The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1380: Water is thicker than blood

In the darkness, eight figures appeared in turn, naturally through the projection of the tower, into the ghost body of the ghost body eight people!

It seems that there is no difference between the darkness and the ordinary boundary. The war force can't help but ask: "Zhan Daoyou, is this the inside of the weird building?"

Zhan Qiu’s gaze is watching the last Jiang Yun who entered here.

I don't know why, he always thinks that Jiang Yun's shape is a bit suspicious, but he can't say why.

Under the gaze of Zhan Qiu, Jiang Yun did not care. Like everyone else, his face looked curious with his curiosity.

This allowed Zhan Qiu to regain his gaze and nodded. "Yes, you have seen the pictures I recorded before. The interior of this weird building is a world of its own."

"In fact, the world we live in is not different from the environmental point of view."

Speaking of this, Zhan Qiu’s face suddenly smiled and said: “No, there is still a difference. It’s in this world, although there are also the existence of spiritual monks, but among them they seem to be connected to the monks. No!"

"And that means that most of the world here is a wilderness that has never been penetrated by the strong!"

“And there are many of these worlds, all of which have existed since the ancient times!”

In addition to Jiang Yun, everyone’s eyes are illuminated by the words of Zhan Qiu.

A vast world where no strong people exist, then the existence of this group of powerful Taiwanese is like a **** above the top, can do whatever they want!

Countless ancient wildernesses that have not been involved by the strong are waiting for them to step in!

Zhan Tianli laughed loudly and said: "Haha, no, I can't wait to appreciate the scenery of this world."

"Zhan Daoyou, if there is nothing, I will go around!"

When the voice fell, he did not wait for Zhan Qiu to answer. He had already taken one step, appeared outside the tens of thousands of feet, and kept going.

Looking at his back, Zhan Qiu’s face flashed a hint of ridiculous color, but then he turned into a smile and said: “If you want to turn around first, please feel free to do so.”

"Because now I don't know where we are, we need to contact my brother to find the specific location of that place, so I will wait here for everyone."

"However, remind everyone, you can turn around, but don't run too far."

"There are no strong people in the monks, but there are still many dangers that even I can't figure out!"

After that, Zhan Qiu no longer ignored the people, sitting in the darkness with his knees, and even closed his eyes, not worried that everyone would leave and not return.

After all, only he has been here, and those hidden dangers, only he knows how to avoid and cope!

Although everyone is well aware of this, but they can't help but feel the excitement and curiosity in their hearts, so they turned and walked in all directions.

Jiang Yun also chose a direction of no one, and slowly left without dying.

Soon, Zhan Qiu’s side was left with only one Wang Yuanzhong, while the latter looked at Jiang Yun’s back. He said: “Zhan brother, this Jiang Yun just entered the last one. I always think that he seems to have another purpose. !"

Zhan Qiu smiled slightly: "People who enter here, in fact, do not have any other purpose!"

"Wang brothers don't have to worry, no matter what their purpose, if they want to leave here and go back to their familiar world, then you must listen to me!"

Wang Yuanzhong nodded and smiled slightly: "Then I also went around."


As Jiang Yun continued to move forward, his and his people gradually opened their distance.

Although he seems to be looking around with curiosity, in fact, in his mind, he is remembering the last picture he saw on the projection of the tower before he just entered here!

The twenty-two lines above the projection of the tower, under the gaze of their own eyes, turned into twenty-two figures!

Twenty-two, although their appearances are different, but for Jiang Yun, they all have a kind of blood that is thicker than water, no, it is the kindness of water and blood.

Because, Jiang Yun knows clearly, the twenty-two figures are the Jiang nationality, or that it is the twenty-two reincarnation of his grandfather Jiang Wanli!

Jiang Yun finally knows that the silver lines that are densely covered on the towers, in fact, each line represents the reincarnation of the **** family.

Naturally, those lines are not innate, but should be carved together by grandfather or other Jiang people, just like the hundreds of scars that Grandpa left on him.

As for the role, it is naturally used to control the use of the tower!

Because after Jiang Yun saw the twenty-two figures, he also felt a sense of belonging, one of which stems from the sense of belonging to the tower.

It seems that he has become the master of the tower!

And this should be another gift that Grandpa left for himself!

You must know that although you can now be regarded as the master of the nine places, you can't really control the sacred objects of the Nine in your own way, even if it is fake.

At best, it is the occasional ability to borrow the statues of the dead and the five peaks, as well as the smashing of the smashing.

If you can get control of the tower, then in this world, you will truly have a powerful weapon!

With the help of the tower, it is natural to say for your own benefits.

Even Jiang Yun is more aware that if he can be in the tower and break through the scars on his body, then he may be able to absorb the reincarnation of the **** family.

The most important thing is that if you can really control the watchtower, it means that you are also free to enter and exit the body of this ghostly beast!

With the clearing of his thoughts in his mind, Jiang Yun also regained his calmness and truly looked at the darkness around him.

Don't look at Jiang Yun, who has been here before, but at that time, he was only a cultivation of Fudi, and there is a world of difference compared with the current strength.

In addition, the last time he was directly sent to the world of the spirits and the turbid wilderness, even when he left, the passage was clear and turbid, so he was actually the first time he was actually in this film. In the "world".

However, although his mood is equally exciting, he does not have the mood to look at the scenery here, but to spread his powerful knowledge constantly in all directions, looking for those shadows!

Because this piece of heaven and earth is in the body of the ghostly beast, but Jiang Yun is clearer than anyone else, the true master of this world is the shadow!

They are hidden in the darkness, and even the memory of the sacred beasts can be absorbed, which is enough to show that they are numerous and ubiquitous!

In addition, Jiang Yun naturally wants to see Jiang Ying!

For this first demon turned into a personal demon, Jiang Yun also has a special feeling, just like a father and son.

After all, he gave Jiang Ying life!

It is a pity that although Jiang Yun’s knowledge is strong enough, there are hundreds of thousands of miles away in a moment, but in his knowledge, even half of the shadows are not seen.

This makes Jiang Yun's heart a bit strange, worried that it will be what they are in danger.

Just as Jiang Yun was ready to continue to go further afield, there was a voice of Zhan Qiu in his ear: "You, come back quickly, I have found the location of that place!"

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