The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1969: Manic capital

At the moment, Jiang Yun has interpreted the words of arrogance and strength to the extreme!

The reason why he dares to do this is because he has such capital.

At the time of the Tao, Jiang Yun always felt that his strength was too weak. In fact, it was because his opponent, the people he met, were almost the top of the domain.

Even if you leave the road, you can't count, the five elements, Dan Daozi, Jiansheng, etc., which one is not a strong presence on the top!

However, in the field of extinction, even though the overall strength of the monk here is much higher than that of the Taoist domain, the monks who destroy the domain also need to go from low to high and practice layer by layer.

Especially in this area where he is now, it is the most remote place in the domain, and almost all of life can be regarded as the lowest level.

These ethnic groups, if placed in the seven regions of the Central Pole, are simply a group of ants.

At this moment, among the people who surround Jiang Yun, the highest level is only the equivalent of the Heaven and Man.

After all, even if they are big families, they are roughly the same strength as the blood refining people and the moon spirits.

The strong people of the humanity and the environment are the elders of all ethnic groups.

In the capacity of those people, they can leave the ethnic group because of the promises promised by Ye Zhan, and personally ran to deal with Jiang Yun.

Spread out, not to be jokes to die.

Moreover, in the past three months, not only Ye Younan has improved the realm, Jiang Yun himself has also entered the Taoist Seventh Heaven!

Although the Taoist platform is unique to the Taoist monks, Jiang Yun’s Taoist platform is a nine-seat home that can stand up to other monks.

Even if you leave all the cards of Jiang Yun, you can't look at it. If you only look at the number of roads, Jiang Yun's strength is equivalent to the other monks' roads.

In addition, his body of silence has passed two silences.

Not long ago, it absorbed some of the lines of silence from the holy stone, so that his physical strength is also rising.

If Jiang Yun reconciles with the reincarnation of the Fourth World, then Jiang Yun is already truly invincible in the human world.

Even in the eradication of the domain, even if it is a strong person in the human world, Jiang Yun has a battle.

Because of the power of the void and the power of assimilation that Jiang Yun has mastered, especially the power of silence, it is the ancestor of all the forces that destroy the domain, and the suppression of the limits of power for all forces.

The suppression of this power, the more disparity between the two forces, the greater the suppression.

Although there are many ethnic groups in the Tianxiang people today, there is not even one family. The power they possess encounters the power of silence, and God knows how much will be suppressed.

However, when it is not forced to do so, Jiang Yun will not display the power of destroying the domain. Even the power of the nine people will try to avoid using it.

Therefore, he shot twice in a row, all with the thunder, and unrelenting direct killing, in order to shock others.

Sure enough, at the moment, Jiang Yun’s still arrogant provocation, although there are still more than a dozen people surrounded by his big family, but no one has the courage to go forward to fight Jiang Yun.

Even if they let them go together, they don't dare.

After all, if Jiang Yun is shot, there will be someone who will die. No one knows. Jiang Yun will choose who to shoot first.

In this way, Jiang Yun and the people of these big tribes are once again in a stalemate.

For such a situation, Ye Zhan's eyes showed a hint of anxiety.

Although he thought that Jiang Yun was not good at dealing with it, he did not expect that Jiang Yun would be difficult to get to this extent!

Under such unfavorable circumstances, he is still at ease, not falling, and even faintly stunned so many powerful people.

And if Jiang Yun does not encounter the crisis of life and death, then Ye Chunyang will not shoot.

Ye Chunyang does not shoot, and he will not be able to usurp the position of this patriarch.

Now, the two people who are most likely to deal with Jiang Yun are the Fire Lions.

But the two of them are always indifferent, eyes and nose, nose and heart, and do not care about the outside world.

Obviously, they will only listen to the orders of Lions, and Lions have no plans to let them shoot.

"But if I take the shot, then I really have no way back!"

Shaking his head, before the masterful grasp, Ye Zhan still did not dare to shoot himself, so he could only pass the voice to Shi Yandao: "The lion is the master, are you still not shooting?"

"Is it shot?" The voice of Lion Yan soon rang: "Why do you want to shoot, I think it’s more fun to participate in the fun!"

"Not to mention, the strength of Jiang Yun, and the situation you told me at the beginning, but there are some discrepancies, even I have eaten a lot of dumb loss on him, can not provoke, it is still not to provoke good!"

Ye Zhan is so determined that he can't understand the meaning of Shi Yan's words. Obviously, he feels that he has not given him enough benefits!

Although Ye Zhan is dissatisfied, he does not dare to offend lion inflammation. He can only follow: "The lion is the master, let's just tell the truth, how is it, you are willing to take it?"

Lion Yan said one word at a time: "I want you Tianxiang!"

I heard this sentence, even in the eyes of Ye Zhan, it suddenly showed a cold light!

By this time, Ye Zhan has understood that this lion has never seen the benefits of his promise from beginning to end. His real purpose is to be his own fragrance!

Therefore, after he arrived, he was always on the sidelines until he knew that he had no way out, so this was mentioned!

However, the reason why I want to become a patriarch is to become a one-of-a-kind, unique existence.

However, now that Shi Yan has turned to Tianxiang, even if he becomes a patriarch, he is still only a shackle. The person who really controls the real power is still a lion!

Ye Zhan smiled and said: "The lion is the master, this condition, I am afraid I can not agree, can you change the conditions!"

Lion Yan smiled slightly: "Then I will continue to watch the fun!"


Ye Zhan took a deep breath and forced to press his inner anger!

Today's business, for Shi Yan, it does not matter, after watching the lively, the big deal is to take the **** and leave, there is no loss.

But for you, today is your only chance. If you can't succeed, you will not only have the opportunity to turn over, but you will be in a place where you can't stop.

Once again, I saw Jiang Yun and the great powers who are still in a confrontational position in the distance. Ye Zhan can only helplessly say: "Well, as long as you can help me sit on the patriarchal position, then after that, Tianxiang people will recognize you. The lion is the main!"

"That's right!"

Shi Yan suddenly laughed out loud: "Jiang Yun, I really can't stand it!"

"Whether you are a fugitive, but today you are arbitrarily murdered in my greedy wolf area, killing so many monks, I can't let you run anyway."

"Come, come and kneel down!"


A man behind the lion Yan promised to take a step and walked toward Jiang Yun.

And when I heard that Shi Yan was deliberately let everyone hear it, I saw that this strength is not much weaker than the fire lions. Ye Chunyang knows well, Ye Zhan is forcing himself to shoot. !

Jiang Yun is strong again, and it is absolutely impossible for this fire lion to be an opponent. If you don’t shoot again, Jiang Yun will die!

"But it!"

For a moment, Shen Chunyang’s heart sighed.

Since he has decided to support Jiang Yun, then he can really watch him die in front of himself.

Even though it lost the position of the patriarch, the Tianxiang people betrayed the mortal family, but as long as Jiang Yun does not die, perhaps one day, Jiang Yun can still recover the Tianxiang people.

However, just when Ye Chunyang was ready to go out, his voice suddenly sounded Jiang Yun’s voice: "Ye patriarch, what is going on today, what is going on, is it that the leaf show is behind the master?"

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