't know if he has successfully passed the road!"

At this moment, although Jiang Yun was a bystander, his brows were already wrinkled tightly, and his mind also revealed an unpredictable hunch.

Under the gaze of Jiang Yun, the two brothers of Zhan Qiu are getting closer and closer to the hole. After a few interest, they came to the hole.

Even through the hole, you can see the situation inside.

Inside, there was a middle-aged man with a clear appearance, with a panic color and a big sleeve!

At this time, the hole suddenly condensed, and instantly turned into a black dot, and the Zen brothers laughed loudly: "Haha, was discovered, thinking that closing the entrance will block us!"

"Since we already know the location of this world, we can see it soon!"

When the picture arrives here, it will end, but at this moment, Jiang Yun’s face is gloomy to the extreme!

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