The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1953: The opportunity is coming

In front of Ye Zhiqiu, an old man emerged from nothingness and looked cold and indifferent: "Knowing autumn, at this time, do you still need to protect this outsider?"

Ye Zhiqiu calmly said: "Five elders, my character should also be clear, I am not trying to protect him, everything I do is for my Tianxiang people to consider."

"This Jiang Yun has some grudges with my Tianxiang people, but the right and wrong, the fairness of the people, how to say, not to kill him."

Ye Zhiqiu’s words were heard clearly by everyone, and many people nodded secretly.

Because Ye Zhiqiu is a person, they do understand very well and are extremely fair.

What's more, he is right.

The process of Jiang Yun and Tianxiang’s grievances, strictly speaking, is to protect Ye Younan.

Ye Younan is also a Tianxiang people, so the Tianxiang people really have no reason to kill Jiang Yun.

The five elders naturally couldn't find a word to refute. The silence was only a cold moment: "If the blood refining family is fighting with my Tianxiang people because of him, I hope that you can bear this consequence!"

After leaving this sentence, the five elders snorted and left with a large sleeve.

Ye Zhiqiu is a meaningful look after Jiang Yun, and also left.

As the two men left, the others knew that today’s business is here.

However, this matter is definitely not finished yet, and the blood refining family will not be easy to give up.

As for Jiang Yun, he is still sitting in the courtyard that has almost become a ruin, and his face is indulged.

Ye Zhiqiu’s timely appearance, coupled with Ye Zhiqiu’s early telling of the relationship between the five elders, is naturally not difficult to speculate. The five elders must be on the front line with Ye Zhan.

Therefore, he finally understood that this temptation was not only from the patriarch of the Tianxiang nationality, but also included Ye Zhan and others.

Of course, he can only think of it at most, and he does not know the deeper meaning.

However, he is too lazy to think about it. He believes that Ye Zhiqiu will definitely come to find himself.

At this time, in the only fairly complete hut, the voice of Ye Younan came out: "Ginger Brother!"

Ye Younan woke up!

Jiang Yun smiled slightly, and between the big sleeves, there were countless swords rising from the sky, and once again arranged a sword array, and then it stepped into the house.

Because Jiang Yun’s protection for Ye Younan, Ye Younan did not know what had just happened. He saw Jiang Yun hurriedly stood up and said: “Ginger Brother, how long have I slept?”

"Two days!"

At the same time as Jiang Yun spoke, the gods have already swept through Ye Younan: "Now take the medicine, I will protect you!"

"it is good!"

Upon hearing this, Ye Younan nodded without hesitation.

She naturally did not forget Grandpa’s death, and she did not forget her determination.

With Ye Younan taking the medicinal herbs, Jiang Yun sat quietly, but the gods always pay attention to the situation of Ye Younan Dantian.

Under the efficacy of the medicinal herbs, Ye Tian of Ye Younan healed at a very slow speed, which also made Jiang Yun sigh of relief.

For up to three days, Ye Younan’s Dan Tian should be able to heal completely.

Once he recovered, Ye Younan will continue to practice.

It should not be used for a long time, and it can improve a realm.

Jiang Yun himself began to practice.

Although he is no longer in the dojo, his body has a large desperate darkness, which can provide him with the most pure aura, so it will not affect him.

After learning the true strength of the Tianxiang people, the stimulation of Jiang Yun is not small.

An inconspicuous group of people can have such a powerful strength. The strength of the two great royal families really makes him unimaginable.

Therefore, he must improve his strength as much as possible.

Even if he can't understand, but if he can raise his strength to the peak of Taoism, then with all his cards, he can at least have the power of a battle with the humanity.

As for the cultivation of the power of silence, Jiang Yun is still unclear for the time being, but he is not in a hurry.

Because there is a method of cultivation in the holy stone, even if he can't take charge of the Tianxiang, he must at least take away the holy stone.

That night, as Jiang Yun guessed, Ye Zhiqiu came again.

Seeing Ye Zhiqiu, Jiang Yun asked straightforwardly: "Is Satisfied satisfied with my performance today?"

Ye Zhiqiu smiled bitterly: "It seems that you all know. I will not talk about my father's dissatisfaction. This time I come, there is a good news and a bad news to tell you, which one do you want to listen to first?"

Jiang Yundao: "Listen well!"

"You are not saying that I hope I can create an opportunity for you to meet five elders? Now the opportunity is coming!"

"After three months, my Tianxiang people will once again open the holy stone, but not for outsiders, but for the test of the tribe, but allow outsiders to come on the sidelines."

Jiang Yun nodded, not surprising.

The Tianxiang tribes have the qualification to test the holy stone for each level of improvement.

And the number of Tianxiang people is more than 100,000, I am afraid that there will be people to enhance the realm every day.

It is naturally impossible for Tianxiang to open the holy stone every day for the people to test at will, so arrange a uniform time.

For example, once a year or half a year, all the people in the promotion realm will participate in the test.

Ye Zhiqiu went on to say: "At that time, the five elders of Tianxiang will appear, and it is even possible that three elders and my father will appear."

Jiang Yun couldn't help but frown slightly: "So grand? It won't be that you have told my identity to three elders?"

Testing for your own people is a common occurrence in the Tianxiang people, and it is not a big deal.

It is reasonable to say that one or two elders can appear, even if it is good.

But now all the elders and patriarchs are likely to show up, which is a bit too much.

This is what Jiang Yun wants to come, only because Ye Zhiqiu has exposed his identity, so they have to come and see themselves.

Ye Zhiqiu couldn’t help but white Jiang Yun’s eyes: “You feel so good about yourself, of course not because of you, but because of the drug warfare that will take place in the entire southwestern wilderness soon.”

"The so-called drug **** war is a big fight, and it will be held once every 100 years."

"Not only the ethnic groups in the Southwestern Wilderness that are proficient in refining will participate, but even the major forces will send people to watch."

"My Tianxiang people will naturally participate, so after three months, the opening of the holy stone, in addition to the test for the tribe, is to select the right people to represent my family."

Medicine war!

Jiang Yun’s eyes suddenly light up!

He fights medicine, he naturally understands what it is, and this ratio is actually related to the entire southwestern wasteland. That scale is really too big, it is a real event!

Even if you don't participate, you can open your eyes and open your eyes. It is also a rare experience!

Jiang Yun is a little curious: "What is the reward for winning the drug god, what good is your Tianxiang family?"

“The rewards are extremely rich, and the rewards for each session are different!”

Ye Zhiqiu scratched his head and was a little embarrassed: "As for the rankings, my Tianxiang family has not even entered the top ten!"

Jiang Yun's complexion can't help but condense.

Tianxiang, a natural refining pharmacist, did not even enter the top ten of the drug war!

This made him a little unimaginable, but it also shows that the medicinal rumors of the catastrophe are much stronger than the domain.

Ye Zhiqiu continued: "Well, the good news is over, now tell you the bad news!"

"You said!"

"Although the opportunity is for you, the premise is that you must find a way to live until three months later, the blood refining family will not be willing to give up, they will definitely send people to kill you."

"They will send people again. My father and I will not help you again. If you can live, you will have to look at yourself!"

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