The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2071: Soul practice

The so-called Lingyuan Dan is to integrate the source of certain power into the medicine.

Once taken, you can let the source lines enter the source station in Dantian, thus increasing the number of source lines in the source station!

The source of the domain is destroyed by the source of the source into nine source stations.

The more source lines are condensed in each source station, the stronger the source station is, and the stronger the strength of natural monks.

Once the source station is formed, the number of source lines in it will be fixed and cannot be increased.

However, Lingyuan Dan can increase the number of source lines again.

Although the number of source patterns will not increase too much, even if you can add a source pattern, there will be great benefits for the monk!

For example, there are only nine lines of silence in Jiang Yun’s source platform. If he takes the Lingyuan Dan with the pattern of silence, he can add a few more lines to the silence!

It can be imagined that Lingyuan Dan is an invaluable treasure for the monks of the source.

The refining pharmacist who can refine Lingyuan Dan, his position in the hearts of other monks is naturally rising!

Therefore, at this moment, I saw the Lingyuan Dan held in Qi Hongbo’s palm. Almost everyone has already determined that he must be the champion of this drug war, and will become the new drug god!

In the first two rounds of comparison, Qi Hongbo's scores were all ranked first, and in the final round, he made the eight Pindan, which is by far the highest among all the medicinal herbs.

What's more, his refining is still Lingyuan Dan!

If this is not the first, then I am afraid that all the monks will not agree.

Although there is still one Ye Younan still does not end the refining of medicine, but no one wants to come, no matter what refining medicine she produces, it is impossible to surpass Qi Hongbo's Lingyuan Dan!


Xue Jingtu and others looked at each other, and each of their mouths quietly spit out a long breath and a smile on his face.

Although this result was originally expected by them, but now it is about to become a reality, which makes them finally completely relieved.

At this time, a crowd suddenly heard a voice in the crowd: "Let that Ye Younan no longer need to continue to refine it!"

"In any case, her performance is not likely to surpass Qi Hongbo. Why waste so much time for so many people, wait for her alone!"

The person who spoke is the man of the blood refining family.

And his voice just fell, immediately caused a lot of other people's reconciliation.

"Yeah, if she wants to refine for three days and three nights, we have been waiting here for nothing!"

"Ye Younan is only a godsend. The medicinal herbs that she can refine, at most, are Liupindan. There is no comparability with the other eight refining pharmacists, let alone compared with Lingyuan Dan!"

"Yes, let her give up quickly. Now she is the ninth worst. This is a very good result!"

Although everyone’s words are somewhat ugly, they are also true, even if Tianxiang people admit it.

If the rules have not changed, then Ye Younan may also fight for the first in the heavens!

But since the rules have changed, it is already determined that she can't be the opponent of these Taoist and source Taiwanese refining pharmacists.

Even Jiang Yun has the same feeling, and the heart secretly said: "The next drug war is the time when the young South really shines!"

However, what surprised everyone was that Qi Hongbo, who had never spoken before, suddenly said: "No!"

"As a refining pharmacist, every remedy we refine is devoted to our own efforts."

"I think we should still wait for this Ye girl to complete her refining!"

"This is also respect for her, but also respect for each of our refining pharmacists!"

Although Qi Hongbo’s words were calm, but everyone was awe-inspiring, he was full of admiration.

Not only is the refining of medicines high, but the character is still so modest, the name of the drug god, deserved!

Even Jiang Yun couldn't help but look at him more, and he felt a little sorry for his previous thoughts of being a narrow-minded person.

Since Qi Hongbo is willing to wait and say this discourse that everyone can't refute, then other people can only continue to wait for the temper.

As a result, millions of monks in the Danding community are waiting for Ye Younan, who is on the medicine **** stage!

However, Ye Younan apparently did not notice what happened outside.

In her eyes, in my heart, only the refining furnace in front of me!

Finally, after several hours, the refining furnace in front of her began to tremble slightly.

This made everyone who had been waiting for some boring, could not help but feel the spirit.

However, at this time, Ye Younan suddenly sat down on his knees, and a black glow was emitted from his eyebrows, and it was shrouded in a trembled furnace!

This group of black light, like living things, quickly penetrated into the refining furnace, which made the vibration of the refining furnace become more intense.

"Is that her soul?"


"She is crazy, she uses the soul to refine the medicine. If she is not careful, she will lose her life!"

"What's more, she has integrated her own soul into the furnace, what is the role of refining?"

Seeing the black light emanating from Ye Younan's eyebrows, everyone can recognize that it is her soul.

It’s just that they can’t figure out what to do, and when Ye’s medicine is about to become a Dan, why should Ye Younan integrate his soul into the refining furnace?

Cheng Dan is the last step in refining medicine.

This step does not need to do anything at all, just wait patiently.

If you do something, it will probably make Cheng Dan fail.

Especially the soul, it is not a medicinal material at all, and the soul is sent into the ding furnace, which will not help the refining.

With the dissipating black light in Ye Younan's eyebrows, her face instantly became extremely pale, and the sweat on her forehead was also oozing out, and the body was equally trembling.

Obviously, the loss of part of the soul has a great impact on Ye Younan.

"what is she doing?"

Jiang Yun’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he sent an inquiry to Ye Wang and Ye Zhiqiu, who were next to him.

He discovered earlier than anyone, and Ye Younan took out her own soul.

It’s just that he doesn’t know what Ye Younan is going to do, so he doesn’t dare to stop it.

"Soul, soul refining!"

Ye Wang trembled and said: "The technique of soul refining is a unique method of refining medicine that is unique to my Tianxiang people. It has long been lost. Yes, it must be given to her by her ancestors!"

Jiang Yun’s brow wrinkled and said: “What is the use of the soul refining technique?”

Ye Wang shook his head and said: "I don't know the specific role. After all, the technique of soul refining has been lost for a long time."

"I only know that the technique of soul refining is endless, and it may cause any change in the drug."

"But the soul refining the wounded soul, after exerting it once, it takes a long time to recover, and even can never be restored, so my family gradually banned the practice of soul refining."

"I didn't expect that the ancestors actually passed to the young south, and the young south is now used!"

After listening to Ye Wang’s explanation, Jiang Yun already understood that Ye Younan must be able to get a good position in the battle of medicine, in order to prevent himself from disappointing, so he learned the technique of soul refining from Ye Danqiong.

Don't hesitate to sacrifice your own soul, so as to refine the better medicine!

"You are so stupid, how stupid, a drug war in the district, I will not mind!"

Although Jiang Yun is extremely disapproving of this practice for Ye Younan, he can only stand by now.


Suddenly, in the refining furnace in front of Ye Younan, there was a loud explosion.

The furnace cover of the refining furnace was directly blown up, and there was a golden light inside, which flew into the sky!

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