The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2034: From the past

"What is this texture?"

Jiang Yun is still watching the lines on the Tibetan sword, and even reaching out to touch it gently, thinking about what kind of power this kind of line represents.

At the same time that Jiang Yun’s sentence fell, another voice followed his words: “This is the timeline!”

The mystery of time, although full of the power of time, but these forces are silent.

Even if they flow more crazy, there will be no slightest voice.

Therefore, this sudden sound, although not loud, but for Jiang Yun, it is really worthy of the thunder and thunder, the direct shock of his body trembled, and let him suddenly looked up.

Until then, Jiang Yun saw the figure in front of him!

Although the body of this figure is still illusory, it does not affect Jiang Yun to see his appearance.

After seeing it, Jiang Yun was once again trembled and blurted out and debuted: "Father!"

At this moment, another figure that appeared in the secret of this time is the hero of Han Yun, the father of Jiang Yun!

However, after shouting out the title, Jiang Yun immediately discovered that although the appearance of the other party is indeed very similar to that of the righteous parent Han Shizun, the age is clearly younger.

Black hair, thin face without wrinkles, a pair of eyes like a star, but also contains a little smile, watching Jiang Yun, faintly said: "How can I not remember, have you like this One of the sons?"

In Jiang Yun’s mind, there was a blank first, but then there were countless thoughts as lightning-like strokes, until finally gathered into three words: “Who are you?”

In fact, Jiang Yun already knows who the other party is, but he still wants to hear the other person's answer clearly.

"Ha ha ha!"

The man couldn't help but laugh and said: "Since you called me a righteous father, but you don't know who I am? Are you in the future, are they so interesting?"


After hearing these two words, Jiang Yun’s heart couldn’t help but jump again and asked again: “You, from the past?”

The man nodded and nodded: "The scorpion can teach, too, I, from the past, or, now, you are in the past!"

This sentence, replaced by other places, if heard by Jiang Yun, will definitely think that the other party is gibberish, but in this time secret, in this constantly changing time, Jiang Yun is very easy I will understand it.

Even if I understand, Jiang Yun couldn't help but take a deep breath and then continued: "Is the predecessor, always here, no, waiting for me in the past?"

The man nodded again: "I am waiting for someone, but I don't know who I am waiting for!"

Jiang Yun stood up and gave a fist to the man. He deeply worshipped: "The descendant Jiang Yun, see the ancestors!"

Naturally, this man, the mortal who created the Taoist domain, was also guessed by Jiang Yun. After the reincarnation, he became the mortal of his own righteous father in this world.

Even, when he was the strongest in the era of the ruined family, he created the patriarch who died in the tenth family under the rainy day!

The mystery of time exists in Shuraotian, and among the countless ethnic groups in Shura, there is a group that is one of the tenth family.

Obviously, the patriarch of the year, not only chose a group as the tenth, but also left this time secret.

Moreover, he also relied on his powerful strength to leave his own knowledge, or an image, in this time and secret.

For the sake of waiting, one day, his descendants will be here.

In the face of Jiang Yun’s visit, the dying patriarch’s eyes flashed a ray of light, and a sigh sighed in his mouth: “Actually, I hope that I will never wait for someone I have to wait for!”

The meaning of this sentence, Jiang Yun naturally understands.

If he can never wait for someone he has to wait for, it means that the genocide is always strong and stands in the domain of destruction.

However, since Jiang Yun has come and saw him now, it means that the stagnation has suffered misfortune.

The patriarch of the sigh once again sighed: "However, it is a normal thing to do things, and it is normal. Tell me what happened to the mortal family!"

While talking, the patriarch of the slain also sat directly across the knee from Jiang Yun.

At this time, the backflow of time has also stopped. In other words, the time here has already stopped.

Jiang Yun couldn't help but smile, how can he know what happened to the genocide.

However, since the other party asked, then he could only say everything he knew about the stalwart.

Even with the other side to create a debut field with the nine ethnic groups, and the reincarnation of the other party's reincarnation, until the accident of awakening the memory of the past life in this world, the speculation of becoming a righteous father is also said.

The patriotic patriarch always listened quietly, and the thin face always had no slight expression change, just like listening to a trivial matter.

After Jiang Yun finished speaking, he continued to silence for a long time. Then he slowly said: "Actually, your doubts are also my doubts. In my case, you can't get any answers at all."

Jiang Yun nodded silently. When the other party left this image, the stalwart was just like the sun.

Even afterwards, I don’t know how many years have passed, and the mortal family has disappeared inexplicably, and he has only created the domain.

Even if he is a supernatural powers, he can't really know the prophet, knowing what will happen in the future.

What he can tell Jiang Yun is what happened before he was "born."

And those things, Jiang Yun knows or not, actually does not have any meaning.

Nothing is how the genocide becomes stronger and how to dominate the entire demise.

Suddenly, the dying patriarch reached out and pointed to the Tibetan kennel in the hands of Jiang Yun: "However, I can tell you, this sword!"

"Just as I have already said, the lines on the sword are the lines of time, that is, the power of time."

Hearing here, Jiang Yun has some understanding. This Tibetan sword is actually a remnant of the patriarch, and it contains the power of time. It is no wonder that it can display the skills of the sword.

"Just when I refining it, I just used it as a token of identity, or a key."

"After refining, I have hidden the power of time inside, and closed the spirit, and in order to restore it to the true face, there must be two conditions."

"First, nature is the power of silence; second, it requires some powerful source of swords!"

Jiang Yun finally realized!

The Tibetan Taoist sword already has its own spirit, and even I am afraid that it has already awakened.

But only suffering from it has never encountered a strong source of strength related to the sword.

Until now, the Tianyuan strongman of the sword butcher appeared!

Sword spirit illusion, I am afraid, also driven by the spirit of the Tibetan Taoist sword, will take the initiative to help themselves, so that the Tibetan Taoist sword can absorb the other source.

Just Jiang Yun asked a little puzzled: "Why must it be the source of the sword?"

"Because the patriarch of the family of the tenth family I chose in this world is the power to cultivate swords!"


Ginger cloud nodded, this is the role of the Tibetan Taoist sword as an identity token.

As long as you can see the ethnic patriarchs who belong to the tenth family in Shura, you can use this sword to let the other party confirm their identity.

As for the role of the key, naturally it is in this time secret, you can protect yourself from the influence of time, you can let yourself see the patriarch.

"Right, what is the name of this sword?"

"I was just refining at random, so I named it the family of this world."


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