The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1952: Undercurrent source

With the departure of the five elders, Ye Boyi, who was sitting next to Ye Zhan’s body, said with a bit of incomprehensible voice: "Hey, you didn't say that, let this Jiang Yun go to trouble, don't ignore it?"

"How come instead of sending five elders now?"

Ye Zhan said faintly: "I want to try his true strength!"

Don't look at Jiang Yun's arrival since the Tianxiang people, he has always maintained a strong attitude, and even killed the refining marks, but until now, no one knows the true strength of Jiang Yun.

Killing the mark, for Jiang Yun, it is as easy as pinching an ant.

Nowadays, in the face of the aggressive attack of the Tianxiang people, he has easily blocked everyone with this sword array, and he has never done anything.

Therefore, Ye Zhan will have five elders to try to see the true strength of Jiang Yun.

Ye Boyi is still puzzled: "His strength is stronger, and he should not be stronger than the five elders."

"The five elders shot, it is not the hand to come, then after he grabbed him, can't he kill him?"

Ye Zhan saw his son and said: "Don't you be surprised, this time Ye Zhiqiu did not appear?"

Ye Boyi nodded and said: "It may be that Ye Zhiqiu does not want to have a big battle with the blood refining people. Therefore, under the general advantages and disadvantages, I decided to give up Ye Younan and Jiang Yun!"

Ye Zhiqiu's maintenance of Jiang Yun, all Tianxiang people are obvious to all, so for Ye Zhiqiu this time did not appear to stop, naturally let many people have some ideas.

“Blood refining?” Ye Zhan gave a sneer and said: “Do you think we are afraid of blood refining?”

“Not afraid!” Ye Boyi shook his head and said: “It’s easy for us to destroy the blood and refine the family!”

Although many people think that the Tianxiang and the blood refining people have the same strength, as a child of Ye Zhan, what he knows is naturally much more than Ye Shuo and others.

The strength of his own Tianxiang nationality is simply not provoked by the blood refining people in the district.

Ye Zhan continued: "Ye Zhiqiu is the son of the patriarch, and naturally knows this, so he does not appear this time, not because he wants to give up Ye Younan and Jiang Yun, but should be his father's idea!"

"The patriarch?" Ye Boyi suddenly widened his eyes: "The patriarch has been retired for many years, and he will be interested in this Jiang Yun?"


Ye Zhan nodded: "Although I still don't know why, but just two days ago, Ye Zhiqiu quietly went to the patriarch's retreat."

"Today made such a big move, he couldn't have known it, but it still didn't appear. It was only the patriarch who ordered him."

"Of course, all this is just my speculation, so I need to let the five elders verify my speculation!"

So far, Ye Boyi finally understood.

If the patriarch father and son really want to protect Jiang Yun, then Jiang Yun will appear when they are in danger!

Jiang Yun speculated that this is true. This time, the Tianxiang people asked him to come to Ye Younan. The real purpose is to test him.

However, this temptation comes from the three elders headed by Ye Zhan and the different sides of Ye Zhiqiu and his son!

Ye Zhiqiu and his son are aware of Jiang Yun’s identity as a sinister, so look at how much strength Jiang Yun has in the end, and whether he is qualified to take charge of his own Tianxiang.

Ye Zhan is trying to lead the patriarch from Jiang Yun's body!

As Jiang Yun said, the Tianxiang people seem to be calm, but in reality they are undercurrent.

And the source of this undercurrent is the position of the patriarch!

Ye Zhan has been in the position of the patriarch for too long.

The patriarchs have always been closed, and they have not asked the attitude of the world, so many people have been criticized.

Ye Zhan is pushing the waves in the dark and expanding these criticisms in order to attract more people to dissatisfaction with the patriarchs.

However, the prestige of the patriarch is still there, and there are many people supporting it. Under the full grasp, Ye Zhan is not afraid to openly rebel.

