The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1935: The last day

Holding these three medicinal herbs, Ye Younan’s palms are shaking slightly, and his eyes are still staring at the medicinal herbs, as if they are not enough forever, they will laugh and cry for a while.

For Ye Younan's excitement, Jiang Yun can understand it, which is the same as when he opened his own twelve meridians.

A waste that was originally in the eyes of all people suddenly achieved achievements that others had never achieved. This feeling of satisfaction cannot be described in words!

In the end, Jiang Yun couldn't help but say: "Ye girl, it's almost enough. If you look at it again, the drug will be seen by you."

"In any case, after such an immortality, you will refine more and more, and you will see more and more opportunities. It is not too bad now."

Jiang Yun’s ridicule, so that Ye Younan finally came back to God, his face was red, and this reluctantly removed his eyes from the medicinal herbs and handed the medicinal herbs to Jiang Yun’s face.

Jiang Yunyi said: "What to do for me, your own refining medicinal herbs are yours!"

"I want one, and the rest of the two, Jiang Da Ge, you put it away!"

Although this is indeed the refining of Ye Younan, all the medicinal materials, as well as the several shots of Jiang Yun in the process of alchemy, make it impossible for Ye Younan to take all three medicinal herbs as their own.

Jiang Yun shook his head and said: "I want this medicinal medicine to be useless, you will hold it!"

"If you feel embarrassed, if you are a senior refining pharmacist later, give me more medicine!"

For a moment of silence, Ye Younan suddenly had a soft knee, and he had to face Jiang Yun.

Wherever Jiang Yun will let her kneel down, she will gently lift her body with a big sleeve: "Ye girl, from now on, you don't need to bow to anyone!"

"Well!" Ye Younan bit his lip, and spit out two words in his mouth: "Thank you!"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly: "Well, you should take a break first. This is a refining process for five days. When you adjust your state to the best, take the drug!"

Ye Younan nodded, but then suddenly changed his face and blurted out and said: "Five days?"

"Yeah, five days is already very short!"

When Jiang Yun wanted to come, she thought that Ye Younan thought that her time for refining medicine was too long.

“No, no!” Ye Younan hurriedly shook his head. “Ginger Brother, my Tianxiang Sanctuary Stone has only one month to open each time, as if tomorrow is the last day.”

"Wait for the next time, the fastest time is a few years later, don't worry about me, go to the test!"

Jiang Yun is also a glimpse.

Although he knows that the opening of the holy stone is time-limited, it has been forgotten to see Ye Younan refining the medicine in the past few days.

If you miss the test of the holy medicine stone, it is impossible to enter the Tianxiang people again.

As for a few more years, I don’t have that much time.

However, I originally wanted to wait until Ye Younan Dan Tian recovered, even after repairing a realm, and went to Sanctuary with her.

This will allow everyone, especially the Tianxiang people, to see the changes in Ye Younan, thus lifting her marriage contract with the blood refining family.

But now, I can't go without it.

Jiang Yun was not willing to ask: "You Tianxiang people, can you test at any time."

"No, we have to wait until the holy stone is open!"

"Okay!" Jiang Yun nodded helplessly: "In this case, it is too late today, I will try it tomorrow morning!"

After Ye Younan hesitated, he suddenly said: "Ginger Brother, I, I will accompany you tomorrow!"

Jiang Yun knows that Ye Younan can say this sentence, and it is definitely a great courage.

This is a great improvement for her.

"Good!" Jiang Yun naturally will not refuse.


Early the next morning, Jiang Yun was accompanied by Ye Younan and came to the palace of the Tianxiang people.

Sure enough, today is the test of the last day of the holy stone, and it is already crowded.

Although Jiang Yun had previously received Ye Zhiqiu's promise, he could test directly without queuing, but Jiang Yun did not use this privilege, but was as low-key as other people.

Ye Younan always keeps his head down, dare not speak, and stands quietly next to Jiang Yun.

Her inferiority and embarrassment can be completely eliminated without a refining.

Today, I have the courage to accompany Jiang Yun to come here. It is already very valuable. Jiang Yun will certainly not be too demanding.

In this way, the two of them continued to approach the holy stone with the team around them, and they were listening to the arguments of the monks around.

This time, the test of the holy stone, more than 10,000 people participated, but can light three lights, even hundreds of people are not there, and can light five lights, but none.

Although the probability is a bit low, it is normal.

If there are so many people who can light up five lights, the power of the incense will not be so attractive.

When I saw that it was about to turn to Jiang Yun, the team that had been moving forward suddenly did not move for a long time, and there were some rumbling voices.

This makes Jiang Yun a bit confused, because there are many people waiting in line, but the test of the holy stone is very fast.

On average, each monk can complete up to two or three interest hours, so the team is always moving forward.

Now the team does not move for a long time, naturally it is abnormal.

Jiang Yun released his knowledge and found that from the palace of the Tianxiang people, a group of people came out.

The head is Ye Zhiqiu, and there is a young man standing beside him, although his appearance is not good, but his face is arrogant.

It seems that Ye Zhiqiu is coming to accompany him.

Behind the two of them, followed by two old men and several Tianxiang people.

Among them, Ye Shuo and Ye Zhi are also listed.

Jiang Yun saw it at a glance, and Ye Zhiqiu came with his handsome man.

Can let Ye Zhiqiu accompany, the identity of the other party is obviously not low.

Looking at the other side's appearance, it should also be to participate in the test of the holy stone, so let him first participate in the test, let other monks temporarily stop.

This is the so-called privilege!

Although Ye Zhiqiu at the moment seems calm, his heart is a little helpless.

Naturally, he came with the refining marks!

In his capacity, it was originally not necessary to accompany the refining marks in person, but Ye Zhiqiu just got the news, Jiang Yun and Ye Younan even came here, so he had to appear.

On the other hand, he also wants to see Jiang Yun, can light the holy stone!

"How young South will follow along, this girl has not been here for more than a decade, hehe!"

Ye Younan came here to have nothing, but she came with Jiang Yun. Once she was seen by the refining marks, Ye Zhiqiu did not have to know that there would be conflicts.

Although the privilege enjoyed by the refining marks, everyone was dissatisfied, but they were helpless and could only talk in a whisper.

"Who is this person? Can you let Ye Zhiqiu personally accompany you?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen it!"

"I remembered, this person, it seems to be a tribe of blood refining, what is the mark?"

With the fall of this sentence, Ye Younan, who was quietly and quietly head down, could not help but suddenly shake his head and suddenly looked up and his face was panicked.

Hearing the words "blood refining", Jiang Yun’s heart has already moved.

At the moment, when I saw Ye Xiaonan’s reaction, Jiang Yun understood it completely. He said softly: "Is he?"

Ye Younan bit his lip, his body shivered slightly, and nodded slightly.

Jiang Yun once again glanced at the refining mark, and could not help but shake his head, such a person, where can be worthy of the leaf south!

"Your marriage is here?"

Ye Younan shook his head.

Jiang Yun’s eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a sharp light in his eyes. Instead of looking at the refining marks, he looked at the back of the refining marks, Ye Shuo and Ye Zhi with a charming face!

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