The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1897: Perseverance

There are countless personal figures, there are men and women, there are old and young, there are tens of thousands.

Some of them squinted and some closed their eyes, but without exception, everyone's body shape is illusory, everyone's eyes are extremely hollow, each person's face has a numb color.

Seeing the dense shadows sitting in the deserted city, the face of the wild map became extremely pale, and the body became more and more trembling.

Even his face was full of horror.

Because, everybody knows him and can call out their names!

Because these figures are all ethnic groups of the desert!

Or more precisely, they are the abandoned people who have died in the war!

When everyone saw the scene of the deserted body, the heart was also deeply shocked!

Naturally, all their doubts have finally been explained, and they have become more aware of the meaning of Jiang Yun’s previous words!

Even though the abandoned people did not belong to the Taoist domain, they still have to follow the Taoist reincarnation after they die, as long as they are not scattered.

Either completely annihilated, or reincarnation, to have a new life.

But who can imagine, the ridiculous prince, the patriarch of the abandon, even put all the dead and abandoned people in their own bodies.

No, it should be in his body.

As he said, he is indeed guarding them, not letting them dissipate, nor letting them reincarnate, just hope that they will stay in their bodies forever and be protected by themselves!

And this kind of protection, perhaps at the very beginning, will also make these deserted people grateful to their patriarchs so that they can still be together after death.

But as time went by, they gradually discovered that they could only stay in this deserted city that is very familiar to them. They could never set foot in other places and never have their own new life. They could only be in In the body of the ridiculous monarch, day after day, this kind of day that does not end in the end is repeated.

For them, this is not a guardian, but a torture, a pain, so that their eyes will lose color, the face will reveal the numbness.

Although they still exist between the heavens and the earth, although they no longer have to worry about any danger, they will never see any hope!

The root cause of all this is the attachment of their beloved patriarchs!

The attachment of the ridiculous Yan Yan is terrible!

In the original illusion, an illusory image he created was able to stop the end of the illusion after discovering the truth of the illusion.

In reality, his persistence is to make his people only exist in his body forever!

This is not a persistence, but a kind of obsession, a obsession to impose one's own ideas on others!

Even after the Taoist clearly understood all of this, his face was exposed with a touch of shock: "The attachment of this ridiculous monarch is so terrible!"

"Yes!" Sen Luo is calm: "If it is not his attachment, he will not use it for me!"

Sen Luo continued: "In fact, after the demise of the abandonment, the priest Yan Yan has already included all the souls of the dead people in his body."

"But even if he is strong, he will not be able to keep his people forever!"

"So, every once in a while, I will help him once, so that his people can always exist, which will make him ultimately willing to use it for me!"

For the situation of the dead, others may not be clear, but the Tao is extremely clear.

Even if it is a dead spirit, it cannot exist forever.

If you don't go into the reincarnation, then if it takes a long time, it will disappear and annihilate.

Only Sen Luo, who is the leader of the dead world, can use the special rules of the dead world to make the dead spirit not dissipate, so he used this as a threat, in exchange for the waste of Yan Junyan to sell his life.

Dao Zun then asked: "So, will he be shaken by Jiang Yun's words now?"

If the wild king Yan once shaken, then he will be separated from Sen Luo's control, and like other eight ethnic groups, become Jiang Yun's men.

With the powerful helper of the ridiculous Junyan, coupled with the return of the nine ethnic groups, Jiang Yun’s power can really sweep the entire domain.

Sen Luo shook his head and said: "I don't know, let's see it!"

All eyes are concentrated on the body of the wilderness.

The eyes of the ridiculous priest are watching deeply all the ethnics in their bodies.

The gaze is no longer empty, but full of softness and full of gratification!

At this time, Jiang Yun’s voice rang again: “Yan Junyan, you ask the thoughts of these people!”

"Ask to see if they really want to be protected like this!"

When Jiang Yun’s soul force exploded in the body of the priest, he saw this scene, and he was also in great shock.

For the desert, Jiang Yun is equally familiar.

Even among those people, there are many people who can also call out their names.

After all, in the illusion, Jiang Yun lived with them for a short time.

Only they are no longer as flesh and blood as in the illusion, but become a numb sculpture, which also makes Jiang Yun at that moment, finally understand the dedication of the wild king Yan!

However, as he said, the sinister Yan is a patriotic patriarch and wants to protect his own ethnic group. No one can say that he is wrong.

But the premise of this protection must at least get the consent of the abandoned people.

However, there is obviously no shortage of wild monarchs. Otherwise, how can the deserted people be numb!

After a moment of silence, the ridiculous Yan Yanyan slowly said: "I don't need to ask!"

The words of these five words suddenly raised a chill in the hearts of everyone.

Even the wild map stopped the trembling of the body, and the strangeness was revealed in the eyes of the father.

It seems that I have never really understood my father.

Originally, they all thought that the priests of the wilderness were revealed by the priests, just to follow the words of Jiang Yun, to ask the thoughts of these people, whether they would be guarded by themselves.

However, Yan Junyan is simply not ready to ask!

The voice of the ridiculous monarch Yan sounded again; "I am a patriarch of the famine, and everything I do to them is for them. They will definitely understand my approach and will definitely agree with me!"

"Not to mention, their strengths are too weak, and the outside world is too cruel. They can only survive safely under my protection!"

"As long as I don't die, they will last forever!"

"Anyone can't stop me from protecting them. Who can stop it, I will kill anyone!"

"Even if you are the Lord!"

After the last sentence of the wild man Yan finished, he suddenly looked up and looked at the sky. The gentleness and gratification in his eyes had disappeared. Instead, he was endlessly crazy!

And his illusory body is re-solidified, so that all the people of the desert in his body gradually disappear from the eyes of all.

Above the sky, Jiang Yun’s voice rang again: “The wilderness, your attachment, has been enchanted!”

"In this case, then I can only suppress you!"

Yan Junyan said coldly: "You have been killed by me once, now I can kill you again!"

"is it!"

With the gentle words of Jiang Yun, his figure finally turned out of the sky, intact, and even the original old state was swept away, regaining the youthful appearance.


At the same time, there was a sudden bang in the mountains and seas, and the whirlpool that had never dissipated began to have a huge black shadow suddenly rushing out of it, suspended behind Jiang Yun, suspended in The sky of the mountains and seas is suspended in front of everyone!

The nine sacred objects, all appear!

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