The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1943: Ridiculous

Jiang Yun did not even look at Ye Song and Ye Shuo and others in his body.

His gaze is still only watching firmly at Ye Lingzhu: "Your pride and conceit are just because you have lighted the seven rays of the holy stone!"

"Of course, if it's not for this reason, you don't even have the qualifications to ask me questions!"

"I will give you the last chance. As long as you answer my question and tell the truth of the matter, then you will still be the arrogant woman of Tianxiang, and will still become the focus of the Tianxiang people!"

Jiang Yun took a step forward and repeated again: "The opinions you just said are what you think of yourself, or do you hear from others, and then take it for yourself?"

Just as Jiang Yun did not kill the mark in the Tianxiang people, he also admitted that Ye Lingzhu had a good talent on the refining.

If properly cultivated, then in time, she will inevitably become the pillar of the Tianxiang people, and will be able to grow the Tianxiang people. It is a pity that it is so ruined.

Therefore, he will give Ye Lingzhu a chance to rehabilitate himself.

Of course, he said this, he placed himself on the identity of the Tianxiang master. In his own opinion, there is nothing wrong with it.

But when anyone else hears it, it is naturally extremely abrupt, even inexplicable.

Ye Lingzhu is also watching Jiang Yun, and his eyes are constantly shining with faint light.

Jiang Yun guessed it. The opinions she said about refining medicine were completely heard from Ye Younan.

To be honest, when she first heard these insights, she felt extremely funny.

Ye Younan, a congenital Dantian damaged, a shackled ethnic group abandoned by the ethnic group.

Even people who have no chance to get in touch with refining drugs can have any unique insights.

However, after she tried to apply some of her insights to the process of refining, it was an unexpected discovery that turned out to be a wonderful use.

So, she began to take the initiative to approach Ye Younan, a little bit from the mouth of Ye Younan, who had no heart, to put out all the words, and then to take these insights for himself.

As for the consequences, she did not care.

Even if Ye Younan knew it, he would not dare to say more than one word.

Even Ye Younan dare to say that no one will believe her words!

One is the waste abandoned by the ethnic group, and the other is the proud woman of the sky. The two are not comparable at all!

But I didn't expect it, but it suddenly came out with a **** cloud!

Although she never cared about Jiang Yun, but during this time, the entire Tianxiang people are circulating things about Jiang Yun.

In particular, he tried to maintain Ye Younan's behavior and let her know.

Now, this Jiang Yun does not know how to guess the whole truth, and asks to threaten himself!

Just as Ye Lingzhu thought about how to deal with Jiang Yun in the end, Ye Song said with a loud laugh: "Jiang Yun, what are you, I am willing to give my Tianxiang people a chance to be proud of the sky, I really don't know you. Where is the confidence."

"If I were you, now you should think about how to pray for me to give you a chance!"

"You are hurting the refining marks in my Tianxiang nationality. Nowadays, I am even more ridiculing the arrogance of my family. I will not give you a satisfactory explanation for the Tianxiang people. No one can keep you!"

Ye Song’s words allowed Ye Lingzhu to converge the light in his eyes and regain the cold arrogance of the high, shook his head and said: “I don’t know what it is!”

This is her answer to Jiang Yun!

Naturally, she rejected the last chance given by Jiang Yun!

Jiang Yun also nodded calmly: "Although you have a good talent on top of refining, but talent does not mean everything!"

At the same time of speaking, Jiang Yun has taken a step by step, easily separated from the surrounding of Ye Song and others, directly appeared in front of Ye Lingzhu, reaching out and pointing to the eyebrow of Ye Lingzhu!

He wants to search for the soul of Ye Lingzhu!

He wants everyone to see how Ye Lingzhu first stole the insights that belonged to Ye Younan from Ye Younan, and let everyone see the true face of their arrogant woman.

Because the knowledge here can not be used, so that his gods can not be separated, can only come to the front of Ye Lingzhu to search for the soul.

Looking at Jiang Yun suddenly appeared, Ye Lingzhu's face suddenly changed, suddenly undoubtedly crushed a remedy.


The medicinal blasted and turned into an air wave, wrapped her body, and actually blocked Jiang Yun’s fingers.

This is to make Jiang Yun somewhat surprised. This day, the Xiang people are really proficient in refining medicine. The refining medicinal herbs can even be used as weapons, and the power is obviously not weak.

It seems that the Tianxiang people can be chosen as the dead tenth family, and indeed it has its own merits.

Ye Lingzhu has an medicinal herb body, which is normal for Jiang Yun.

As a proud woman in the sky, I can't have some life-saving means!

"Looking for death, Lingzhu, retreat!"

Ye Song saw Jiang Yun easily out of the encirclement of himself and others to attack Ye Lingzhu, and immediately screamed.


As Ye Song’s voice fell, he saw a sudden burst of light from all directions, and Qi Qi’s shot on Jiang Yun’s body, so that the scene in Jiang Yun’s eyes changed instantly and was trapped in a certain array. in.

In this regard, Jiang Yun is not unexpected.

When he stepped into the palace yesterday, he found that the gods were shielded, and he knew that there were many hidden bans.

Today, Ye Song and others know that they are not their own opponents, so they started a big battle to deal with themselves.

However, he is equally proficient in the formation, so this method can't help himself, just take some time to break the array.

Seeing that Jiang Yun was trapped in the battle, everyone was all sighed.

Ye Shuo is rushing to the side of Ye Lingzhu: "Lingzhu sister, are you okay?"

Ye Lingzhu's face was pale, although Jiang Yun's attack was blocked by a life-saving remedy, but the heart was also afraid.

If you have just slowed down your own action, you may have a life worry.

Jiang Yun’s knowledge did not appear at all, so she thought about it, thinking that Jiang Yun was going to kill herself, naturally she was extremely hated by Jiang Yun’s heart.

But at the same time, she also had to start worrying, if Jiang Yun really exposed the truth of his own use of Ye Younan's insights, what should he do?

Thinking of this, her eyes showed a sense of coziness, looking at the leaf in front of the full of concern: "Brother, can you help the little girl?"

Ye Shuo took a hard shot and said: "The family girl and I are still polite. I have something to say, even if it is going through fire and water, I will not leave."

Ye Lingzhu’s face showed a smile on his face: “It’s not that serious, just that Jiang Yun actually injured the refining marks and drove away the people of the blood refining family!”

"Although this matter has nothing to do with our Tianxiang people, the refining marks are the guests and son-in-law of my Tianxiang people."

"In case he hates our Tianxiang people because of this incident, it may even affect the relationship between our two communities."

"So, I think, it is better for us to let him bring Ye Younan back to the blood refining family, and at the same time give some medicinal herbs and Tianxiang power to him as compensation."

When I heard Ye Lingzhu’s words, Ye Shuo’s brows wrinkled: “The family girl is extremely considerate, but this is somewhat difficult because Ye Zhiqiu has sent people to protect Ye Younan.”

"And, as far as I know, this Jiang Yun seems to understand some of the formations. He deliberately laid out the formation in the small courtyard where Ye Younan lived. It is difficult for outsiders to enter!"

"Even if we want to bring Ye Younan back to the refining mark, even if Ye Zhiqiu agrees, I am afraid that the strength of the refining mark cannot be achieved."

Ye Lingzhu smiled and shook his head: "All said that the Ye Shuo brothers are smart and savvy, how confused today."

"The brothers are not forgotten, Ye Younan's grandfather, seems to be still in the family!"

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