The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1478: Good luck

With the appearance of Dongfang Bo, the heart of Dao Tianyou was finally completely released.

Although he did not know why Dongfang Bo did not point out the relationship with Jiang Yun, but also let Tian Yunyun and other Jiang Yun arrived and then punish and punish, but he is clearer than anyone else, Dong Bo has five men and women. , the most short!

If Dao Tianyun really wants to be unfavorable to Jiang Yun, then Dongfang Bo can never let him go.

As for Dao Tianyun, although the purpose of the unpredictable Dongbo is exactly what he is, he does not dare to be in front of him, and then he will expel the mountains and seas and Dao Tianyou and others, not to mention killing.

Therefore, he can only say with no expression: "Since the Eastern predecessors spoke, the matter about the separation of mountains and seas will be temporarily put down, and wait until their lord Jiang Yun appears, and then decide!"

Under the order of Tian Tianyun, Dongfang Bo removed the space that bound the disciples of the law enforcement hall and let them all retreat.

A catastrophe against the mountains and seas was resolved because of the appearance of Dongfang Bo and a few words of understatement.

However, everyone is also well aware that this matter is not finished, but it is only pushed forward temporarily, and when the cloud appears, the matter will ferment again.

Naturally, for the relationship between Dongfang Bo and Jiang Yun, as well as Shanhai and Zongzong, even Dan Daozi and others are a bit curious.

The identity of the Shangdao dynasty, although not comparable to the Taoist, is even more faint than the lord of the Nine Avenues.

However, on the court, the palm of the hand will actually meet with Jiang Yun, who has never heard of it before.

Moreover, it is clear that the attitudes of the people of Shanhai and Lanhuazhao, etc., who treat the Dongfang Bo, are also very familiar with each other.

Of course, they would not have thought that Dongfang Bo had been a disciple in the mountains and seas for several years.

They wouldn't even think of it. In fact, it is not just the Oriental Bo, but the three major palms in this world. They have been in the mountains and seas and have been disciples.

Even, these three major palms, there is a common younger brother - Jiang Yun!


Since the matter of the mountains and seas has been put aside, then the question of the sect of the sect of the sect is actually started!

As for the rules of the big ratio, there is not much difference compared with the previous ones.

The big ratio is divided into three processes, namely individual war, group war, and challenge!

Personal warfare and group warfare are carried out simultaneously.

Because I came to participate in the big ratio of five to nine grades, so from the fifth level, the two grades of the same level compete with each other, a total of three.

The first two were individual battles, while the latter group was a group battle.

In the group war, at least five people from each division will come to each other to discuss each other.

Two wins in three games, the winner advances, and the loser is directly eliminated, until the only winner is determined in each level.

Naturally, this means that among the 100 divisions that participated in the big ratio, only five of the divisions will eventually win.

Even if it wins, it does not mean that you can get the qualification to stay in the day of questioning. It is also necessary for seven elders to measure the comprehensive strength of the five branches and then decide whether they can stay.

In addition to the peer test, there are challenges!

That is to say, each of the sects has the opportunity to challenge other sects, even leapfrogs!

For example, a five-level division is eligible to challenge any of the six-eighth-ninth grades.

Even the divisions that have been eliminated are eligible to challenge the final winner.

If the challenge of the same level wins, then it can directly replace the status of the branch;

If the leapfrog challenge wins, then it is even possible to make the grade of the division directly increase.

This is equivalent to giving each of the two opportunities, and the most concerned is the challenge, because this is the real opportunity to step into the sky!

"Now start the draw, in the order of your respective draws, two-two battles!"

Dao Tianyun's big sleeves waved, and suddenly there were hundreds of bamboo sticks suspended in front of him. Each of them was sent by one hundred separates to extract one.

In order to prevent cheating, each bamboo stick is covered with a layer of light that can block the gods.

Xia Zhongxing just wanted to stand up, but Dongfang Bo had already reached out and saw a bamboo stick falling directly into his hand. After he glanced at the number on the bamboo stick, he smiled slightly: "Good luck." ,twenty!"

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is the luck of Dongfang Bo. It is clear that his gods have penetrated the light outside the bamboo stick and deliberately selected the last number, so that the Shanhai Sejong can play the last one!

Although everyone knows well, but with his identity as a leader in the world, everyone can only pretend not to see.

Only An Chang shook his head, with a bit of dissatisfaction: "I know Dongfang Bolai, I have to do more to say good things for them!"

Until the end of the lottery, Dao Tianyun said: "From the fifth grade, all the divisions, each reported the number!"

"Five-level sub-classes, the number one!"

"Five-level branch Qi Mingzong, No. 2!"


"Five grades of glazed glazed, 19th!"

When I heard the name of the glazed sect, almost all the sects immediately looked at the mountains and seas with gloating eyes.

Because the strength of the glazed sect is extremely strong, not only the first of several consecutive gradings, but it was only a four-level sect, but in the challenge, forcibly challenged the five of the year. A division, after winning, this is directly promoted to five.

The most important thing is that the glass is divided into seven, one of the seven sons who gave birth to the light of the question!

It is reasonable to say that the glazed sects and the mountains and seas have been met, which should have been the most exciting test of the five.

However, the strength of the mountains and seas is to let everyone know that this test is completely killing!

When they want to come, whether the mountain or the sea is divided into individual wars or group wars, there is no possibility of defeating the glass.

The hearts of the people in the mountains and seas also sent out a bitter smile. They originally thought that their luck would be better, and they would encounter a weak point.

Although they do not care about whether they can stay in the day, they represent the mountains and seas, representing Jiang Yun.

They are also eager to win, eager to let everyone recognize their own mountains and seas under this high-profile occasion, and to glory on Jiang Yun's face.

But now it seems that this desire is completely shattered.

Even though they have confidence in the group war, the two individual wars must be lost.

Oriental Bo looked thoughtfully at Tianyun, and said to himself: "Hey, it’s still a little anxious, just thinking about delaying the time as much as possible, let Shanhai split the last one, but forgot to give them a choice. A weak opponent."

"This is a good day, so I will retaliate against me so soon!"

The Oriental Boao can not see, the reason why the glass will be drawn on the 19th, become the opponent of Shanhai divided, but also the Tianyun Yun deliberately arranged.

"That is to say, now there is a big distance from the mountains and seas, there are four major competitions, the younger brother and the younger brother, can you get there before the end of the four games?"

"If you can't get there, then the master, I can only play for you with a thick face!"

At this moment, Dao Tianyun once again whispered: "Well, I asked Da Zong Dabi, officially started!"

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