The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1968: One person and one sword

Looking at the refining that had been planted on the back, the eyes were round and the breath was full, everyone couldn’t help but change their face and couldn’t help but breathe.

Even the lions, even Ye Zhan and Ye Chunyang's faces are all shocked.

Surrounded by dozens of great ethnic groups, and surrounded by many monks, Jiang Yun is not afraid of how to keep his own life, but still shot sharply and killed. Refining!

The strength of Jiang Yun is really far beyond the expectations of everyone!

Naturally, everyone understands that this is Jiang Yun’s response to their attitude at the moment!

If you want to kill me, you have to be prepared to be killed by yourself!


In the eyes of everyone shocked, the Tibetan Taoist sword made a black light and flew back to the hands of Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun reached out and touched the sword of the Tibetan sword with his fingers. The faint road said: "I have told you that I want to kill me, and I will directly shoot, how come so much nonsense!"

"Fugitive?" Jiang Yun shook his head, his face showing a scornful smile: "This identity is not bad, at least I don't need any scruples!"

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun suddenly raised the Tibetan sword, pointing straight to a middle-aged man in front of him at the moment: "You, do you want to kill me?"

This man is a strong man from the residual maple family. He was suddenly pointed by Jiang Yun, and his face suddenly sinks.

In particular, Jiang Yun's distinct tone of contempt, but also let him have a sense of killing in his eyes, the body is shaking slightly, with the urge to rush to kill Jiang Yun.

However, when he saw the blood of the Tibetan sword, the blood that was still dripping, and the corpse that was still not in the distance, but still did not dare to move.

Even though his self-sufficiency is stronger than the refining, the process of killing and refining Jiang Yun is really too clean and easy.

Obviously, I am not an opponent of Jiang Yun!

At this time, if you really rushed forward regardless of regardless, then I believe that I will become the second person to die under Jiang Yunjian.

For the silence of men, Jiang Yun did not continue to speak, but held a Tibetan sword, slowly pointing out one by one from the faces of dozens of big-strong people who surrounded him.

"Are you going to kill me?"

Although the hearts of these powerful people are full of anger and murderousness, there are also many more monks than the refining, but before they can understand the true strength of Jiang Yun, no one dares to act rashly.

As for the monks on the periphery, I dare not have any action.

Looking at this scene, many monks who are not prepared to get involved in this storm can not help but secretly nod and show their admiration!

This Jiang Yun, no matter what the origin, this domineering is really convincing!

The person who is clearly in an unfavorable situation is him, but at the moment he is one sword and one sword, but he has been stunned by so many great powers present.

Jiang Yun’s voice continued quietly: “Jiang’s self-examination has not met with you, and there is no enmity, but you will kill me because of this refining side!”

"The hatred between refining and me should be very clear."

"He is not my opponent, so it will be filthy that I am a fugitive, so I can use your hand to deal with me."

"With such a simple reason, you should not think about it."

"Just, you are more willing to believe that Jiang has a fruit and a demon, so this is coming."

"If there is, then kill me, these things are naturally yours;"

"If you don't have it, kill me. For you, there is no loss!"

Jiang Yun’s gaze slowly sweeps over everyone again: “Jiang’s only said once, Jiang is not a fugitive, believe it or not, it’s you!”

"Who wants to kill me, I can come over, but at your own risk!"


The Tibetan sword in the hands of Jiang Yun has penetrated the ground straight!

And he himself was carrying his hands behind him, standing calmly in his eyes, looking up at the sky, not even looking at the many monks in all directions.

One person and one sword, so quietly standing there, reflected in everyone's eyes, like a painting, is also fixed in the minds of countless people, so that they can not forget to die!

Although Jiang Yun’s act of killing and refining, and the words he said, it really played a great deterrent, and also allowed the monks who were preparing to shoot against Jiang Yun because of the agitation of refining. Abandoned this idea.

But it is a pity that Jiang Yun does not know that the real master of the whole thing behind this whole thing is not refining, but the elders of the Tianxiang people!

These big families, including Shi Yan, they certainly hope that Jiang Yun's body can have a fruit and demon, but they are more concerned about it, or the benefits that Ye Zhan Xu gave them.

Therefore, Jiang Yun must die!

After a moment of silence, the strong man who was previously pointed by Jiang Yun with a sword suddenly smiled coldly: "Jiang Yun, refining and saying that you are acting hot and strong, really nothing wrong."

"However, do you think that killing him, will this matter be settled?"

"Not bad!"

Another strong person said: "Whether you are a fugitive, as long as you are shackled, we are not difficult for you, only to send you to the Crown Division!"

"If you are not a fugitive, then the Crown Division will not be jealous of you, and naturally will let you go!"

The third strongman went on to say: "At that time, if you really marry you, we will apologize for you!"

The opening of the three people made Jiang Yun a little surprised, and at the same time, he finally realized that today, I am afraid that the speculation is not complete.

However, no matter what the truth is, since these people still want to kill themselves, they will naturally not be polite with them.

Jiang Yun turned his head and looked at the three people: "If you want three people to work together, you can do it directly. Why do you have so much nonsense!"

The disabled maple strongman looked indifferently: "We are willing to persuade, but since you are toasting and not eating fine wine, then don't blame us for being polite!"

When the voice fell, the three men raised their hands at the same time, and three different forces attacked Jiang Yun.

When they want to come, one person is not Jiang Yun’s opponent. Together, even if they are still not Jiang’s opponents, they can at least test the depth of Jiang Yun.

However, just as they shot, Jiang Yun’s figure has disappeared from everyone’s eyes.

Then, I heard three loud noises from the "bang".

The bodies of the three strong men blasted openly, turning into a **** rain, falling down!

In the **** rain, Jiang Yun’s figure also reappeared next to the Tibetan sword.

At this moment, countless exclamations sounded.


"This, how did he do it!"

"A punch killed a strong man?"

Because Jiang Yun’s speed is so fast that not many people around him can see Jiang Yun’s movements, so they don’t know what happened.

And those who can see clearly, the face at this moment is also extremely dignified.

Because Jiang Yun was killing the three people with pure physical force.

Especially the lion, after hearing the sound of the two people behind him, his face also showed a dignified color.

The fire lion family, as a demon, the power of the flesh can be counted as a major advantage.

However, even if it is a lion, there is no confidence that it can punch one by one and easily kill the three strong men.

Jiang Yun did not pay attention to the shock and dignity of others, but still stood there with his hands and looked around the ethnic groups surrounded by himself: "If you are embarrassed, then I will tell you for it..."

"You, all together!"

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