The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2552: Killing meaning

In addition to the channels connected to the domain and the destructive domain, the 500 monks have long since arrived, but they have not entered the domain.

It is not that they do not want to enter, but because there is a graveyard in front of them.

This piece of graveyard is not a real graveyard, just a shadow.

The area is extremely incomparable, and at the end of the day, they can't see the end, and they lie between them and the domain, blocking their way forward.

Among the cemeteries, there are countless graves, large and small.

On each grave, there is a piece of complete or tombstone!

This cemetery, although seemingly illusory, contains a strong force fluctuation inside, and more importantly, a layer of faint smog over it.

All the sectarians understand that this cemetery must be a defensive measure deliberately arranged in order to prevent others from entering.

In it, it contains both the array method and the prohibition. It can be said that it is a hidden danger.

For such defensive measures, the destroyers are no strangers.

Because in other domains, there are also some strong people who can know the existence of the domain, and know that there will be a channel connection between the domain and the domain, so similar defenses will be made.

And such a defense, in the eyes of the monks who destroyed the domain, is simply ineffective, completely unable to stop them.

After all, the ordinary domain is not even a strong person who is in the virtual world. The defenses laid out by the monks under the imaginary are also limited.

But at this moment, looking at this illusory cemetery, the hearts of the five hundred monks who destroyed the domain were involuntarily stirred up with a dangerous feeling.

The source of this dangerous feeling is not the strong wave of power that comes from within the graveyard, but the faint smog that hangs over the graveyard.

The smog didn't know what it was made of, and everyone distracted the gods, and they could vaguely feel that there was a trace of death.

The breath of death, all monks are naturally very familiar.

However, in the face of the death scent contained in this smog, let alone the ordinary martyrdom of the domain, even the five tyrannical leaders headed by the various ethnic groups all have a hint of chill from the heart!

It seems that it is not a simple dead air, but a kind of special kind of death, but it is a special atmosphere that they have never touched!

Although it feels weird, of course, these five hundred monks are not afraid.

Among the five sturdy and powerful people in the forefront, a young man with three water marks on his eyebrows first said: "You, this grave, should be the first level of the empty road. It is."

"It's not as good as five of us to try to see who broke the graveyard first. What kind of ethnic group is the first one?"

Next to the man, a bald old man reached out and touched his glowing head and smiled slightly: "I have no opinion on the proposal of the brothers!"

The other three did not speak, but apparently also agreed with the man.

Seeing that the other four people have no opinions, the young man took the first step: "There will be a ugly first by the water!"

As the voice fell, the three marks in the man's eyebrows suddenly rose.

"Oh la la!"

In an instant, there was a long, infinite river in front of everyone, heading straight toward the graveyard.

The river instantly completely drowned the entire graveyard.

Through the river, you can clearly see that the smog in the grave suddenly boiled up, and the countless tombs were also shocked, and the sound of a loud bang was heard, as if there were a large number of undead to climb out of it. .

However, there is also a ray of light in the middle of the river, like thousands of swords, and stalking all the graves and smog.

It is also a very powerful pressure, released from the river, hard to suppress the vibrating graves.

Seeing this scene, the bald old man was stunned and said: "The power of the Tianhe family is really well-deserved."

"As far as I know, there was a strong man in the Tianhe people. It was a Tianhe River that directly covered a whole road domain. It turned the road domain into a dead domain without any effort."

"Now the brothers used this Tianhe to deal with a cemetery in the district, it is a bit overkill!"

Tianhe family, control the power of the river!

It is said that their strength really comes from the water of the Tianhe River that descends from the sky!

The young man named Shui Jingluo is an elder of the Tianhe Clan.

Although the time to enter the virtual world is not long, but the strength is also incomparably strong, is regarded as the arrogant figure in the family, the character is proud.

The reason why the Tianhe Clan sent him to attack the Taoist domain was also an intention to give him a chance to exercise and become famous.

Hearing the praise of the bald old man, the face of the water is also showing a pleasing color, but the mouth is a modest way: "Zhong Xiong has won the prize, and the person whom Zhong Xiong said is my uncle."

"In that year, he was the one with the power of one person, flooding the road with a Tianhe River, and became famous in World War I."

"I am still far worse than my uncle!"

"However, I have heard that the bell and drum force of the bell and drum family has been ringing for nine days. I hope that today I have the opportunity to see the strength of Zhong Shanxiong!"

The bald old man named Zhong Shan, is the strongest of the bell and drum family. It seems to be kind and friendly, but it is actually a sinister, sinister person!

For the sake of water, Zhong Shan laughed two loudly: "Haha, let's talk about it, but today's battle, I think it should be the only brother who is the leader!"

While talking, Zhong Shan’s gaze looked not far away, wearing a middle-aged man in a white gown.

This man, who looks elegant and graceful, seems to be more likely to be closer than Zhongshan. But the name of his and his ethnic group, in the four-image area, is almost unknown.

His name is Duan Yi, from the killing of the family!

Although there are a large number of ethnic groups in the four-image area, they naturally have strengths and weaknesses, and the killing of the family is definitely one of the best.

The killing of the family, originally not called this name, but do not know when to start, this group changed its own name to kill.

Because the power of their own family is the power of killing, and the power of their family is said to be the first killing of the birth between heaven and earth.

The meaning of killing, invisible and inferior!

Moreover, the killing family is also one of the few that has found the source, and the original source is enshrined in the ethnic group.

The overall strength of the killings is also among the best in the whole world. Even many people think that they are second only to the two royal families.

Of course, for this statement, there are several major families in the four-image area that do not recognize it.

However, between these major families, because of the suppression of the two major royalties, they did not have the opportunity to really fight, so no one knows how to be weak and weak.

And things like the attacking domain are, in principle, not going to let the killing people participate in it, because that is the real overkill.

Therefore, this sentence of Zhongshan, it seems to be in the easy to shoot, but in fact, I also want to set out why Yi will come here!

Duan Yizhen could not hear the meaning of Zhongshan dialect, and smiled slightly: "I have only one purpose!"

Zhong Shan curiously asked: "What purpose?"

"I want to see if it is my strong intention to kill, or the wind of silence!"

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