The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1950: Tianxiang strength

Although Jiang Yun has already determined that Tianxiang is a member of the tenth family, but until now, he still does not know the attitude of the Tianxiang people.

Since Ye Zhiqiu believes in himself so much, he may be able to get a general understanding of the attitude of the entire Tianxiang people from his attitude.

Of course, Ye Zhiqiu probably does not know what the tenth family means, so Jiang Yun did not report too much hope.

However, with the fall of Jiang Yun's voice, Ye Zhiqiu's body is like a lightning strike. At the same time as the horror of the face, the whole person is involuntarily stepping back and forth several steps!

he knows!

Ye Zhiqiu's eyes widened to the extreme, watching Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun is still sitting there calmly, because he can understand the shock of Ye Zhiqiu.

After all, the Tenth family has been around since its inception, and it is now unknown how many years have passed.

Although the Tianxiang people will tell the descendants of the Tenth generation for generations, but as time goes by, even the mortal people have disappeared, and the mortal people have no news at all, so that they will definitely The Ten Nationalities became a legend and became an old story.

But now, Jiang Yun’s mouth suddenly asked this question, but I can imagine Ye Zhiqiu’s shocked drama.

After a long time passed, the horror on Ye Zhiqiu’s face gradually receded, replaced by a smile on his face: “I always felt strange that the appearance of an outsider could disturb the peace of my Tianxiang.”

"Now, I finally understand, it turns out that you are..."

Ye Zhiqiu’s words are not finished, even if they are in a remote area, they are not a big family at all, but at least they know that in the current era, everything about the genocide is taboo.

Jiang Yun said faintly: "I correct your statement."

"The calmness of your Tianxiang people is not that I am disturbing, but that your Tianxiang people are always only calm on the surface. In fact, they have already been undercurrent."

"My appearance is just to let those undercurrents have to come out in advance."

Ye Zhiqiu nodded a little and said: "Yes, you are right!"

"My father has been retreating for too long, so many elders in the family are quite vocal, so even if you don't appear, I believe that it will not take long before these undercurrents will appear."

Jiang Yun asked: "You already know my identity, then I should also understand your attitude, are you still willing to accept this identity?"

Ye Zhiqiu’s face once again showed a bitter smile: “The vast majority of the people do not know this thing at all.”

"There are only a few people who know, naturally, some are willing, some are unwilling."

This answer is in the expectation of Jiang Yun.

To be honest, after so many years, the Tianxiang people can still be willing to recognize the identity of the tenth family, and they are willing to listen to the command of the mortal people. It is already very valuable.

"Who are willing, who are not willing, your father, what is his attitude?"

Ye Zhiqiu shook his head and said: "My father is willing, but my father's attitude does not represent the attitude of my Tianxiang people!"

"Although my father is a patriarch, there are five elders in the family."

"All the major events of my Tianxiang people are not the patriarchs who have the final say. They need the elders and the patriarchs to discuss together."

"In short, only half of the people agree, that is the real consent!"

Jiang Yun then asked: "How many people are there today?"

Ye Zhiqiu said with indulgence: "In addition to my father, among the five elders, Ye Boyi's father Ye Zhan is not willing."

"As for the attitude of the other four elders, I don't know, but two of them have a good relationship with Ye Zhan. They support my father."

Jiang Yun nodded. "So, it is a three-to-three situation."

"Just I heard that your father is the strongest of your Tianxiang people. If he is strong, can't he decide the other elders?"

Upon hearing this sentence, Ye Zhiqiu’s face showed a mysterious smile: “What do you think is the strength of my Tianxiang people?”

Jiang Yun said bluntly: "General!"

Up to now, Jiang Yun has also been exposed to many Tianxiang people, and the most powerful one is Ye Boyi, and only the Taoist.

Although the Tianxiang nationality is a natural environment, since it is already the strongest existence among their ethnic groups, then others are naturally at most humane.

This kind of strength, placed in the domain, is indeed extremely powerful, but put it in the domain, but can only say the general!

"Ha ha ha!" Ye Zhiqiu suddenly made a loud laugh: "You should listen to what Xiaonan said, but it is no wonder!"

"Don't say that young south, even Ye Shuo and Ye Lingzhu, they are not clear about the true strength of my family!"

Jiang Yun’s heart has a slight movement: “Do you have hidden masters?”

"Yes, there are three elders in my family who are older than my father."

"How strong the strength of the three elders is, I don't know, but I am sure, definitely not weaker than my father!"

"And, even Ye Bo’s father, Ye Zhan, is as strong as my father."

"Now, do you know something about the strength of my Tianxiang people?"

This time it’s really the turn of Jiang Yun’s life!

He believes that with Ye Zhiqiu's character, there should be no exaggeration in his words, only caution.

And this means that the Tianxiang people actually have at least five powerful people!

Even if it is in the field, it should be a weak force. After all, the Moon Spirit is only the one who is the best in the month.

This also reminds Jiang Yun that the sky has told himself that the strength of any one of the tenth family is comparable to the peak of the nine people.

If you can control the Tianxiang people, it is definitely a powerful boost, and it also gives you a real foothold in the field.

I have to say that after understanding the true strength of the entire Tianxiang people, Jiang Yun is really tempted.

Taking back his thoughts, Jiang Yun looked at Ye Zhiqiu: "So, at least, I need to get the support of two elders?"

Ye Zhiqiu nodded: "Yes! Like this, it is a major event that affects the future destiny of my family. Too elders naturally have to participate in decision-making."

"Then, can I believe you?"

Ye Zhiqiu nodded again and nodded again: "Yes!"

Ye Zhiqiu is righteous, and he is naturally willing to admit his identity as a member of the tenth family.

He is also very clear that his Tianxiang people can have such achievements and strengths today, all thanks to the sect.

Be a man, don't forget this!

Jiang Yun solemnly said: "Well, then I need you to help me find a way to find out the meaning of the three elders!"

"Whether they are willing or not, you will tell me the results as soon as possible!"

"Good!" Ye Zhiqiu said with a fist: "I will do it!"

"In addition, see if you can create an opportunity for me to meet five elders personally!"

"I will find a way!"

"It's work! Remember, my identity, besides you and the commander, don't let the third person know!"

With the departure of Ye Zhiqiu, Jiang Yunchang exported his gas, and he finally took the first step of collecting the Tianxiang people and told Ye Zhiqiu his identity.

However, this is also an adventure.

If Tianxiang people finally refuse to admit their identity, then they may even kill themselves, so they need to think about it, and what to do next!

In the meditation of Jiang Yun, time passed quickly two days.

Ye Younan is still unconscious, and Jiang Yun is always sitting in the yard waiting patiently.

But at this moment, a violent drink was suddenly uploaded from the sky.

"Jiang Yun, hand over Ye Younan!"

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