The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2048: Let it go

Among the inns, Jiang Yunzheng quietly listened to Ye Danqiong about the development of the Tianxiang people in the past two years.

Jiang Yun is the main lord, Tianxiang is his power, and he must report to him on matters of natural size.

In particular, the decision of some important matters requires him to be the master.

Among the Taoist domains, Jiang Yun is the lord of Shanhai Dizong, who has led 300,000 disciples;

In the illusion, as a foreign aid of the abandon, he also led countless abandoned people.

He can do a good job of how to manage a Zongmen group.

However, he is really not interested in these.

At that time, he was also involuntarily, because no one could do better than him, so he could only stand up.

Do whatever you can to care for those who trust themselves and are willing to put their lives in their hands.

But it is different now.

Tianxiang nationality or Shura nationality, these two ethnic groups exist for a longer time than the Taoist domain. They already have a mature and mature ethnic system, and they do not need him to worry about it.

Therefore, after waiting for Ye Danqiong’s voice to fall, he quickly waved his hand: “Predecessors, these things in the future, don’t tell me, you decide it!”

Ye Danqiong also has some understanding of Jiang Yun’s personality, and he knows what kind of burden Jiang Yun has.

Compared with a Tianxiang nationality in the Imperial District, there are indeed many more important things that need him to consider, so Ye Danqiong also smiled and nodded.

Then, Ye Danqiong smiled and smiled. Some apologies: "The Lord, the medicinal materials needed by Snow Maiden, although we are already trying to find it, we still have three flavors."

Jiang Yun originally hoped that he would come here and see the snow that had already revived.

But when he first saw the 20 people of the Tianxiang people, he knew that his hopes were once again shattered.

However, he also knows the difficulty of finding medicines.

In order to cut off the Xianming Branch, he has already offended the two majors.

Even though the Tianxiang people are supernatural, it is inevitable that they want to find all the herbs.

“What three medicinal herbs are you still missing?”

"Xianmingzhi, Xuanyin and Tiandimu!"

Jiang Yun couldn't help but laugh, took out Xianmingzhi and Xuanyin fruit and handed it to Ye Danqiong: "Now, it's just a taste!"

Seeing Xianmingzhi and Xuanyin fruit, Ye Danqiong’s eyes suddenly shook: "No, it should be said that it is not bad."

Jiang Yunyi said: "Is there still a world of wood?"

Ye Danqiong smiled and said: "Tiandimu can not be found, but the Jianmu people have an ancient building wood that can replace Tiandimu."

"With our relationship with the Jianmu people, if we pay some price, we should be able to exchange a small piece of wood from them."

"In fact, I can do this long ago, but before Xianmingzhi and Xuanyin fruit were not settled, even if there was construction, it was useless, so I have not sent people to ask for it."

"Since it is only the world, now I will let Ye Wang visit them and explore their tone!"

Ye Danqiong is an acute child. After he finished speaking, he had already sent someone to recruit Ye Wang. He simply ordered two sentences and sent him to build the Muzu.

The relationship between the Tianxiang and Jianmu people, Jiang Yun naturally knows that at this moment, I heard that I have already got the medicine, and my heart is of course very excited.

However, he is also a bit worried: "Would you not give it to Jianmu?"

"It shouldn't be!" said Ye Danqiong: "When building wood is precious, we are not white, and certainly will not let them suffer."

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "That's good, then good!"

Ye Danqiong smiled and said: "But the main lord may have to wait for a while, even if the Jianmu people are willing to take out the building wood, but they must wait until the end of the drug **** war, after they return to the Jianmu."

The ancient building wood is a building that has existed since the birth of the Jianmu people. It can be imagined how precious it is, and it is impossible for the Jianmu people to carry it with them.

"No hurry!"

Jiang Yun has been waiting for hundreds of years, and he will care more about this time!

"Yes, Lord, I know everything that happened in the restaurant!"

Ye Danqiong hesitated with some hesitation: "Does the Lord's deity declare war on them publicly, will it be somewhat unfavorable to the identity of the Lord?"

The true identity of Jiang Yun, once exposed, will definitely bring him endless disasters.

And Jiang Yun is in the restaurant, so the strong provocation of the four great geniuses of the genius, now more famous, this is not a good thing to think about Ye Danqiong.

In the capacity of Ye Danqiong, nature is not qualified to blame Jiang Yun’s behavior. He is only worried about Jiang Yun, so he will ask this question.

In fact, Jiang Yun himself has considered these issues.

Especially in the days of Shurao, the long-term and old people of Shura and other ethnic groups also deliberately discussed.

Although Jiang Yun is used to doing things low-key, his current purpose and identity have been different.

This also led him to encounter the great generals, and even the chance of encountering the royal arrogance, far greater than others.

Unless he can really swallow his voice all the time, he is willing to succumb to these under the royal family and be bullied by them.

Otherwise, as long as one can't help it, his fame will also be played.

Therefore, instead of always forbearing, it is better to always maintain a strong position.

Only you are strong, only you have enough strength to win the respect of others.

Moreover, sometimes it is easy to be suspicious.

After all, in the cognition of most people, if the mortal people reappear, they must be anonymous and avoid being known by others.

But Jiang Yun is so strong, so even if he personally admits that he is a mortal, I am afraid that no one will believe it.

What's more, the area of ​​the deforestation is vast and the situation is chaotic.

For the eight wilderness areas, the people in the seven major regions of the center are not at all concerned and do not care.

The ethnic groups in the wasteland, even if they are the family, the overall strength is better than the generals in the central area. In fact, it is too far.

What happens in the wasteland, unless it is really a hole in the sky, may not be known to the royal family or those in the central area.

Therefore, Jiang Yun simply let go of his hands and feet, and naturally follow his own heart to act.

This has the added benefit of allowing him to more easily confiscate other Tenth ethnic groups.

For what happened in Danding and the reactions of various ethnic groups, Jiang Yun is naturally well aware.

As Xue Jingtu and others thought, he clarified the dispute, publicly challenged them, and placed himself in the clear, but instead let the people of the great generals dare not treat him.

Now, if you and the Tianxiang people really die in the Dingding world, even if they are not the four great people, everyone will think that the four great people will kill the enemy and kill themselves.

This kind of thing, with the identity of Xue Jingtu and others, can never be done.

Therefore, Jiang Yun’s approach will make himself and Tianxiang people relatively safer.

However, he is also considering the idea that he was vetoed by himself. Should he move the Tianxiang people into the Shura community?

It was just that the matter was too great and he was ready to wait until the end of the drug war. Let’s talk to Ye Danqiong first.

Next, Jiang Yun asked about Ye Younan's situation in the past two years.

And Ye Danqiong mentioned Ye Younan, the face of that beautiful beauty suddenly flew up.

"The Lord respects the eye and knows the pearl. The child of Xiaonan has a high talent. It is rare in ancient times. In the future, it is possible to embark on the supreme high ground with refining medicine."

Although Ye Danqiong’s words must have exaggerated elements, Jiang Yun’s understanding of Ye Younan’s refining and manufacturing know-how is indeed extraordinary, so he naturally laughs and listens.

"The Lord, three days later, the drug **** war began officially, do you want to let the young South face refining once..."

Ye Danqiong’s words were not finished, and I saw that Ye Zhiqiu’s face was dignified and came in, holding an invitation in his hand!

"The Lord, the three masters of the Danyang tribe, Xue Jingtu, invite you to a feast!"

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