The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2553: Five people join hands

Everything about the ruined family is taboo in the demise, but it is only for ordinary monks.

Most of the ethnic groups in the four-image area are in fact very interested in the disappearance of the dead family. In the dark, they will also send people to explore the truth.

The five major families who came to carry out the task this time know more clearly that this empty road is the strongest and the last patriarch, Ji Kongfan, so that the stage will be unscrupulous. speak out!

When I heard the words of Duan Yi, Zhong Shan and others naturally understood it. It is no wonder that this killing will also participate in the mission, and even sent a paragraph to come.

It turns out that their real purpose is to see if they can meet the descendants of the mortal family!

Although they are about the power of the ruined family, they have heard about the deeds.

However, because many people have never been born in the era of the existence of the genocide, they do not think that the sinisters can't be defeated. Therefore, challenging the stalwarts is actually the goal and hope of many ethnic groups.

If you can defeat the mortal people, that is the real name!

In particular, killing a family, their power source, killing meaning, invisible and inferior, power is extremely powerful, and the wind of silence has the same purpose.

Therefore, they also want to challenge the wind of silence than other ethnic groups!

Zhong Shan just wanted to take two more flats on Duan Yi, but at this moment, there was a series of rumbling rumbling sounds, and he closed his mouth and looked at the source of the sound.

The sound comes from the graveyard!

It was already in the graveyard that had been suppressed by the long river of water, and all the tombs, together with the tombstones on it, suddenly shook violently.

An imaginary road pattern rises from the grave, and falls into the smog that hangs over the graveyard. It instantly turns the smog into the same ocean and turns it crazy.

In this rotation, there was a horrible suction, which caused the water of the long river to be sucked into the whirlpool.

Then, the smell of death and the similarity of death emanating within the smog was also rising at this moment. When it passed, all the long rivers that could not be inhaled into the vortex immediately dried up and disappeared.

Only a moment later, the long river that covered the entire graveyard has disappeared.

Graveyard, intact!

"This is impossible!"

The water changed slightly, and the eyes were cold and the words in the mouth spit out these four words.

Originally, he was confident and full of feelings. He felt that he could easily destroy this piece of graveyard. However, his power has disappeared without a trace.

This is a big blow for him, and it makes him unable to accept this result.

Zhong Shan also converges on the smile on his face and touches his own bald head: "This is really unlikely."

"Even if this piece of graveyard is laid out by the strongest people, it should not have such great power!"

The same is the emptiness of the realm, the strength is also strong and weak, especially the length of time to enter the virtual world is different, this strength is even more obvious.

In Zhongshan and other people want to come, this domain has just been born with a strong person, and now the realm is not stable, then the power of the graveyard he arranged, how can compete with the strength of the water!

Duan Yi did not open his mouth. Although there were some surprise colors on his face, he fled and turned to look at the graveyard that had recovered his calmness with an interested eye.

Among the five, the only middle-aged woman said: "This empty road is really a bit weird, not as good, let me try..."

Waiting for the beautiful woman to finish the words, then Zhongshan has already rushed to interrupt: "Please wait for a moment, let the old man give it a try!"

When the voice fell, Zhongshan did not wait for other people to respond. Above the head of the light, there were already a few rays of light shining into a silver clock.

When I saw Zhongshan’s first shot, the beautiful woman’s face flashed a touch of indifference.

However, I did not say anything more, just watching the result of this shot of Zhongshan.


After the big clock appeared, there was no wind, and it swayed gently, giving a loud bell.

And this invisible bell sounded like a real sound, and under this sound, it was clearly visible, and innumerable small clocks appeared in an instant, overwhelmingly, rushing toward the graveyard.

When all the small clocks were moving, they even rang, making the bells of "铛铛" endless, resounding through the heavens and the earth, and the treacherous land shook violently. It seemed to be unable to withstand the bells. power.

Especially when all the small bells entered the scope of the graveyard, the bells of each other suddenly became more sturdy and more urgent, making all the people who heard it clearly feel a strong killing intention!


Finally, there was a loud and crisp sound inside the graveyard.

In this crisp sound, it is clearly visible, and there is a huge crack in the center of the graveyard!

Seeing this scene, Zhong Shan reached out and touched his bald head. His face showed a smile: "You, I am sorry, it seems that the first achievement of this attacking domain is mine!"

When I heard this sentence from Zhongshan, the other three people had no reaction, only the face of the water was a bit ugly.

It is he who proposes that everyone can break through the graveyard as the first battle, and he is also confident, and he will certainly win the first prize.

Unexpectedly, he did not open the graveyard, but now it was broken by Zhongshan. He watched the cooked duck fall into the hands of others.

Moreover, he believes that because his previous attack has broken a lot of defense power of the graveyard, so at this moment, Zhongshan can easily break the graveyard and smash its own cheap!


But the change is coming again!

All the tombs in the cemetery vibrated again, and there was an illusory pattern in it that rushed into the sky.

Every road pattern is no longer pouring into the smog, but is condensed together to form a variety of things.

If you change to a Taoist monk here, you will recognize it at a glance, these things are all kinds of avenues!

After these avenues appeared, they immediately ran straight into the countless small bells.


In the same moment, all the clocks were all broken into emptiness by the avenue, and they dissipated!

This sudden change made the smile on the face of Zhongshan suddenly solidify, and the face showed an incredible color!

I have already made cracks in the graveyard. I didn’t expect the last moment. There is still a killing trick in this graveyard.

The water suddenly smiled and said: "Haha, it looks like this is not the first brother!"

There was a cold light in the eyes of Zhong Shan, and there were a few more sputum on his face. When he wanted to speak, he suddenly sounded a voice above the top of the 500-hundred monk.

"Well, this graveyard is a bit weird. You should not continue to waste time here. Fight for the first effort, and lay down the domain. You are the first!"

"Now, the five of you have joined forces to break the graveyard and make a quick decision!"

This voice comes from the old man who had previously received the royal family.

And when I heard him speak, everyone’s heart, including Duan Yi, is a glimpse!

Obviously, although the other party did not follow the person and others into the domain, but it has been secretly observed.

This situation is also the first time.

It is enough to show that the creation of the royal family is extremely valued for attacking this empty domain.

In this way, even though everyone is dissatisfied, they dare not say anything at the moment and can only nod their consent.

In particular, the five sturdy and powerful people, after looking at each other, immediately raised their hands, five different tyrannical forces, swarming toward the graveyard!

At the same time they shot, Jiang Yun, finally appeared in the boundary of the Tao, appearing in the opposite side of the graveyard!

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