The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2035: Kindly elder

Shura sword!

The name gave Jiang Yun a nod and then nodded.

It seems that the Shura people who have risen in Shura today are the group of the tenth family chosen by the patriarchs.

Even the reason why they suddenly opened up their own time and secrets for their own time should be their patriarchs. They saw the process of Tibetan swords absorbing the source of the swordsman and the Tianyuan strong, so they finally confirmed their identity.

Moreover, they are hidden from the present, just like all members of the tenth family.

Even if they recognize their identity, they are not good at directly helping themselves to deal with Xue Ao and others. Therefore, they can only open up the time and secrets and use this hidden way to save themselves.

For other people, entering the time and secrets must be dead, but for the self-armed Shura sword, entering the time and secrets, there will be nothing at all!

After understanding this, Jiang Yun once again asked: "Once, then you are waiting for me, what is it?"

"Nature is to send you a make-up!"

At the same time as the patriarch of the dying smile, he has already shaken his hands, and dozens of lines of silence have appeared, directly immersed in the body of Jiang Yun.

In this regard, Jiang Yun is not unexpected.

The role of time and secrets, in fact, is the same as the holy medicine stone of the Tianxiang people, in order to help the people of the mortal people to enhance their strength and strengthen their own bodies.

After all, with the disappearance of the dead family, the power of silence and the lines of silence also disappeared.

Even in the original trials of the mortal people, there were not many patterns of silence.

Without the pattern of silence, it is impossible for any mortal tribe to cultivate to a higher level.

Therefore, the patriarch of the ruin will leave the pattern of silence in various ways among the ethnic groups selected as the tenth, so that their descendants can better cultivate.

In addition to the pattern of silence, the patriarch of the sinner began to explain in detail the practice of cultivation of the dead family.

For Jiang Yun, this is the real big creation.

Although there is also a method of cultivation in the holy medicine stone, the effect is naturally much worse than the personal explanation of the patriarch.

And if Jiang Yun does not understand the place, you can also ask directly.

Even in the past, there are few people who can enjoy this kind of treatment.

Naturally, this also allows Jiang Yun to understand the cultivation of the entire sect.

When the explanation of the patriarch was finally over, he told Jiang Yun about the stagnation.

Although the mortal tribe is its true ethnic group, Jiang Yun has no slight impression on the sinless family. There is no slight feeling, even the imagination can not be done.

However, under the narration of the patriarch, in the mind of Jiang Yun, everything in the stagnation of the genocide was gradually clear, and he felt that he seemed to be one of them.

Finally, the voice of the patriarch stopped and looked at Jiang Yun with a gaze. His face showed a smile: "Little guy, my task is already finished!"

Although I knew that the other party would definitely disappear, but after hearing this sentence, Jiang Yun’s face still showed disappointment.

Because, the other party, really is their own elder, is their own relatives, the body of their own, the same blood.

Regardless of what kind of image the patriarch of the past is in the minds of others, but in the heart of Jiang Yun, he is a kindly elder!

Seeing the change of Jiang Yun's complexion, the patriotic patriarch smiled and said: "You don't have to, my buddy is not still alive, and has become your righteous father?"

"All your doubts, when you see him again, he will tell you!"

"Although I don't know my deity, why don't you complete the task of reviving the genocide, but put this burden that you shouldn't have been carried by you on your body, but I believe in my vision, You can definitely afford it!"

Jiang Yun nodded silently, and he thought about this problem himself.

Since the righteous father is the patriarch of the ruin, then even if he is only one person, he is definitely more suitable than himself to revive the sect.

However, his body must have encountered any changes, resulting in his repairs falling sharply, so he can only let himself complete.

The patriarch also finally stood up and reached out and gently placed it on Jiang Yun’s shoulder: "Now, I will send you to the future."

"With this sword, this time secret can be completely owned by you, controlled by you!"

"Right, I almost forgot. The tenth family I envisioned should be nine ethnic groups."

"Although I don't know that I ended up successfully collecting several families, but after Shurao, my next goal will be the stars!"

"Okay, come back to the future!"

When the voice fell, the patriarch did not give Jiang Yun the time to open again, and the big sleeves had already waved.

And Jiang Yun immediately felt that he had been still in his body for a while, and immediately resumed his flow.

It is no longer a countercurrent, but a downstream!

This also makes it possible for Jiang Yun’s body shape to stand still in the same place, but in his eyes, the body shape of the dying patriarch is rapidly moving away from him!

Jiang Yun didn't open his mouth, just facing the patriarch of the dying, and deeply worshiped again!

Looking at the shape of Jiang Yun, who is also far away, the face of the patriarch is gradually revealing a trace of disappointment.

But immediately, this disappointment has turned into a gratifying smile: "The role of my existence, in addition to sending you a good fortune, naturally wants to see you with your own eyes."

"Although you are not the one I have to wait for, but you are also very good!"

"Some things, I didn't tell you, but since my deity, your righteous father also didn't tell you, it means that you don't know it!"

Shaking his head, the patriarch was sitting cross-legged with a smile on his face, and the illusory figure gradually dissipated!


Jiang Yun also straightened up and looked at the past that he could no longer see, slowly closing his eyes.

I don't know how long it took in the past, Jiang Yun finally opened his eyes.

At this moment he is still in the darkness, but the river of countless times is completely chaotic.

Jiang Yun knows that he is back!

Everything that just happened was like a dream. After Jiang Yun still recollected it for a long time, he reached out and grabbed the Shura sword. The power of silence poured into it, and the light source on it suddenly lit up. .

Although Jiang Yun does not really have the power of time, but under his power of silence, he can control the whole time and secrets through the light source pattern on the sword.

In order to prevent others from breaking in, he did not change the chaotic time of the time. He only fixed the time flow of the river of time he was in, ten times slower than the normal flow rate. This puts aside all the thoughts and begins his own real retreat!

Although he has returned to the past, but now he has to go to the future!

And his future is full of ups and downs, so he must make himself strong as soon as possible.

Even in this time, he only has two years.

Two years later, the drug **** war, he must appear, not only to see Xueqing, in order to cheer for Ye Younan, but also to report that he was chased by the five majors!

Jiang Yun, this is the one who will report!

Now, what he has to do is to cultivate at least two of the remaining roads in twenty years.

Anyway, the pattern of the silence has already existed in his body, so only the aura is needed. When the road is condensed, the pattern of the silence is added, which is equivalent to the source station.

Of course, he hopes that he will be able to enter the natural world, especially if he has already possessed Tianyuan Fruit!

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