The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2072: Higher than

With the golden light rushing out, Ye Younan, who was always sitting cross-legged, hurriedly stood up from the platform and lifted the slightly trembling palm, grabbing the golden light.

Everyone saw that there was a remedy in the golden light, but no one knew what kind of remedy it was, so they could only widen their eyes and hold their breath, waiting for Ye Younan to spread his palm and reveal the remedy. .

Ye Younan is panting in the big mouth and his chest is violently ups and downs.

Just as this Dan has a weight of a million, so that she can not bear, and did not show the drug in a moment.

Suddenly, there was a cold voice screaming with sarcasm: "Because of the mystery, the refining of the medicinal herbs can kill and live, but also the good name is the refining pharmacist!"

The one who spoke is the blood refining!

At the same time as his voice fell, two eyes with endless killings had fallen on him, causing his body to suddenly shake, as if pressed by the mountains, could not stop shaking.

This look comes from Jiang Yun!

Although Jiang Yun did not know, this blood refining people had just sang together with Qi Hongbo, and they sang a low-yield young south and themselves, but at this time, the other party dared to speak out against Ye Younan, which is a violation of their own scale.

At this moment, Ye Younan simply did not make a mystery, but because of the wounds in the soul, and the exhaustion of his blood and blood, he finally succeeded in refining the medicinal herbs, and he did not even have the strength to spread his palms.

This blood refining people deliberately said so indiscriminately, how can Jiang Yun not be angry.

However, Jiang Yun just looked at him and he recovered his gaze.

Because Ye Younan finally trembled and spread his palm, revealing the remedy in his palm!

The previous medicinal herbs were exuded to be golden light, but the medicinal herbs themselves were black.

The light comes from the golden lines that overlap on it.

Looking at this Dan, everyone is not a slight frown.

Because among them, no one can recognize the essence of Ye Younan's refining system!

Nowadays, I am not here to say that it includes the top refining pharmacists in the Southwestern Wilderness Area, but there are 100,000 refining pharmacists, the last medicine god, and a strong one of the Danyang people in the Jiuzu.

All of these people are well-informed and have extraordinary visions, but they can't even recognize a remedy. This situation is also incredible.

Only Ye looked at his brows and wrinkled his eyes, his eyes twirled, and his mind swung his mind quickly, until after a moment he suddenly blurted out and debuted: "Plastic soul Dan, this is the soul of the soul!"

The sound of Ye Wang is so great that everyone can hear it clearly.

Most of the people are still full of stunned faces. Only the strong person of the Danyang nationality who has returned to the source of the situation has a slight glimpse: "Is it a plastic soul? Is it the remedy that can reshape the soul?"

Jiang Yun’s heart is moving!

Although he has never heard of the plastic soul Dan, but the role of this Dan seems to be just suitable for the use of snow and clear!

Snow Qing soul is poisonous, coma for many years, even if Ye Danqiong can successfully remove the poison in his soul, let it wake up, but many years of coma, so that its soul is bound to be damaged.

If you take the plastic soul, it is of great benefit to the soul.

In the heart of Jiang Yun’s heart, “Do you know that Xuenan’s ancestors knew about Xueqing from the ancestors of Danqiong, so specially designed this plastic soul for Xueqing?”

"Not bad!" Ye Wang nodded again and again, and the old face showed an excited color: "It is the plastic soul Dan."

"It’s just that this Dan has been extinct for many years. I didn’t expect it to be today, actually..."

Ye Wang’s excited words are incomplete.

However, most people still have no reaction to the excitement of Ye Wang.

Because they have never heard of any plastic soul Dan.

Needless to say, Ye Wang and Ye Younan are the same family. What he said is really unbelievable.

However, Jiang Yun and Ye Zhiqiu and others are well aware that Ye Wang should not lie.

Ye Younan's refining system is inevitably the extinct plastic soul Dan, and it is from the guidance of Ye Danqiong.

At this time, Ye Younan, who was watching the black medicinal medicine in his palm, finally showed a satisfied smile on his pale face and nodded: "This is the plastic soul Dan!"

A refining pharmacist frowned and asked: "Even if it is a plastic soul, what is the grade of Dan?"

This is the most concerned issue for everyone!

Ye Wanggang wanted to speak, but was stopped by Jiang Yun, but looked at the source of the Danyang family.

Even if Ye Wang said it, others would not believe it, but it would be better for the strong person to say it.

He not only cultivated the highest, but also came from the Danyang people. No one would question if he said something.

This returning source is hard-pressed. He naturally knows the grudge between Xue Jingtu and Jiang Yun, and also knows the relationship between Ye Younan and Jiang Yun.

However, in his capacity, if he lie, although he can survive for a while, it will not be used for a long time.

Therefore, after Wei Yi Shen, the returning source is telling the truth: "eight products!"

The simple two words, like the wind, instantly swept everyone in the room, leaving everyone stunned and stunned.

Eight Pindan!

Only Ye Youjing, who is only equivalent to the six-level refining pharmacist Ye Younan, actually refines a Bapindan!

Some of the monks can fight more and more, and naturally among the refining pharmacists, some people can refine their medicines, but the more they are, the higher the level will be.

Once you reach a certain level, the more you are, the more impossible it is.

For example, the source platform cannot be more and more killing the heavenly source. This has become the standard that all the monks in the field have firmly believed!

The six-level refining pharmacist may be able to refine the Qipin medicinal herbs, but even the second-order refining of the eight medicinal herbs, not to mention the first appearance in the history of the pharmacy, even in the southwest. In the history of the wasteland, it has never happened.

But now Ye Younan, actually did it!

"The soul of the soul!"

The Tianxiang people thought of what Ye Wang had just said, and naturally understood that Ye Younan did it by virtue of the technique of soul refining.

Even so, they are still shocked!

As for other people, the same is true. Even even the "modest" Qi Hongbo, although his face is strong, but his eyes flashed a horror.


At this time, a few coughs sounded, Xue Jingtu appeared on the sky: "You, since the ten refining pharmacists have completed the final round of the test, then we still have to check their medicinal drugs first, see Their medicinal herbs are worthy of their name!"

Xue Jingtu’s words made everyone finally return to God and nodded.

The ten judges came out of the crowd, and in turn began to check the eight pharmacists' medicinal herbs, but no one went to check the plastic soul Dan.

It is not that they deliberately target Ye Younan, but because they have never heard of the plastic soul Dan, naturally they can only put Ye Younan aside.

Soon, the ten judges completed the inspection and directly announced the results. Apart from Ye Younan, Qi Hongbo's Lingyuan Dan was not only the highest level, but also reached the middle level.

That is to say, if Ye Younan refining is really a plastic soul Dan, but as long as the grade is not as good as Lingyuan Dan, then Qi Hongbo is a well-deserved medicine god!

The ten judges finally came to the side of the plastic soul Dan, and after a serious discussion with each other, they gave a conclusion.

They can't determine whether Ye Younan's refining is a plastic soul, but at least for sure -

The effect of this Dan, as the returning source of the Danyang people said, and the grade, it has reached the upper level!

Lingyuan Dan, eight products in the middle;

Plastic soul Dan, eight products on the upper level!

If you talk about the grade of medicinal herbs, then Ye Younan is even better than Qi Hongbo!

At this moment, the expression on everyone's face suddenly became very exciting, and the eyes also looked at Xue Jingtu!

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