The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2559: Explosion


Although Jiang Yun had already entered the door of the ancients, but when he was a teacher, the ancients said it was very clear, because he and Jiang Yun did not match the road, so he could only accept Jiang Yun as a disciple.

Originally, Jiang Yun did not understand the meaning of the disciples outside the Tao. Later, after the explanation of the brothers and sisters and the knowledge of his own life, he realized that he did not agree with Master and everyone.

Nowadays, the ancient elders turned Jiang Yun from a disciple outside the Tao to a pro-disciple, which is not only a change of identity, but also an approval of Jiang Yun!

Looking at the depths of the Taoist market, the two long-lived tempers collided with each other like a dragon. They set off a storm of the sky. Jiang Yun deeply worshipped: "Thank you Master!"

The ancient elders are not in the domain, but in the ancients.

Even so, he still does his best, with the help of his own power to help Jiang Yun with the help of his own power, helping the Taoist domain to weaken the power of the five powerful tyrants!

Even, he used his words and deeds to teach his own understanding of Tao, and he gave Jiang Yun the unreserved power of his own sentiment.

Within the ancient tribe, the hill of only a few hundred feet, the ancients opened their eyes, and the old state gradually turned to younger.

After the count, he became a boy again, but his face was pale as paper.

He stared silently in a certain direction, his eyes seemed calm, but in the depths of his eyes, there was a hidden fear that only he knew.

All he did was not entirely for Jiang Yun, but because he was not only the master of Jiang Yun, he was also a member of the empty domain.

The road is difficult, he can stand by!

Now, he has already done what he can, and then he needs his disciples to continue to protect the domain.

And he does not know whether his only remaining disciple can already provoke this burden!

After a moment of silence, the old tongue spit out three words: "Yes!"


Although the ancient figure has dissipated, but in the feeling of Jiang Yun, Master did not leave, still watching himself.

Even, beside yourself, fight side by side with yourself!

"Master, then, just watch the disciples!"

Jiang Yun straightened up his body, and there was no expression on his face. The knowledge of God once again spread out and completely covered the entire market!

Among the Taoist avenues, the five forces that were crushed by the ancients and five consecutive shots were the forces of the devastating powers, and they have reappeared at this moment.

Long guns, bells and drums, red fog, thunder hammers and killing gas!

For this, Jiang Yun is not surprised.

Master's strength is how strong it is. Although he is not clear, at least the realm must not break through to the virtual world. At most, he has the strength to compete with the virtual world.

What's more, the Master's deity did not come, but relied on the avatars that had been condensed in the power of the Taoist market many years ago. Of course, it is impossible to completely defeat the five tyrants.

Jiang Yun closed his eyes and did not think about the understanding that Tao taught him to teach him, but he ran the power of returning to the market!

Now Master has given him the control of this market, just as he has become the master of the market.

Although he did not understand the origin of this market, he could clearly perceive all the avenues that existed in this market.

These avenues are also all-encompassing, but they are all different, but they are different from the roads that Jiang Yun used to contact and familiar with.

They all have a strong sense of death, clearly the road to death.

Even though they are all dead, they still contain extremely powerful forces.

In addition to the ancients and old ages, any other person, any power, even if the Taoist resurrection, can not motivate these avenues of death, but the power of returning to the market can!

The power of returning to the market is the power that the ancients have experienced in the countless years of guarding the Taoist market, and after years of getting along with these avenues of death.

This kind of power, although the ancients said that it belongs to the category of extinction, but in the feeling of Jiang Yun, it should be stronger than most of the destructive forces.

Even with the power of silence, there is a similarity!

However, Jiang Yun has just acquired the power of this market. He can't control them like the fingers, and it is even more impossible to control the entire road. It takes a certain amount of time to find accommodation.

At the same time, in the ears of the 500 monks who destroyed the domain, the voice of the old man of the creation of the royal family was once again heard!

This time, there is no contempt in the voice of the old man, and some are just endless anger: "The five great generals, and give you the last time of the three interest!"

"Within the three interest rates, if you still can't break through this graveyard and you can't enter the domain, then you will all roll back to me!"

Although the five strongmen led by Duan Yi have already given the strongest strength, but such a long time passed, they are still blocked outside the Taoist market, which makes the two old generations of the founding royal family always watching the battle. It is really unbearable and gives the last night!


The reciprocal voice of the old man changed the face of the five hundred monks.

In particular, the five people who are in the virtual position are even looking at each other.

If they really can't break the defense of this domain, they will be recalled by the creation of the royal family. It is not only that their faces will be lost, even their ethnic groups. From then on, they will be in other ethnic groups. I can't lift my head in front of me.

Throughout the ages, there have been no more than 10,000, and there are eight thousand.

I have never heard of any ethnic group who will return without success in the process of attacking the domain, and temporarily replace other ethnic groups.


The voice of the old man just fell, and the mouth of Duan Yi has already issued a cold cry, followed by a word of mouth: "kill!"


Along with a loud bang, the murderous gas that he spit out actually exploded directly, turning into numerous overwhelming killings.

In every killing temperament, there is a small paragraph of ease, just like the paragraph of the incarnation of the body, with the power of the killing of the sky rushing in all directions.

After Duan Yi, the water is slightly bitten by the teeth: "Explosion!"

The transparent long gun that was condensed by the water of the Tianhe River also exploded!

The voice of the old man rang again: "Two!"

Zhong Shan sighed and touched his head of light, although his face showed a hint of pain, but he could only drink low: "Burst!"

Middle-aged women, and the old Thunder, all choose to explode their attacks!

Some of these attacks are their treasures, and some are powerful instruments they have.

If it is the treasure of the life, it will be better, even if it will have some impact on them, but in the future, just use the remedy or other methods to recover.

But if it is a musical instrument, then after the blast, it will never be there again.

But there is no way, in the old man's countdown like a fatal, they can only break this graveyard in this way, and break into the domain!

Five kinds of attacks, each of which contains the power to destroy the earth.

Nowadays, the five kinds of explosions are open, and it is conceivable that the strength is beyond the imagination of anyone.

The power of the horrible explosion swept away toward the entire road.

Even if it is Jiang Yun, after feeling the power of this explosion, it is also a change of appearance, and the body shape is dying!



In the digital sound of the old man’s last spit, the sound of the earth-shattering loud noise inside the Taoist market made the road that persisted for five years under the attack of the five tyrants, and was finally born. Destroyed nearly half!

Looking far away, it is like a huge wound wounded in the domain, waiting for the invasion of the monks!

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