The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1936: Hit a small

Since the marriage period of Ye Younan and the refining marks has not arrived, the refining marks are now appearing in the Tianxiang people in advance.

Moreover, behind him, he followed Ye Shuo and Ye Zhi, which made Jiang Yun easily guess the reason!

After Ye Zhiqiu had personally appeared and removed the monks who wanted to **** their own source stone, Ye Shuo and Ye Zhi knew that in this day, no one dared to move themselves.

Therefore, they found a refining mark!

The blood refining and the Tianxiang people have the same strength. The refining marks and Ye Younan have a marriage contract, so that he can deal with himself. Even Ye Zhiqiu has no reason to stop it.

Looking at Ye Younan, who was already faceless, Jin Yunwei hesitated and reached out and gently placed on the shoulder of Ye Younan.

Along with the soft force that came out of the palm, I entered the body of Ye Younan. Jiang Yun said softly: "Don't be afraid, everything has me!"

"I said that without my consent, anyone can take you away!"

At this moment, Ye Xinnan’s heart has once again fallen into the bottom of the valley and is deeper than ever.

Originally, after five days of refining, she not only had confidence, but also finally saw a little hope for her future and destiny.

However, she did not expect that, just one day passed, this hope that she had just born was actually broken again by the ruthless reality.

Jiang Yun can think of it, she can naturally think of it.

The refining marks appear at this time, which means that they will soon be taken away by the refining marks, leaving the Tianxiang world, leaving the Tianxiang people and leaving Jiang Yun.

It turns out that after all, I still can't change my destiny!

The soft power of Jiang Yun’s palm made Ye Younan’s body gradually stop shaking, and let her turn her head to look at Jiang Yun’s still calm face without a slight expression, and nodded silently.

Although she believes that Jiang Yun will certainly help herself, she has already made a decision in her mind, that is, to follow the mark.

There is no reason for him, he has owed too much to Jiang Yun!

Jiang Yun and himself have been born, for their own sake, they have already complained with Ye Shuo and others.

If Jiang Yun wants to protect himself and go against the refining marks, it will really offend the two ethnic groups of Tianxiang and Xuelian!

After all, self and refining marks are a marriage agreement, and the consensus of the elders and blood refining people of their own ethnic groups.

Jiang Yun is an outsider and helps him to resist marriage. At that time, even Ye Zhiqiu can't keep him.

At this moment, Ye Shuo, who was behind the refining mark, suddenly had a bright eye, and also saw Jiang Yun and Ye Younan among the crowd.

In particular, I saw Jiang Yun’s palm on the shoulder of Ye Younan!

I saw that he was whispering in the ear of the refining mark, and then the gaze of the refining marks was also seen.

Looking at the intimate appearance of Jiang Yun and Ye Younan, the face of the refining marks suddenly became cold, and at the same time, it was directed at Jiang Yun and said: "What are you doing, take your dirty hands!"

This loud drink immediately caught the attention of everyone, and they also focused their attention on Jiang Yun and Ye Younan.

Although Jiang Yun’s attempt to punish Ye Shuo a few days ago is no longer unknown, but now it’s been five days.

The monks who passed through the day have basically left, so these people present at the moment do not know Jiang Yun, and do not know what happened.

Facing the violent drinking of the refining marks, Ye Younan’s body could not help but tremble again. He bowed his head and did not dare to speak out.

Jiang Yun was indifferent, but instead of taking his own palm, he gently patted Ye Younan’s shoulder again.

Seeing that Jiang Yun completely ignored his own words, the face of the refining marks naturally became more ugly.

However, he did not forget where he was, so he turned and looked at Ye Zhiqiu coldly: "Ye Shu, is this not evidence?"

Before Ye Zhiqiu strongly maintained Ye Younan, and at this moment Ye Younan was in full view, letting a man put his palm on her shoulder, this can be regarded as the face of Ye Zhiqiu's attitude.

Although Ye Zhiqiu was helplessly sighing, Jiang Yun would really find something for himself, but his mouth was faint: "He is the big brother of young South!"

"Big brother?"

The refining marks are slightly stunned. According to his own investigation, this Ye Younan has no brothers and sisters at all. When did he emerge from a big brother.

Ye Shuo behind him is a strange smile: "Yes, he is Jiang Yun, who is Ye Xiaonan's newly recognized big brother, but there is no relationship with my Tianxiang people!"

The refining marks smiled coldly and looked at Ye Zhiqiu again: "It turned out to be such a big brother!"

"Ye Shu, this is the site of your Tianxiang people. It is better to tell Xiaoxiao, what should Xiaoxiao do now?"

Ye Zhiqiu glanced at Ye Shuo coldly, and he did not intend to let him come, but the refining marks had to bring him together, and he could not refuse.

Now, this kid really started to play with the right and wrong, provoking a living!

However, Ye Zhiqiu is indeed in a dilemma.

Although he has the heart to be partial to Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun’s identity and behavior are also somewhat sensitive.

At this moment, Jiang Yun suddenly took Ye Younan's hand and walked straight out. He walked to the front of the refining mark and stopped: "You are the refining mark?"

The refining marks did not hear Jiang Yun’s words at all. His gaze was only staring at Jiang Yun’s palm, which was holding Ye’s palm.

Even though he has no feelings for Ye Younan, he can't stand Ye Younan being pulled by other men.

And before he could open his mouth, Ye Shuo had once again yin and yang sighed: "In the face of so many people, even the hands are pulled up. When carrying people, I still don't know..."

"To shut up!"

Not waiting for Ye Shuo to finish the words, a screaming sound has already sounded, completely interrupting his words.

Looking at the sound, the person who issued the savage is naturally Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun looked at Ye Shuo with no expression: "A few days ago, if Ye Zhiqiu did not appear, you are already a dead person. Now dare to jump out. Could it be that you want to die?"

This sentence is finally to let everyone back to God, and finally know the identity of Jiang Yun, and the previous festivals before Jiang Yun and Ye Shuo.

After all, a few days ago, the people who passed it were well known.

Ye Shuo suddenly showed fierce eyes, and was last suppressed by Jiang Yun, at least in Tianxiang City.

Nowadays, in the ethnic group of his own ethnic group, Jiang Yun even dared to be so arrogant, which made him suddenly reach out and point to Jiang Yundao: "Give me a kill!"

Even if Ye Zhiqiu is present today, Ye Shuo will kill Jiang Yun, otherwise, from then on, where can I see people face!

As Ye Shuo's voice fell, suddenly, a middle-aged man came out from behind Ye Shuo, and his eyes went cold toward Jiang Yun.

Ye Zhiqiu brows a wrinkle: "Ye Song, what are you doing, retreat!"

This leaf pine is the uncle of Ye Shuo.

Hearing Ye Zhiqiu's words, although he stopped his body shape, he did not step back, but looked at Ye Zhiqiu: "Three brothers, your nephew was bullied by outsiders, what do you say I want to do?"

"Is it difficult? You have to protect this person?"

"Three brothers, don't forget your identity, so protect an outsider, I am afraid that many people will not accept it!"

In Ye Song’s discourse, there is no slight respect for Ye Zhiqiu.

For such a situation, Jiang Yun is not surprised.

Everyone wants to sit in the position of the owner of a ethnic group. Although Ye Zhiqiu is the next patriarch, it is not absolute.

It is not difficult to see that this leaf is a vein, and it is bound to have a heart for the position of the patriarch.

Ye Zhiqiu’s face was cold and she just wanted to speak, but Jiang Yun had already smiled and said: “Playing a small, old one is out!”

"If I hit this old one again, I don't know if I will be older!"

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