The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2073: Final result

Almost everyone has already determined that Qi Hongbo won the title of Medicine God, which is definitely a matter of nailing.

However, no one thought that Ye Younan, who emerged in the first round of the test, now brings a huge accident to everyone in this final round of trials!

Now, everyone wants to see, as the true judge of this drug war, what will Xue Jingtu give a final result!

Xue Jingtu's brows are slightly wrinkled, and the face is difficult to color. It seems to be a bit tricky for the current situation.

It was not until after a moment of silence that he smiled bitterly: "You also know that although this battle of the drug **** was hosted by me, the ranking of the drug **** war has always been our common recommendation."

"This time I naturally don't dare to specialize, so let me first ask the opinions of other seniors before they make a decision!"

Xue Jingtu’s eyes looked at the rest of the family.

One of the strongest people in the greed of the wolf was the first to say: "Do you still ask, the name of the drug god, of course, to Qi Hongbo!"

Xue Jingtu said with a smile: "Please ask the seniors to talk about the reasons."

The courageous wolf is strong: "Qi Hongbo's performance in the first two rounds of the test is the first, although the Dan drug order in this third round is slightly less than Ye Younan, but he used the shortest, so comprehensively He should be the first!"

Although Wolf Wu and others are the genius of the family, but unlike Xue Jingtu, Xue Jingtu is the three young masters of Danyang, he is qualified to preside over the drug **** war.

The other eight major generals who are actually led by the team are still strong in Tianyuan. Therefore, at this time, it is not possible to express their opinions on the Tianjiao.

However, everyone is also well aware that the leaders of the major generals will definitely stand on the front line with Tianjiao in their family.

The sword and the strongman on the side followed: "Yes, Qi Hongbo should be the first."

"And, Qi Hongbo's refinement is the role of Lingyuan Dan and Lingyuan Dan. Everyone knows very well that it is a real priceless Dan!"

"As for what plastic soul Dan, what reshapes the soul, but it is all illusory, how to reshape, how much can be reshaped, it is unknown, and can not be compared with Lingyuan Dan!"

The person who led the team in the Xuanyin family is the mother-in-law of Nangong Huaiyu. She also said at the moment: "I think that Ye Younan is more suitable as a medicine god!"

"The role of medicinal drugs varies from person to person."

"You think Lingyuan Dan is important, but for those whose soul is damaged, Plastic Soul Dan is obviously more important!"

"Furthermore, Ye Younan refines the eight-grade upper class, and Qi Hongbo refines the eight-grade middle class!"

"Although I am not a refining pharmacist, I also know that the gap in this order is like heaven and earth!"

The Jianmu strongman also faintly said: "I also think that Ye Younan should get the first, because you don't forget, Ye Younan is only a godland!"

"Tianyou can refine the eight-pin medicinal herbs. When she arrives at the source, it may be possible to refine the ten medicinal herbs."

"The name of the drug **** is what she wants!"

These words suddenly made many people nod their heads.

Indeed, regardless of whether Ye Younan refining the system is not a plastic soul, but also what role, but with the cultivation of the heavenly environment, it is possible to refine the eight-product medicinal herbs.

This alone is enough to show that her refining pharmacy is high, especially the potential is much higher than Qi Hongbo, and the room for future growth is also larger, naturally more qualified to become a drug god!

The Jingjing strongman sneered and said: "She refines the eight-pin medicinal medicine by using some secret method of using the soul. It is not her true level of refining. Even the remedy she refines should be regarded as Obsolete!"

When his words fell, he was reluctantly retorted by the Xuanyin Laojiao: "Jokes, the rule of the last round of the drug war is free to play, and there is no rule that the secret method is not allowed!"

"If Qi Hongbo also uses the secret method, don't say that the more refined the ten medicinal herbs, as long as he can refine the nine medicinal herbs, I will not hesitate to think that he is a drug god!"

Qi Hongbo's face has always been indifferent from the beginning to the end. It seems that he does not care whether he can get the title of this drug god, but when he hears the old man's words, his face can't help but change slightly.

In fact, they have a secret recipe for refining medicine, but he has tried many times and it is impossible to refine the medicine.

For a time, the great powers of the major generals spoke in succession.

Some people support Ye Younan, and some support Qi Hongbo.

However, the discerning person can naturally see that only the Xuanyin and Jianmu families support Ye Younan, and the support of Qi Hongbo is that there are four major families!

Rather than discussing who is more suitable to be the drug **** of this drug war, it is better to say that they are expressing their attitude towards Jiang Yun.

After some disputes, Xue Jingtu interrupted with a smile: "There are still three big predecessors who have not spoken. I don't know if you think that who is more suitable to become this medicine god?"

After the **** rain, the Thunder and the Frost Heavens, the three Tianyuan strongmen looked at each other and finally gave their opinions.

The **** rain family supports Ye Younan, while the Thunder and Frosty Days support Qi Hongbo!

Six to three!

"All right!"

With the announcement of the nine majors, Xue Jingtu said with a smile: "You have heard it, and now I will announce the final result!"

"Although Ye Younan's refining medicinal herbs are indeed eight grades, but because she is using the secret method, and she has not won the first two rounds of the trial, she can only be ranked second!"

"Qi Hongbo, the first round of the two rounds, the final round is also the first one, so he is the drug **** of this drug war!"

"Congratulations to brother!"

Qi Hongbo's face is indifferent, and finally in the joy of Xue Jingtu's voice, turned into an excitement that could not be suppressed!

And for this result, it is actually expected by most people!

Ye Younan even if the talent of refining medicine is higher, but as long as she has a relationship with Jiang Yun, then she will not be able to get the first in the battle of medicine!

Although many people really feel sorry for Ye Younan, Ye Younan himself has no loss or sadness.

Even, she has already walked from the Yaoshen stage to Jiang Yun.

Raised the soul of the soul in the hands of the soul, and sacrificed his soul to the soul of the refining of the spirit of the soul, handed to Jiang Yundao: "This is my refining for the blind!"

Sure enough, Jiang Yun’s previous guess is correct!

Plastic soul Dan is for the sake of snow refining!

Jiang Yun reached out and took over the plastic soul Dan, looking pale, but with a smile on his face, Ye Younan said: "Well, I took it for her, you should go to rest first!"

Immediately, several Tianxiang people came over and helped Ye Younan!

Jiang Yun looked at the plastic soul Dan in his hand, and also sent a message to Ye Wang and Ye Zhiqiu: "Wait for an opportunity, immediately leave the world and turn the heavens and the world at the fastest speed."

"Then, the family moved to Shurao!"

Both Ye Wang and Ye Zhiqiu knew that Jiang Yun suggested that the Tianxiang people should relocate. At this moment, in this case, Jiang Yun’s voice was heard, and their faces suddenly changed.

The two hurriedly opened their mouths to talk, but Jiang Yun’s voice rang again: “This is my first command of the Lord, the first order to your Tianxiang!”

This sentence says that Ye Wang and Ye Zhiqiu still dare to speak!

Although Jiang Yun is the main lord, he has never given any orders to the Tianxiang people. All the things are discussed with them.

Now, since he has placed the identity of the Lord, and will make the Tianxiang people move into orders, then they naturally understand that there is no possibility of negotiation.

Do not listen, that is to defy the life of the Lord!

In desperation, the two can only whisper: "Follow!"

Jiang Yun, holding the palm of the plastic soul Dan, gently closed, suddenly screamed: "Xue Jingtu, you can remember, I told you before the banquet!"

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