The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1942: Fed up


Along with a huge crash, the body of the refining slammed into the wall of the Dan room, and after a big hole was thrown, it fell to the ground.

Taking advantage of his high-swelled cheeks, he looked at the blood on the ground containing a few broken teeth, and the marks were lying on the ground. The whole person was like a statue, and he did not move.

Because he didn't even know, he had a slap in the face, so that he could not feel the burning pain on his face.

Everyone present, including Ye Lingzhu, looked at Jiang Yun, who was growing a sigh of relief. Everyone’s face was unbelievable.

You must know that even before a moment, all of them think that Jiang Yun is bullying and hard, and relying on it is just a good luck. He always has the protection of Ye Zhiqiu, and he dares to be so arrogant.

Although the refining marks are not Tianxiang people, he is the guest of the Tianxiang nationality, the son-in-law of the Tianxiang nationality, and the Tianjiao of the blood refining family. Even Ye Zhiqiu does not dare to move him.

However, at this moment, Jiang Yun was actually in the Tianxiang ethnic group, playing a slap in the face!

And after the fight, I said that I am much more comfortable...

This made everyone can't believe it, and I don't understand why Jiang Yun suddenly became so strong.

Someone whispered: "It won't be because the leaves of Lingzhu have a different look at the refining marks, so that they are overwhelmed, so do you want to show it in front of Ye Lingzhu?"

Although this statement is somewhat absurd, but it is introduced into the ears of many people, but many people secretly nod and think that only this possibility.

For women to be jealous, the big hits are not new, let alone Ye Lingzhu is such a proud woman.

Even, even if Ye Lingzhu heard this voice, he had similar thoughts in his heart.

Where do they know that Jiang Yun seems to be protected everywhere in these days, but this kind of protection for Jiang Yun, not only does not make him feel happy, but is extremely incomprehensible.

Dare to compete with the respect of a domain, dare to compete with the Lord of the Dead, dare to kill the domain of the royal family of Jiang Yun, when you need the protection of others!

From the time he saw Ye Zhi, Jiang Yun had the urge to shoot, not to mention the leaf saplings encountered in the back, as well as the insults of Ye Shuo and the refining marks for Ye Younan, so that his patience has reached several times. limit.

However, he really did not want to make Ye Zhiqiu difficult to do, so he always forcibly endured.

Now, after discovering Ye Lingzhu, the Tianjiao girl, she has misappropriated Ye Younan’s insights, and after shamelessly taking possession of himself, he is full of disappointment to the entire Tianxiang people.

At this time, the choice of refining marks jumped out to be the flower ambassador and took the initiative to send it to the door. Naturally, Jiang Yun finally couldn’t bear it. He sighed with slap in the heart and vented it to him!

After the slap, Jiang Yun’s heart is really much more comfortable.

And the refining marks have finally come back, jumping from the ground, and screaming: "I killed you!"

When the voice fell, a blood spot appeared in the eyebrows of the refining marks, and a **** river appeared behind him, whistling toward Jiang Yun.

In the face of this **** river, Jiang Yun stepped out in a calm step, instead of avoiding dodging, he actively slammed into the **** river.


In the huge impact, this blood river directly fell into the body of Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun did not respond, and looked coldly at the refining mark: "You dare to call Tianjiao? You want to marry young South?"

"Look here is the family of the Tianxiang people, I will spare you a dog, roll!"

Accompanied by Jiang Yun’s screaming, I saw that the body of the refining mark turned out to be like a ball, and went straight down the hole that his own body smashed on the wall!

This scene has once again shocked everyone!

They used to think that Jiang Yun is not strong, but he is bullying and hard, but now he sees the refining marks in front of Jiang Yun. Even the resistance is not enough. This is enough to show that Jiang Yun’s strength is not strong, but strong!

In fact, this is still Jiang Yun’s mercy.

This refining mark is just the equivalent of the heavenly environment. If Jiang Yun is fully committed, he can blow him into nothingness in one breath.

However, Jiang Yun is not an impulsive person.

Killing the refining marks is tantamount to enmity with the blood refining people.

Although Jiang Yun is not afraid, the refining marks are due to the Tianxiang people who Ye Shu and others came to.

If you are really killed by yourself in the Tianxiang people, then the blood refining family will naturally not let the Tianxiang people.

How to say, Tianxiang is also a member of the tenth family. Before he decided to give up completely, Jiang Yun did not want to bring trouble to them.

After all, weakening their strength is like weakening Jiang Yun’s own strength.

Therefore, Jiang Yun will spare the life of the mark!

Just as the refining marks rolled out, two roars followed.

Outside the Dan room, there were two old men, the two blood refiners who followed the refining marks.

The two old men helped the refining marks, and one person walked toward Jiang Yun with anger.

However, when he walked to Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun looked at him coldly!

In this regard, the heart of the old man suddenly stopped beating in an instant.

The old face was also exposed to the color of horror. Under the trepidation of the body, he suddenly yelled and turned and fled.

I didn’t even pay attention to the refining marks and my companions.

Another old man suddenly changed his face: "Second second, what are you running!"

Responding to him is the two words that the old man has come from far away: "Go!"

Hearing these two words, the remaining old man changed his face and looked up at Jiang Yun, who was looking at his own eyes. The heart could not help but also jumped.

I didn’t dare to look at Jiang Yun’s gaze. The old man hugged the refining marks that had already poured out his mouth and spit blood. He left in general.

Throughout the interior and exterior of Dan, it was completely immersed in death.

The time before and after the countdown, just the spring breeze, the temperament of the refining marks, together with the two tribes of their family, actually escaped like a dog.

And Jiang Yun, who let them escape, just said a scrolling word from the beginning to the end, looked at them.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were once again concentrated on Jiang Yun's body.

And Jiang Yun is still as it was just now, and there is no slight change in his face.

And this has caused many people to finally realize that Jiang Yun has not shot a few provocations against the refining marks. It is not that he fears the refining marks, but that he is protected too well...

Until now, no one knows how strong Jiang Yun’s true strength is.

Jiang Yun naturally ignores the eyes of everyone, and looks at Ye Lingzhu from his eyes. He calmly said: "Lingzhu girl, my question, you have not answered me yet!"

Ye Lingzhu at the moment is also immersed in a huge shock.

Originally, she thought that the refining marks could give Jiang Yun a lesson, but never imagined that Jiang Yun’s strength was so strong.

When I heard Jiang Yun’s words, her face could not help but change again.

However, when she saw Ye Song and others who had not appeared far away, she recovered her calmness and smiled coldly: "I said, you are not qualified to ask me questions!"

Even though Jiang Yun’s strength is very strong, even if Jiang Yun has taken away the refining marks, how can it be!

Here is the Tianxiang ethnic group. It is the arrogant woman of Tianxiang who lights up the seven rays of the holy medicine stone. It is the object that the entire ethnic group should pay attention to.

Don't say Jiang Yun, even Ye Zhiqiu, even the patriarch, the elder, will never let himself have any mistakes.

After all, what I represent is the hope and future of the entire Tianxiang people!

"Jiang Yun, you are so bold!"

A violent scream, Ye Song took a group of Tianxiang people, surrounded the Jiang Yun group, his face murdered!

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