The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2560: change idea


Watching that it has disappeared in half, like the unprotected road market, the water is slightly smirked, and when it screams out, it is the first to rush to the market and rush to the domain!

The other four people also sang each other, followed by him, and rushed out.

In the rear of them, the nearly 500-year-old monks were also screaming.

Everyone's eyes are full of fierce flashes, with murderousness, just like a group of downhill tigers, following the five strong men, rushing to the market.

Although they are not the strongest in the virtual world, they have not shot, but they are also the best of all ethnic groups.

The old man who was created by the royal family sneered a few times, letting them dare to speak out, and already had a stomach fire!

Now, seeing this piece of grave that has blocked them for so long is finally defeated by the strong people in their own family. They can no longer wait, and all of them can't wait to immediately vent their anger to the body of the Tao. !


At the time of the five strong self-explosive attacks, Jiang Yun has retreated to the other half of the still-good market.

Although he was reluctant to destroy the avenue under the arrangement of Master, the force of the five explosions was so powerful that he could only choose to temporarily avoid it.

At this moment, even if he does not use God's knowledge, he can clearly hear the sound of the screaming screams of the squadrons and see the crazy figure that the monks rushed toward himself. There is a little bit of bloom in his eyes.

Although Jiang Yun has long seen this group of destroyers, but they really do not know their specific strength.

Now that they really stepped into the realm of the domain, he realized their true strength.

There are not many 500 monks, but the weakest ones are the heavens, that is, the cultivation of humanity and context!

If you don't have your own time to return, if you don't have the cold river and the two people you find yourself, then these 500 people can really destroy the entire domain and kill all the creatures in the domain!


"Hey, Tian Jiang, you first stop all the strong people who are in the virtual world. It doesn't take long, there is a time to count!"

"Other people, don't worry!"

At the same time that Jiang Yun spoke out, he had released the power of returning to the market, urging all the avenues of the road that existed in this half of the market.

Upon hearing Jiang Yun’s order, Han Jiang turned his eyes and said: "I can only stop one at most!"

Haotian is a cold cry, followed by: "Although my strength is stronger than him, but I have been shut down for so long, my strength has also fallen sharply."

"With my strength, I can't stop four people!"

In fact, there is no such thing as lying in the sky. When he was fighting for Ji Kongfan, the cultivation and strength were indeed the peak of the virtual reality.

However, he lost the hand of Ji Kongfan, and his cultivation has already fallen.

The years of imprisonment in these years have made his cultivation not only improved, but a greater drop, and at most it is equivalent to the mid-term.

In this regard, Jiang Yun is also well aware.

If you are so powerful, you don’t need such trouble at all. You can easily swept the five hundred monks in the sky.

However, despite knowing, Jiang Yun still responded to them with a cold voice: "That is your business, I only need to count the time!"

Jiang Yun believes that Haotian and Hanjiang, even if the true strength has fallen, but everyone must have a special dependence.

Moreover, the five tyrants are not at their peak. Their masters have already consumed some of their power. Their self-destruction in order to break the road will inevitably be consumed.

Therefore, Haotian and Hanjiang can definitely stop them for a while.

After that, Jiang Yun ignored them, concentrating on the lines, or forming long lines, or condensing into flowers, or combining them into weapons.

Jiang Yun did not directly urge these lines to attack as Master did. Instead, he used his insights on the road to arrange these lines into a huge array!

Seeing this scene, Han Jiang and Hao Tian were suddenly realized and understood the intention of Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun will use the array method to trap all the monks except the five tyrants, and then combine the power of the three to deal with the five tyrants.

With the strength of Jiang Yun, coupled with the power of this market, the arrangement of the array, it is impossible to trap the strong people.

But if you want to trap the monks of Tianyuan and the returnees, there is no problem at all.

After understanding Jiang Yun’s plan, Han Jiang and Hao Tian were dissatisfied with their hearts, and they were only prepared to shoot and stop the five players.

Jiang Yun is even more than a hand, all the lines are rushing into his body.

Then, his figure swayed directly at the forefront of the Taoist market, his eyes watching the dying monks who were getting closer and closer to themselves!


Although the monks who destroyed the domain had thought of it, there may be monks in the domain that intercepted themselves and others, but they did not care at all.

In particular, the five sturdy and powerful people are even too lazy to use the gods to look at the next four weeks.

Therefore, when they were close to seeing Jiang Yun, who was not far away, they were not surprised and afraid, but they all showed a sly smile.

The water is slightly louder and opener: "The generation of ants, dare to stop us here, kill!"

When the voice fell, the water slightly pointed out and turned to Jiang Yunyi, and did not even use the power of the river.


Jiang Yun did not hide or sneak at all, letting the power of this finger point to his own body. In the loud noise, the body blasted openly, and he made a lot of road lines, covering the sky, and rushing toward the 500 monks. .

Seeing this scene, the water smiled a little coldly, and some unexpectedly said: "There are still some means, but in the face of the gap in strength, no more means are used, but it can only make you die more painful! ”

As the water falls through the slightest voice, there is already another sound in his ear: "It’s the most uncomfortable to see you!"


When the voice fell, a strange power suddenly appeared between the five sturdy.

This power is like forming a hood, completely covering them, and distracting them from their respective ethnic groups.

Feeling this power, the face of the five people can not help but change.

Because this power is strong, it is not weak, even if it comes to others, and even stronger.

"It must be someone who just stopped us!"

Duan Yi first opened his mouth and reached out with a wave of his hand. He pulled out a **** long sword from his back, and his body was murderous and snarled toward his body.

Seeing that the paragraph is easy to shoot, the water and the other three are also unwilling to lag behind, have shot.

They all think that the person who shot today is the one who laid out the graveyard, the one who was just born in this empty road.

Killing this person is the real great credit, so naturally I don't want other people to take the credit, I want to get it first!


At the same time as the five people shot, the nearly five hundred monks who were separated from each other were surrounded by countless lines, and their eyes were dark, and they were caught in a battle. .

At the same time, Jiang Yun’s figure finally appeared outside the cover. He glanced at the five sturdy people who were entangled in the cold river and the hustle and bustle. Suddenly, the eyes flashed: “I changed my mind. It!"

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun’s figure disappeared and he did not enter the battle.

Fight against the domain and the domain, and start this!

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