But now, the emergence of Jiang Yun, and the attitude of Ye Zhiqiu Li Bao Jiang Yun, is to let Ye Zhan finally see a great opportunity.

Therefore, he will let Jiang Yun go to trouble, let Jiang Yun to suppress his grandson, to pick the arrogant woman in the Yi people, to cause greater dissatisfaction of the people.

He even allowed Jiang Yun to kill the refining marks, which led to the hatred of the father of the refining marks and the whole blood refining group against Jiang Yun.

What he has to do now is to determine the attitude of the patriarch.

If the patriarch really wants to protect Jiang Yun, then the blood refining family will come.

Even, he will let Jiang Yun go to kill and kill some Tianxiang people!

At that time, he could use these things to launch a rebellion and take advantage of the patriarch.


Ye Younan’s residence is over, and hundreds of Tianxiang people are ready to escape under the encirclement of countless swords.

But at this moment, there was a cold cry: "Jiang Yun, do you really think that my Tianxiang people are not there!"

When the sound fell, I saw a huge palm falling from the sky, directly toward the illusion, and went straight to the entire courtyard.

The illusion felt the power contained in the palm of the hand, and the face changed, and it was extremely simple: "Adult, can't beat!"

After that, he directly turned a light and returned to the Tibetan sword.


Wherever the palm passed, all the swords, together with the entire sword array, collapsed in an instant, and the palm of the hand came to Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun’s eyes showed a cold light!

Originally, he believed that the attack of the Tianxiang people was only the temptation of Ye Zhiqiu and his son.

But now, the strength of this shot has reached the human level.

Coupled with the fierce murderousness contained in the palm of the hand, it shows that the person who shot is really killing himself, and this naturally makes him realize that his guess seems to be wrong.

However, even if it is a strong person in the human world, as long as it comes from the Tianxiang people, Jiang Yun is not afraid.

His power of silence can suppress the power of heaven.

Just when Jiang Yun was ready to shoot, he saw another light, flying from far and near, directly in front of Jiang Yun.

That is a token!

With the appearance of this token, the palm of the hand stopped immediately, and a voice with doubts was heard from the air: "The patriarch, what is this!"

The token is engraved with the pattern of the holy stone, which is the order of the patriarch of the Tianxiang people!

At the same time, Ye Zhiqiu’s figure also appeared on the sky: “Five elders, my Tianxiang, not the knife in the hands of others!”

When I heard Ye Zhiqiu’s words, Jiang Yun’s eyes flashed a hint of doubt, but he did not speak, still sitting there quietly.

The rest of the people, whether they are Tianxiang people or around the audience, can not help but stunned.

Just now they are still guessing who this shot is, why the strength is so strong, and now I know that it turned out to be the five elders of the Tianxiang people!

What they didn't even think of was that at the crucial moment, Ye Zhiqiu threw out a patriarch's order and prevented the five elders from killing Jiang Yun.

However, they understand the meaning of Ye Zhiqiu's words.

The one who really wants to kill Jiang Yun is the father of the refining mark, the blood refining family.

If the five elders now kill Jiang Yun, it is equivalent to becoming a knife in the hands of the blood refining people.


At the same time, Ye Zhan's mouth grew a sigh of relief, and even a smile on his face could not be concealed: "Well, tell the five elders, give Ye Zhiqiu a little pressure, you can come back."

Although Ye Zhiqiu stood out, but Ye Zhanzhen could not guess, the person who really let Ye Zhiqiu come out must be the patriarch!

Now that his own speculation has come true, the patriarch and Ye Zhiqiu will definitely protect Jiang Yun, which will allow him to continue to launch the next step.

Ye Boyi nodded and said: "What about Jiang Yun, so let him go?"

Ye Zhan smiled and said: "He is not asking the blood refining family to come to him personally? Then satisfy his wishes, inform the refining, let him bring people to catch Ye Younan, to kill Jiang Yun!"

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