The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1477: This should be the case


With the blink of an eye of Jiang Yun, the yellow spring that always wrapped his body trembled at this moment.

In this tremor, Huang Quan began to roll, just like an endless gust of wind, but it also set off a layer of water waves.

These water waves surged up and piled up, not only condensed but not scattered, but the turbid river inside it was so crazy that it was impossible for anyone to see the situation inside.

The crystal clear palm that protruded from the fire of Jiang Yun naturally stopped because of this sudden change.

However, it still has not been recovered.

Because, even he does not know what this change means, what he means, so he must be ready to shoot at any time, in any case, at least to protect Jiang Yun's life.


However, the boiling of the water wave seems to never end, so it continues to boil.

As for Jiang Yun, although he opened his eyes, he did not show any look in his eyes.

Only on his dry body, the thick and deadly air that was originally emanate, is gradually a little more angry.

Even, his almost completely black fire, under such changes, began to gradually fade away from the black, revealing the original color.

"this is……"

Looking at all these changes in the eyes, the rare voice of the old reveals a sense of uncertainty.

Until the "哗啦" sound, Huang Quan above, there are countless tumbling waves of water, there is a wave of water suddenly blown up, countless drops of water instantly condensed into an old figure.

Jiang Wanli!

Jiang Wanli’s looks are very old, and it seems that a gust of wind can make him completely dissipate.

However, this Jiang Wanli, which was condensed by turbid water droplets, suddenly jumped and walked toward nothingness.

And as he steps down every step of the way, his old body will become younger.

By the time he finally came out of the yellow spring and stood in nothingness, his appearance has returned to the memory of Jiang Yun, the youngest look.

Seeing this scene, the old voice suddenly made a heavy inhalation, muttering: "This, this is not the law of death, this is actually the law of life!"

"I still look down on him!"

"I thought that he only saw death, did not see life, and at most he could only understand the fur of the law of death, but in fact, he was in this endless death, seeking for life!"

"Because, he does not want these people who care about to die, I hope they can die and resurrect, I hope they will last forever, and thus he eventually realized that ... the law of life!"

"It's like being dead and living, and doing the opposite!"

The old voice suddenly became heated and excited: "Yes, good! There is life in death, death in life, life and death, and it should be!"


At the same time as the old voice fell, another wave of water blasted, and countless drops of water became the master of Jiang Yun. The image of the ancient is not old, but also lifted his legs and walked toward nothingness.

And with the ancients and Jiang Wanli's successively out, the originally very turbid Huangquan, even revealed a little clear color...

Above Huangquan, among the countless waves of water, there are more people who start to condense...


Asked the scene of Dabe, saw the appearance of the young man, and asked many of the disciples of the main sect to have not responded, but among the many guests who came to observe the ceremony, there were countless people who suddenly stood up and faced each other. This person respects the fist and says: "See the Shangdaojie!"

These salutes, each one is the master of one side, and the master of the upper realm!

And the mouth of the palms that they say in their mouths is naturally the young man in front of him, that is, the upper hand, who is in charge of all the upper bounds - Dongfang Bo!

Although Dao Tianyou did not know the existence of the three major palms, it was because their cultivation was not enough, and they were not polite to say that they were not qualified to know.

For those who are really strong, especially the leaders of the great kings, everyone knows the existence of the upper hand.

Therefore, when you see Dongfang Bo, they naturally need to see you!

Even those who do not know the identity of Dongfang Bo, but the name of "on the road to the palm", suddenly understand.

Especially the road to heaven, it is even cold, staring at the East Bo.

He naturally knows that he is on the road, although he does not know what Dongbo has to do with himself.

However, the blue light that was shot in the East Bo is to separate the entire mountain and sea, and the disciples of the law enforcement hall!

This shows that Dongfang Bo is for the sake of mountains and seas.

Dongfang Bo did not go to see Tianyun at all, but nodded to the many upper-level leaders who were saluting: "You don't have to be polite."

"I should have been here long ago, but I met a few acquaintances on the road, talked to them a few words, and delayed a little time, so I am here now."

When I heard the words of Dongfang Bo, people who knew him couldn’t help but smile in my heart.

He talked to people, definitely not a few words...

"Fortunately, it is not too late for me to come!"

Then, the eyes of Dongfang Bo swept around, first looking at the coffin of Yuan Yuanzong, with a smile on his face;

Then I looked at Dan Daozi and others and gently nodded;

Then I looked at the second road of the temple, until finally I finally fell my eyes on Dao Tianyun.

Although Tian Tianyun was angry in his heart, but in the face of Dongfang Bo, he did not dare to show his slightest enthusiasm. He hurriedly bowed his hand and said: "The younger generation asked the Taoist Heavenly Games and met the predecessors of the Shangdao!"

Dongfang Bo shook his head and said: "I just said, I also asked the half disciple of the Tao. Naturally, we are half of the same door. These are free."


Dao Tianyun simply did not know how Dongbo could have a relationship with himself. He naturally did not know how to answer the question. He could only nod and nod.

Dongfang Bo reached out to the mountain and the sea below. "On the mountain and sea, the big disciples of the demon, you are the main disciple. You really have the qualifications to deal with, but I think it is better to wait until the **** cloud arrives. ""

"After all, Jiang Yun is the sect of Shanhai."

"And, he will definitely come. When you can tell him well, what is the rule, then list all the mistakes he made, and punish him with punishment!"

"As for now, let's continue to compare!"

While speaking, Dongfang Bo also reached out and gently patted the shoulders of Tianyun, then took his hands and walked toward the mountains and seas.

Looking at the figure of Dongfang Bo, Dao Tianyun is a fog.

Dong Bo Mingming came to help the mountains and seas, but what he said and his tone of voice, but it seems to be on his side, so that he did not know how to deal with it.

At this time, Dongfang Bo has also reached the mountain and sea, and the big sleeves waved, and the blue light disappeared without a trace. Even the black fog of the old black is gone.

However, everyone in it has been clearly separated in two different spaces, each with a surprised face.

Dongfang Bo smiled at Dao Tianyou: "The Taoist Lord, we have not seen it for a while!"

Dao Tianyou was already excited and couldn’t say anything. He never thought that in the same year, Shanhai’s sect, the one that made everyone avoid it, 痨 痨 痨 痨 痨 痨 痨 痨 痨 痨 痨 痨 痨 痨 痨 痨 痨 痨 痨 痨 痨 痨 痨 痨 痨 痨 痨 痨 痨 痨 痨 痨

"Okay, don't be excited, we will have time to talk about it."

"Now, peace of mind is ready for a big comparison!"

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