The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1453: Someone has set

Jiang Yun is now in a tight time, and with these days, he has not felt anybody tracking any more, so his mind is all used on the road. He didn’t even think that someone would suddenly appear here and stop his own way. .

However, when he saw the people in front of him, his eyes showed a strange color: "Song Yue!"

Naturally, this person is Song Yue. He listened to the middle-aged man’s words and arrived here early, waiting for Jiang Yun’s appearance.

Originally, he still had some concerns about whether he was cheated by a middle-aged man, but at this moment he saw Jiang Yun really appear, which made him really happy!

"Since you know who I am, you will die!"

With the fall of Song Yue's voice, a **** long sword appeared in his hand, and the thorns spurred Jiang Yun.

The speed of the blood sword is extremely fast. Under the rapid turbulence in the air, it is divided into nine. It seems that there are nine swords that pierce at the same time, tearing the darkness, and Jiang Yun is all over the body, even with the body around, all covered in the attack. Within the scope.

Song Yue's fierce sword and the sword of the sky, naturally attracted the attention of many monks in the seams at this moment, and they looked at them.

Because both Jiang Yun and Song Yue are both born faces, they are not well-known among the thousands of roads, and no one knows them at all, so everyone just looks at the excitement.

However, when they saw Song Yue’s sword, they could not help but shine.

Most of them are people who know the goods. With this sword, it is not difficult to see that this Song Yue’s accomplishment on Kendo is not low.

Naturally, this also makes them more interested. I want to see how Jiang Yun, who is under this sword, will fight back.

In the face of this sword of Song Yue, Jiang Yun did not even look at it.

Even though Song Yue is a sword repairer, he is also a strong person of the Tao, but even Jiang Yun, who is in front of the nine-color world, can easily kill him, not to mention the present.

However, Jiang Yun’s heart is full of incomprehensible.

"Look at the appearance of this Song Yue, it is clearly waiting for me here, but how can he know, I will appear here at this time?"

"It’s amazing. I have disappeared for more than two years. After returning, how can so many people easily know my whereabouts?"

"There was a person who secretly followed me. Now that I have this Song Yue, it will not. I am going to ask all the way up the sky, and there are more people waiting for me?"

At this moment, Song Yue’s **** sword tip, which had been divided into nine, had already arrived in front of Jiang Yun, and he was about to pierce his body, and Jiang Yun’s eyes narrowed slightly. Word: "Fantasy!"

Song Yue didn't have much time to waste, because he still wanted to kill Jiang Yun, and the person with Jiang Yun rushed back early, so that he could change Master's decision and go to ask Heaven with himself.

In addition, as a sword repair, the way of attack is clean and neat, and the emphasis is on a sword that will kill, so the sword he stabbed is inevitable, and it is necessary to take the life of Jiang Yun.

What he didn't think of, however, was that when he thought that he would soon succeed, his eyes suddenly had a black light.


Then, it was a crisp sound of gold and iron.

The nine-skinned long-swords were smashed and smashed into a broken sword in the air!

In front of Jiang Yun, there was a black sword, suspended in the air, above the hilt, sitting on the knees with a black little man, staring at Song Yue with a sly look.

Song Yue suddenly stopped!

The people around me were all stunned.

As a sword repair, especially the sword repair of the sword, the sword is like their life, the man is in the sword, the sword is broken.

Now Jiang Yun has arbitrarily interrupted Song Yue’s sword. This kind of behavior is simply the biggest contempt for Song Yue, which is equivalent to killing him!

More importantly, because Jiang Yun’s hands were always on both sides of the body, he did not touch the black sword at all, and it was the attack that the sword spirit himself controlled the black sword.

Even Jianling is so powerful, then Jiang Yun’s strength as a master is bound to be even stronger.

Even, they can see that Jiang Yun is fully capable of killing Song Yue, but it is his mercy.

It is a pity that this simple fact that almost everyone can see, and now Song Yue, who is already in an extremely embarrassing and angry state, cannot see it.

Song Yue’s body was trembling slightly, and the handle of the broken sword still in his hand suddenly exploded and turned into numerous fragments of blood, and he once again pieced together into a blood sword, facing Jiang Yunzhi. Sting away.

This time, on the blade of the blood sword that was put together, there was an illusory villain sitting cross-legged and looking at its appearance, exactly the same as Song Yue.

Obviously, this Song Yue also has his own sword spirit.

The appearance of the sword spirit makes the power of this sword more than doubled than before.

In the face of this sword, Jiang Yun still has no intention to shoot, and even turned his eyes back, and turned to the illusion.

The illusion is shaking his head, his face disdainful: "The sword spirit that was born by smearing your own blood on this blood sword every day, strictly speaking, cannot be counted as a real sword spirit, just Coincidentally, embroidered pillows, can't be used!"

The voice fell, the illusion with the Tibetan sword, has once again turned into a black light, greeted up.

Only this time, he was not greeted by the **** sword, but flew toward Song Yue’s eyebrows.

However, Jiang Yun’s voice rang in his ear: “Don’t kill him, give him a lot of money for him, and keep him in the spirit of the Tao!”

The illusion was a slight glimpse. Obviously, I didn’t understand the meaning of Jiang Yun’s sentence, but I turned my direction and turned to Dan Yue of Song Yue.

At the same time, the blood sword has also come to the front of Jiang Yun, and Jiang Yun's eyes are quietly showing five color imprints, which are spinning rapidly.


With a dull sound, Song Yue’s face showed a happy smile!

Because in his eyes, he clearly saw that his **** long sword had pierced Jiang Yun's eyebrows, and a blood arrow spurted out and dyed his whole body.

But at this moment, his ear sounded Jiang Yun’s voice without emotion: "I don’t kill you, I don’t dare, but because of your life, someone has already set it!"

This sentence made the picture that he saw in front of him burst all the time, and he finally felt the intense pain of his body.

Looking down, Song Yue saw his body, it was indeed full of blood.

It’s just that this blood, not from Jiang Yun, but from Dan Tian, ​​who has already broken.

The dull sound he had just heard was not the sound of his **** long sword piercing the heart of Jiang Yunmei, but the sound of his own Dantian being pierced by the Tibetan sword.

"Jiang Yun!"

Song Yue’s mouth suddenly uttered a roar, but his eyes had lost the shape of Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun wants to kill Song Yue, it is easy, but Jiang Yun remembers the words of Wang Yuanzhong’s young man who is watching the door, his father’s hatred, he will report it!

Therefore, Jiang Yun gave him a chance!

At the moment, Jiang Yun, who is already far away from tens of thousands of miles, is remembering the memory of Song Yue that he just saw.

"The middle-aged man should not be the tracker that I discovered three days ago. After all, his speed is even faster, and he can't even rush to the sword."

"This also shows that there are more than one person who is good at hiding."

"And, they know the route I walked, for some of my past experiences, even those who have hated me, who are they?"

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