The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1951: a test

Hundreds of Tianxiang people appeared above this rare courtyard.

Headed by an old man Jiang Yun has never seen, standing beside him, standing Ye Song.

Everyone's body is murderous!

Jiang Yun’s knowledge swept through these people and found that there was no Ye Zhiqiu, no Ye Boyi, and no Ye Shuo and Ye Lingzhu.

The strength of this group of people is above the heavens, and the old man who is headed is the strongest of the five people.

Compared with the Tianxiang people who Jiang Yun saw these days, the strength of these people has obviously increased to a large scale.

It is not difficult to see that they are also attaching great importance to Jiang Yun, so they sent such a strong lineup.

However, Jiang Yun now knows the general strength of Tianxiang.

There are five people who have a strong road, and the remaining four elders, the weakest, should also be human, but they all did not show up.

Moreover, Ye Zhiqiu should have told his father about his identity, but this time Ye Qiuqiu himself did not appear.

Well, it is very likely that this time the Tianxiang people came to find their own troubles, which is the default of Ye Zhiqiu and Tianxiang nationality patriarchs!

This also makes Jiang Yun realize that this is a temptation of the patriarch of the Tianxiang people!

He wants to take this opportunity to see his true strength and see if he is a qualified person who can be in charge of the Tianxiang family!

Although the patriarch of the Tianxiang nationality is willing to accept the identity of the tenth family, he must also consider the opinions of other elders.

Therefore, how his performance this time will make him finally make up his mind.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun took another look at Ye Younan, who was still sleepy. Under the raised hand, he also arranged an isolation method to protect Ye Younan again.

And he himself is still sitting in the same place, and he screams: "Why do you want to catch Ye Younan?"

Ye Song’s cold road: “Not all because of you!”

"You killed the refining marks and angered the blood refining people. Now they want Ye Younan!"

The Tianxiang people have received news from the blood refining family.

The father of the refining mark can not pursue the refining of the dead in the Tianxiang world, but the condition is that Ye Younan must be handed over.

Even, the Tianxiang people are not required to surrender Jiang Yun.

Although it is a bit shameful to surrender one's own ethnic group, for most Tianxiang people, using a discarded waste person can resolve the grievances between the blood and the refining people, and avoid the bizarre war. They are of course willing to accept.

Therefore, these people will come here to take Ye Younan.

"because I?"

Jiang Yun’s face showed a sneer: “Ye Younan is a member of your family, just because the congenital Dantian is damaged, because your parents are both dead, you will be abandoned!”

"Who is the person who is refining the mark, what kind of ethnic group is the blood refining family, you must be clearer than me."

"But even then, you still decided to use her as a tool, as a bargaining chip, in exchange for a partnership with the blood refining family!"

"Now, in order to save her, I killed the refining marks, and the blood refining people did not come to me to avenge, but you rushed to find me."

"I want to ask you, are you a Tianxiang people, or a dog leg of a blood refining family?"

Jiang Yun’s remarks said that all the Tianxiang people around him were red-faced, but they could not find a reason to refute.

Because Jiang Yun is telling the truth!

"Jiang Yun, although you are a bit strong, but it is too arrogant."

"I am acting by the Xiangxiang people. Where do you get an outsider here to gesticulate!"

At this time, the old man next to Ye Song finally faintly said: "Today, even if Ye Zhiqiu can't keep you, hand over Ye Younan, my Tianxiang people are not embarrassed, otherwise, don't blame us." ""

“Polite?” Jiang Yun shook his head and said: “When are you Tianxiang, when are you polite to me!”

"If you want to take Ye Younan, you don't have to talk nonsense, as long as you can break my sword array!"

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun closed his eyes and ignored the people.

After many Tianxiang people looked at each other, the old man said coldly: "Since this Jiang Yun does not know how to be good, then we don't need to be polite to him. You are quick and quick, and broke his sword array!"

At this moment, such a large movement in this area has long been noticed by many people, so there are already a large number of monks onlookers pointing at it.

Therefore, the old man will deliberately say this, in order to let everyone hear, his Tianxiang people shot on Jiang Yun, it is a helpless move, is Jiang Yun does not know good.


Hundreds of Tianxiang people immediately agreed, and raised their hands. Under the madness of the power, they made a variety of magical skills and went to the courtyard below.


Around the courtyard, the sound of the swordsman shook the earth, and the swords and spirits came out in a row, welcoming the attacking power of the Tianxiang people.

Despite the extraordinary strength, there is hardly any force that can withstand the blow of Jian Jian, and it is easily broken down by disintegration.

After a quarter of an hour, all the attacks of the Tianxiang people have come to an end, and the swords around the courtyard have disappeared again, as if nothing had happened.

But the courtyard is intact!

This scene falls in the eyes of other people around, making them a little hard to believe.

Jiang Yun actually relied on a line of law to be able to counter the siege of the 100 masters of the Tianxiang people. The high level of this law alone is already extremely outstanding.


The old man of the five-day robbery of the heavens suddenly reached out, and a thick force turned into a towering old tree, crashing down and slamming into the courtyard.


In the courtyard, there are countless swords rushing up, pervading the ancient trees, and it is easy to break the old trees.

The courtyard is still intact!

Under this circumstance, the face of the Tianxiang old man suddenly became difficult to look at. With his strength, he could not destroy this sword array, let alone other people.

If you can't break the sword array, you can't bring back Ye Younan. Under the eyes of the public, this person is also thrown home!

In desperation, the old man can only speak out loudly: "Jiang Yun, do you just hide in this sword like a tortoise?"

"You dare not come out!"

When I heard the old man’s words, I couldn’t help but scream in the mouth of the audience.

Obviously, the old man has already admitted that this sword array cannot be broken, so Jiang Yun can only be allowed to come out.

Jiang Yun also finally opened his eyes, a faint saying: "Even my sword array can not be broken, still dare to face me!"

"Look at Ye Younan's face, I don't care about you, give me a roll!"

"In addition, tell the blood refining people, they want to kill me, let them come!"

"Fantasy, drop off!"

With the fall of Jiang Yun’s voice, a black man appeared in the sword array, which is the sword spirit!

The face of the illusion with a cruel smile said: "My master is kind, I can be just the opposite. If you don't leave, then nobody wants to go today!"


The sword array suddenly stunned again and again, and countless swords rushed into the sky. In a flash, it was filled in the area of ​​Baizhang, and all the Tianxiang people were completely shrouded!

Everyone's face changes again, everyone has a clear feeling, as long as they move a little, the swords will easily cut themselves into pieces.

Such a situation has exceeded their imagination and made them helpless. Although they are unwilling, they seem to be able to leave.

At the same time, in a large hall of the Tianxiang ethnic group, the leaf exhibition that is also watching all of this is faintly saying: "Five elders, can you trouble me to personally clean up this madman."


Beside him, an old man is standing up, and he is a powerful person!

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