The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2047: Open challenge

Since Jiang Yun dared to fight for the drug, naturally he has taken all the possible consequences into account.

In particular, there are more detailed understandings of the situation of the great generals who have hatred of themselves.

Xue Jingtu They want to kill Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun also wants to kill them!

During Shura, the five major ethnic groups besieged and chased Jiang Yun. If this revenge is not reported, Jiang Yun is not Jiang Yun.

Therefore, when he heard that Zhang Feng reported the name of the Linghe family, he knew that the other party was a slave to the Danyang people.

Coupled with those who are stalking outside the restaurant, he is not sure if he is coming because of himself, but he wants to come.

Even, he thought that Zhang Feng’s insult to Ye Younan and others was also inspired by Xue Jingtu and others, so he said this.

The name of Xue Jingtu is naturally famous, and everyone in the restaurant is surprised.

Zhang Feng was even more condensed, and the palm of his hand was hovering there for a while.

Since the other party knows Xue Jingtu, and also said such a thing, it means that he did not even look at Xue Jingtu, and how he would care for a slave family in the district.

However, after hehe hesitated, Zhang Feng did not care about the shot!

Just as Ye Zhiqiu believed that Zhang Feng did not dare to kill himself, Zhang Feng at the moment also held the same idea.


Accompanied by a muffled sound, everyone only felt that there was a flower in front of him. Zhang Feng’s figure had already flown directly along the gate of the restaurant, and flew out, and fell heavily on the ground, lying there, motionless.

I don't know if I am dead or I am in a coma.

Look at Jiang Yun, still sitting there, and never even moved.


Then, it was another muffled sound. Ever since the emergence of Jiang Yun, the wolf macro, who had never said a word, suddenly slammed it on the table.

The table suddenly broke open, and the wolf macro grew up. The **** red eyes showed no deep silence, and they did not speak at all. They directly lifted the claws that had been turned into the truth. The volley pressed Jiang Yun down.

A claw of a size, appeared above the top of Jiang Yun's head, like a big mountain, with a loud bang, falling straight down.

Jiang Yun raised the chopsticks in his hand and stabbed him toward the wolf claws, and easily broke the wolf claws.

The next moment, his figure appeared in front of the wolf macro, reaching out and grabbing the wolf's neck and smashing him into life.

The face of Wolf Macro suddenly changed. He was also a source of seven heavens. He was a genius in the family. However, in the face of Jiang Yun, he did not even have the power to resist.

Jiang Yun looked at him coldly and said: "Let the wolf wait for me!"

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun shook his hand and Yang, and saw that the body of Wolf Hong also flew out of the restaurant, just falling to the side of Zhang Feng!

Although there was still one person at that table, but after seeing the end of Wolf Hong and Zhang Feng, he immediately slipped out of the restaurant.

Jiang Yun had thrown Zhang Feng out before, and everyone has not paid too much attention.

After all, Zhang Feng is not only a slave, but also has just entered the source.

Can be different from wolf macro, he is a greedy wolf will be a family of arrogance, but also a demon, the source of the seven heavy strength, are qualified to fight the source of the eight.

However, Jiang Yun treats his attitude and treats him equally!

In particular, the last sentence Jiang Yun said, even his position in the minds of everyone is infinitely high.

The same is Tianjiao, but also has the strength and strength of the points.

Wolf Wu, although not a greedy wolf minority, but stronger than Wolf Macro.

And Jiang Yunxian did not put Xue Jingtu in his eyes, but now he has let Wolf Wu wait for him.

This is tantamount to offending the two great families at the same time!

However, Jiang Yun’s words are not finished!

Jiang Yun walked to the door of the restaurant, his eyes swept through the nine cold-stricken people, and said: "I don't care who you are. If you know Tu Shaoxuan and Wan Haoran, please help me with the trouble."

"Jiang is back. After a few days, I will visit them one by one and let them wait for me!"

After leaving this sentence, Jiang Yun simply ignored the people who had been stunned all around, and went to the Tianxiang people such as Ye Younan: "Let's go!"

In this way, Jiang Yun shot Zhang Feng and Wolf Macro, and after the declaration of the four great geniuses, Shi Shiran left!

Not waiting for Jiang Yun to return to the inn of the Tianxiang people, the events that took place in the restaurant have spread rapidly throughout the Danding world at a speed of the wind.

A young monk, who is not well-known, dared to openly challenge the four great geniuses at the same time. This is really impossible to attract the attention of everyone.

For a time, Jiang Yun’s limelight even overshadowed the upcoming drug war!

However, all ethnic groups with a certain strength immediately began to explore the origins of Jiang Yun and Ye Younan, and also looked forward to how the four arrogants named by Jiang Yun would respond.

Not long after, they naturally inquired about the relationship between Tianxiang and Jiang Yun, and even inquired about what happened in Shura!

Although no one knows the specific origin of Jiang Yun, everyone agrees that Jiang Yun must come from a certain hidden group.

The reason why he is so strong, can even be said to be crazy behavior, is to make a name!

For his own name, he is also famous for his ethnic group.

It’s definitely the fastest way to challenge the genius of the family and beat them again!

However, most people think that Jiang Yun is looking for a dead end!

Because of the arrogance he challenged, even if it included Xue Jingtu, the young master, in fact, among the major generals, strictly speaking, it is not the most powerful Tianjiao.

Among the annihilation domains, although the outstanding ones of the younger generations of the great tribes are collectively referred to as Tianjiao, in reality, there is a difference between Tianjiao and Tianjiao.

Among the ruins, there are thousands of people, but the number of families is not more than one hundred.

The vast Southwestern Wilderness Area is only the top nine generals!

It can be imagined that the strength of the family is strong and deep, even if it is a tribe, it does not necessarily mean that you can fully understand.

Tianjiao is the successor to the patriarchs, elders, etc. who are regarded as the future of the family.

They not only have to fight with outsiders, but also compete with each other, so some are more powerful.

If you don't say anything, just take the Danyang people, his two brothers have already entered the heavens.

Even his eldest brother Xue Jingyang is known as the sun of Danyang.

That is beyond the scope of Tianjiao, it should be called a enchanting existence!

The situation of other families is also roughly the same.

Although Jiang Yun’s strength is very strong, there may be no problem in challenging these arrogances of the Wolves. However, if you encounter the enchanting people of all major ethnic groups, the end will definitely be dead.

However, some people think that Jiang Yun will not succeed, but if his people are like him, or if he also has a strong foundation and rely on it, then there is no problem at all.

Compared with the curiosity of everyone, Xue Jingyang and others are now in a state of ruin.

Originally in accordance with their temperament character, facing the naked challenge of Jiang Yun, they must fight.

However, they are afraid of Jiang Yun, although they are unwilling to bear it.

Everything that happened in Shura’s heavens was not very detailed. Only they knew that Jiang Yun had killed the sword and the Tutian Tianyuan strong one!

Now Jiang Yun is alive and out of the time and secrets that are impossible to come out. After the emergence, he is still so overbearing and strong, and his strength is probably improved.

Coupled with Jiang Yun’s public provocation, everyone knows that if they rely on the power of the ethnic group to deal with Jiang Yun, it will inevitably be laughed at.

However, if the turtle cannot shrink, it will also be considered as fearing Jiang Yun.

Fortunately, they thought of a brilliant idea!

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