The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1896: I am not wrong

The sudden sound of this sound once again shocked everyone, and let the cold light that just turned in the eyes of everyone turn into a surprise light!

Because, this sound comes from Jiang Yun!

Jiang Yun really did not fall!

In the abyss of the bounded sea, the sky is closed, although the face is calm, but the breath emitted by the body is a bit confusing.

For those who have practiced in this realm, it should not be such a situation.

However, he really could not calm the huge shock that also rose in his heart.

Outside the mountains and seas, the faces of Daozun and Sen Luo could not help but gloomy again.

Although they always feel that Jiang Yun should not be so easy to fall, but at this moment, Jiang Yun really did not die, but it also caused a lot of blows to them.

The wilderness of the eleventh wilderness, under the strong shot, did not even kill Jiang Yun, then it is difficult to become Jiang Yun really undead?

However, at the moment, although Jiang Yun’s voice sounded, everyone did not see him.

Even the wild king Yan looked up at the sky and seemed to be looking for the trace of Jiang Yun.

Only the ruins did not go to Jiang Yun, but trembled and asked: "Lord, you said, my father, he, he always has consciousness?"

With the question of the wild map, it is also the return of the people.

The power of the ridiculous monarch is so powerful that it is impossible for everyone to compete. It turns out to be conscious!

With this in mind, all the nine ethnic groups in the mountains and seas, even those who are always in the reincarnation, have revealed a chilly color in the eyes of the wilderness.

They naturally guessed the identity of the wilderness.

If they are the same ethnic group, if the wilderness is really unconscious and is controlled by Sen Luo to kill Jiang Yun, then they have nothing to say.

However, since there is still consciousness in the wild, he not only does not recognize the identity of Jiang Yun, but he is bold enough to kill Jiang Yun and kill him.

Even, just ready to kill yourself and others, this kind of behavior is really a big rebellion, the real lord!

Jiang Yun’s voice rang again: “You can ask him yourself!”

This time, everyone heard it, and Jiang Yun’s voice was heard from the sky in the mountains and seas!

But still only heard the sound, no one!

The feeling for everyone, as if Jiang Yun has been incarnate for the mountains and seas.

However, the waste map did not pay attention to what Jiang Yun had become.

His eyes stared at the ridiculous Yan Yan: "Father, the Lord said, are they true?"

Wild Junyan stood there, as if he had not heard it, the eyes that were always gazing at the sky were still empty, and there was no question of answering the map.

Jiang Yun’s voice then rang: “The patriarch, I said, although I admire your attachment and everything you do, I know that you may have resentment against the ruined family, but do you forget the original nine people? Will it be ruined?"

"The real reason for the demise of the Nine Nationalities is that the nine ethnic groups are no longer the dead nine, but the Dojo!"

"The nine ethnic groups that should have been united together are falling apart and fighting each other."

"In the interior of the Jiuzu, it is also intriguing in order to compete for power and to fight in the same room."

"Even even more tribes betrayed the ethnic groups, betrayed the tribes, and the Taoist priests, this gave the Taoist opportunity to break each of you!"

Jiang Yun’s resounding words are not only to say to the ridiculous Junyan, but also to all the people of the nine ethnic groups.

Although many of the nine ethnic groups in the mountains and seas did not experience the original battle at the moment, they have heard of countless times from their elders.

Therefore, they all know that Jiang Yun is telling the truth.

However, as the pride of the Nine, they refused to admit the fact that they would rather believe in the defeat of the Nine, because the strength of the Tao is too strong.

But today, Jiang Yun, the new owner of the Nine, the co-accredited master, is unceremonious to tell the real reason for the defeat of the Nine.

This made them unable to help but bow their heads and silence.

"Now, as the Lord of the Nine, I will summon you all here. The real purpose is not just to restore your past identity."

"I hope that after going through so many things, you can unite together to fight against the Taoist people and avenge your dead people!"

"But you, Wild Junyan!"

Having said that, Jiang Yun’s voice suddenly became severe, and the tone of the voice contained the anger of the silk!

"You still are the past, the ridiculous Yan Yan, still just thinking about your identity as a desert, just thinking about the people of your abandon!"

"To this end, you can even listen to the orders that destroyed the enemy of the Nine in those years;"

"To this end, you can even start with the rest of the eight!"

"Yan Junyan, your attachment, passed!"

The last sentence is like the innumerable thunder, and the explosion is in the ears of everyone. It shocks everyone's heart to make a violent shock.

Although they still don't know the specific things, it is not difficult to guess. The wilderness is to protect his people, and he is willing to listen to Sen Luo's orders.

However, they still have a great doubt, that is, the people of the deserted family have almost lost their lives in the great war of that year. Where did the deserted people who were to be protected by the ridiculous monarchs come from?

Is it...

A person with a keen mind, looking at the ridiculous Yan Yan, who is already a dead spirit, has a hint of enlightenment in his eyes.

Outside the mountains and seas, he also listened to the Taoist words of Jiang Yun’s discourse, and slowly turned to look at Sen Luodao: “You threaten him with other abandonns?”

Sen Luo smiled slightly: "Otherwise? Even though the dead world has rules to bind the dead, but for the strong man like Yan Junyan, it is impossible to let him take orders from me!"

At this moment, the ridiculous Yan Jun, who never said anything, suddenly opened his mouth and gently spit out four words: "I, nothing wrong!"

While talking, there is a clearer color in the empty eyes!

This simple four words, as well as the clarity in the eyes, prove that Jiang Yun is all true.

Wild Junyan really has consciousness!

Naturally, in this way, everything he has done since his appearance, including the killing of Jiang Yun and the killing of the Nine, is threatened by Senro, but he at least clearly knows!

Jiang Yun’s voice restored calm: “As a patriotic patriarch, you think so, there is nothing wrong with this, and it’s nothing wrong.”

"But have you ever thought that your people are really willing to be protected by you in this way?"

"They are your people, but they are more people. I think you should have asked their opinions and asked their thoughts!"

"Knowing the Father Mo Ruozi! In the illusion of the past, the map of the wild map is not wrong!"

"You are so persistent in the illusion, you are the same in reality!"

"Yan Junyan, now, I will ask you a sentence, you are going to continue to guard your people, or return to the dead nine!"

In the face of Jiang Yun’s question, Yan Junyan once again fell into silence.

After a long time, Jiang Yun slowly said: "If you can't answer, then ask your people, they may be able to give you an answer!"

With the fall of Jiang Yun's voice, after a long silence, the ridiculous body suddenly became transparent, so that everyone could clearly see everything in his body.

Everyone is shocked!

Because, in the body of the wilderness, it is as if it is a world, and in this world, there is a huge city, called the desert city!

Within the deserted city, countless illusory figures, sitting cross-legged!

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