The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1454: Eye murder

Although Jiang Yun is gone, but Song Yue is still standing outside the boundary of Wuzhou Daojie!

At this moment, the whole person is a lost soul, like a statue, standing there and standing still.

Although he is still alive, but this time, not only let his blood sword break, but also repaired from the strong of the Taoist nature to the Tao Ling.

This fact makes him totally unacceptable and feels that he is dreaming.

It was not until the strong pressure of a stock piled up on him that he suddenly returned to his face, and his face was full of fear.

The pressure is from the seams around.

Because of the large drop in cultivation, it is impossible for him to continue to be in the seams. The pressure here can easily crush him into nothingness.

However, even now he wants to return to the Wuzhou border, which is close at hand, but can't do it.

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

In Song Yue’s almost crazy whisper, he hurriedly yelled at the surrounding monks who had never left. “My name is Song Yue, I am the ancestor of the ancestor of Tongjian. Me, save me!"

While speaking, Song Yue’s hand also showed a token representing his identity!

Now, the only way for him to survive is to hope that some of these monks will be able to send him back to the swordsman and send him back to his master.

Fortunately, his identity is still very useful.

Tenglin, although it is said to be the elder of the foreign sect, but in fact it is also one of the elders of the entire Jianzong, but it is only sent to be responsible for the management of the external sect.

Therefore, after hearing Song Yue’s message of help and his identity, many people in the crowd immediately rushed to him in front of each other.

Being able to save the people of Tenglin will naturally bring them no small benefits.

Watching at least a dozen people surrounded by Song Yue left, still staying among the other monks here, someone could not help but shook his head and said: "This Song Yue is completely abolished."

The words of this person immediately got the approval of others.

"Yes, the sword repairs the sword is in the people, the sword is broken, especially the sword lord is attaching great importance to this point, but this Song Yue is now broken, but people are still alive, even if they return to Jianzong And definitely will not be taken seriously again."

"But even if he is no longer valued, his master Teng Lin will certainly avenge his disciple."

"Speaking of his opponent, the strength of Jiang Yun is extremely strong, and there is no use of force at all. It is reasonable to say that such a monk should be a bit famous, but how have we never heard of it?"

"What is unusual about this, there is nothing in this world, but there will never be a shortage of masters. Well, don't worry about these idle things, let's go and ask God!"


In a blink of an eye, half a month passed, and Jiang Yun appeared in another transmission line of the road. His face showed a trace of exhaustion and quietly waited for the opening of the transmission array.

During this time, he left all the things, especially the things of Song Yue, even if he played, even if he was single-minded, he would go all out.

Don't say meditation and rest, even the eyes have not closed more than ten years.

Constant transmission, coupled with the constant use of the technique of shrinking the ground into the inch, is extremely torturous, even if he is even a bit too much to eat.

Even so, because the time he came back is too late, it takes about 20 days to get to the fastest day, and ask Daozong's big ratio, but it will start after half a month.

"In any case, it’s too late. Now I can only hope that the time of the test will be extended. I can extend it a little later, no more, five days!"

"Just like, it seems unlikely!"

As Jiang Yun’s mind turned around, the light of the transmission array was already on, and he was about to close his eyes.

The time of each transfer is the only time he can rest.

However, just at the moment when his eyes were about to close, he suddenly opened again, looked up and looked at the sky!

There, there is a golden sword, like a meteor, facing the transmission array, or, is, stabbing toward Jiang Yun.

This caused a cold light in the eyes of Jiang Yun. He unconsciously unfolded the technique of shrinking the ground into inches, and stepped out and exited the transmission array.

In the moment when his figure just left the transmission array and emerged from the air outside the array, the sword that had fallen from the sky had already slammed into the transmission array.

I heard a loud bang from the "Boom", and the entire transmission blasted!

In the transmission array, there were dozens of monks, including Jiang Yun, and except for Jiang Yun’s quick response and timely withdrawal, the remaining monks, one is not bad, all on the spot!

Some are killed by the power of the explosion of the transmission array, and some are directly smashed by the sword!

Even some monks waiting to be transported outside the transmission are affected.

All of them were all shaken out, although they did not die, but they also suffered some injuries.

Further, after seeing the sudden situation in this scene, everyone was shocked and confused, and did not know what happened.

Until, a figure appeared in the explosion of the transmission array.

It was an old man, a golden robes, and his body was tall and straight like a sword, and his white hair was meticulously combed behind his head.

Although there was no expression on the face of the wrinkles, there was a sharp sword in the eyes.

His eyes swept around, and all of them immediately felt that if there was a sharp sword, the whole body would be involuntarily erected.

Even some of them were weaker. Under the gaze of the old man, there was a road crack on the skin of the clothes, and the blood was slowly oozing out.

In this way, everyone is suddenly silent.

Even though many of them were dissatisfied with the old man’s previous smashing and smashing and killing dozens of monks, no one dared to speak at the moment.

Because they are clearly aware that this old man’s gaze can really kill!

Fortunately, the old man's gaze did not stop on other people's bodies, just after sweeping the crowd, they looked straight into the eyes... Jiang Yun!

Although Jiang Yun will not fear the old man's gaze, but his heart also has a dignified meaning.

Because the old man's strength is extremely strong, and it is also a sword repair, if you change yourself into the nine-color world, it is definitely not the opponent of this person.

However, he can guess the identity of the old man and look calm: "Who are you from Tengxu and Song Yue?"

When I heard Jiang Yun’s words, the old man did not answer immediately, but he still looked at Jiang Yun for a moment before nodding his head: “It’s a bit of strength!”

"Tengxu is my son, Song Yue is my disciple, old man, Jianzong elder, Tenglin!"


Jiang Yun had no reaction to the name and identity of the other party, but the people who had been chilling around suddenly exploded.

Even though they don't know the name of Tenglin, the identity of the elders of Jianzong, one of the nine avenues alone, is enough to shock everyone.

No wonder he dared to kill the many monks in the transmission array without any scruples!

No wonder his eyes are as sharp as a sword, and he can even kill!

However, in addition to being shocked, they are also very curious. Today, Jiang Yun, who is confronting Tenglin, is sacred in the end. He can even provoke the elders of the swordsmen and personally chase him!

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