The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1381: connected together

After a while, all seven people have returned to Zhan Qiu’s side.

Zhan Qiu also stood up and looked at the crowd: "You, I have found that place, not too far from our current position."

"Just here, I think that even long-wave friends can't arrange a transmission array, so we can only rely on our own laws."

"Even if everything goes well, it will take at least a month or so, so let's not delay, let's go now!"

When I got here, everyone was naturally looking at Zhan Qiu Ma, and they nodded and no objection.

So, Zhan Qiu led the way, and everyone followed him, rushing to the special place he said in his mouth.

Logically speaking, this kind of remote trek can best see the true strength of everyone, but everyone maintains the same speed, and obviously each has its own hidden.

In this regard, Zhan Qiu looked in his eyes, but did not say anything.

Even in order to mobilize the enthusiasm of the people, above the road, but when it comes to the world, he will take the initiative to stop, let everyone enter it, and search for it.

In this way, naturally, the time required is almost doubled.

However, with regard to the increase in time, except for Jiang Yun, others have no slightest opinions, but all of them are highly interested.

Because they have not encountered any danger, and as Zhai Qiu said, the world they have passed through is simply a huge treasure house.

Although most of these worlds have no living beings, they are not dead, and there are all kinds of rich vegetation deposits.

Do not say anything else, the Lingshi resources alone are almost endless.

Even in a world, everyone discovered a Lingshi mine, which led everyone to take a shot and cut the entire mine into seven copies, one for each other except for Zhan Qiu.

In short, in the past two months, everyone's storage tools are full of stuffed, even if there is no how to take the initiative to collect items, Jiang Yun, but also a lot of gains!

Everyone is smiling and thinking that this eccentric building is really worth it!

Only Jiang Yun’s heart is not happy, but more and more worried.

Because of such a long time and distance, I did not see a shadow!

Even if the body of the sacred beast is infinite, but the number of those shadows is extremely numerous, it is impossible to be within such a long distance, even one does not appear.

This makes Jiang Yun could not help but worry, will those shadows be an accident?

If so, then the accident involved the entire shadow community.

Even Jiang Yun wanted to open his mouth and ask about Zhan Qiu. The shadow of his body was met, but in the end, he still resisted.

Because once asked, it will inevitably attract more doubts from Zhan Qiu.

In this way, after two months passed, this day, Zhan Qiu’s figure suddenly stopped in the darkness, turned his head and looked at the crowd: “You, the front is the special place I said. It is."

"Although we were lucky before, there was no danger, but you should never take it lightly."

“Once you step into that place, the danger can happen anytime, anywhere. If you are not careful, you will be in danger of losing your life!”

Zhan Tianli haha ​​smiled: "Do not worry, Zhan Daoyou, no matter what the danger, with the strength of these people, can't cope with it!"

Although other people did not speak, but the expression on their faces also revealed a slight disapproval.

After this period of calm, it is obvious that everyone thinks that Zhan Qiu is a bit exaggerated, and does not put his warnings in his heart.

Seeing the attitude of everyone, Zhan Qiu also knows that he said nothing, and smiled and said: "Well, you can have confidence, that is naturally a good thing. Now, let me start a simple transmission!"

Although Zhan Qiu’s face is smiling, his heart is cold and cold. Anyway, when they see it, they will naturally understand.

Zhan Qiu was not talking too much. He took a deep breath and looked at the front. He jumped out of his head and jumped out of his soul, the same size as him.

However, when everyone saw the soul of Zhan Qiu, they were all brows.

Because they always feel the soul of Zhan Qiu, it looks a bit weird, but can not tell where it is.

Only when Jiang Yun saw the corner of the soul of Zhan Qiu, his eyes could not help but suddenly contract.

Because there is a scar on the corner of the mouth of Jane's soul!

Although the size of the soul is different from that of the flesh, the appearance is the same as that of the flesh.

What do you look like, the soul must be what it is.

There is no scar on the corner of Zhan Qiu’s body, but the corner of his soul now has a scar.

At this moment, the soul of Zhan Qiu suddenly turned and grinned at everyone, and this laugh made everyone feel more weird.

Because the smile is only half the face of the soul of Zhan Qiu, but the other half of the face is not moving!

This strange scene, let the purple bamboo suddenly said: "You are not Zhan Qiu, you are the brother of Zhan Qiu, Zhan resent!"

Indeed, Jiang Yun also remembered, in the picture of Zhan Qiu’s record, his brother had a scar in his mouth.

The soul of Zhan Qiu is shaking his head: "Zi Daoyou said that he is half right. It should be said that we are half a Zhan Qiu, half a Zhan resentment!"

Although these words sounded extremely weird, everyone in the room understood it.

Although Zhan Qiu’s body is Zhan Qiu himself, his soul is the soul of him and his brother, each half.

In other words, the two of them split their souls into two, and then each took out half, and put together a complete soul!

Now these seven people can be said to be well-informed, but in such a strange situation, they are also the first to see, even before even heard.

At this time, the body of Zhan Qiu has already said: "You, don't ask how we did it, because we don't know."

"When we were born, that's it, not only the flesh is connected, but the soul is also connected!"

"Although we later separated the body, but this soul, there is no way to separate!"

After hearing this, Jiang Yun’s face showed a faint color.

He already understands why this Zen Qi brothers are extremely cruel and bloody.

From the birth of the two, it is a deformed conjoined child. It is not difficult to imagine that in the process of their growth, they will inevitably suffer from countless ridicules.

Long-term exposure to such an environment, over time, naturally let them both have the same personality as their bodies, become deformed and distorted!

"However, it is precisely because of this that we have a brother-in-one ability to communicate with each other, plus we have the power of space, so you, please!"

When the voice fell, the soul of Zhan Qiu suddenly reached out and inserted his body. Then he leaned on both sides and pulled it hard. He started his soul from the middle and pulled it into two.

Except that the position above the eyebrows is still connected, his soul is almost completely separated, revealing a hollow.

In the hollow, there is a strange light.

Apparently, Zhan Qiu was able to use its soul as a passage, connecting the place where everyone stood and the special place.

Jiang Yun secretly nodded, the soul of Zhan Qiu, just like the role of the tower, it is no wonder that he can get the control of a small part of the tower!

All the people at the moment were shocked, and they were hesitant. Do you want to pass through the soul of Zhan Qiu.

However, Jiang Yun’s eyes were flashing in the cold, and the first step without hesitation, stepped into the light group!

Because, in this light group, Jiang Yun faintly saw a shadow!

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