The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3108: Gate of death

Domain door, opened!

At this moment, a large number of lower-field monks gathered around the domain door, all like a statue, motionless, with an incredible color of face, watching the gradually open, growing threshold!

This fan can lead to the heavens, and can change the domain of the self and the ethnic group, and even the fate of all the subordinates, and it is really open in front of their eyes!

This makes them feel as if they are dreaming, they can hardly believe their eyes.

Although there is only a black lacquer in the domain door, whether it is their gaze or their knowledge, once they enter the domain door, they will be instantly melted by a force, but everyone is still watching the domain door. Inside, I am not willing to remove my eyes.

What's more, my heart is eager to try, I want to be the first to rush into the domain door.

Until suddenly, there was a breeze blowing gently out of the fully open domain door, and it was on the body of a monk who was closest to the domain door.

The scream of "ah" suddenly sounded, and the body of this monk, under the gaze of everyone, melted at an extremely fast speed!

In the moment of dying, the whole body of this monk has been turned into nothingness, and even a little scum has not been left, as if it had never existed before!

This scene finally made everyone wake up!

The shock on one face was also frightened, and the door continued to have more breeze blowing out, and they let them stand up and rush back toward the rear.

Although the strength of the monk is not strong, only the heavens are blessed, but they never imagined that a hurricane blown out from the domain door could turn it into nothingness.

And this also allows them to finally realize that the domain door, although it does lead to the heavens, it is indeed possible to change their destiny, but it may also be the door to their death.

No one knows what is in the domain, but the danger is obvious.

Especially those monks who only have a heavenly and ethical environment, even if they have already obtained the qualification to enter the domain door, they immediately gave up their intention to enter.

They are better than the fate of wanting to change their destiny. They still accept the fate of the present and continue to be practical in this subfield.

At the same time, the tone of the introduction changed again.

"If you get the qualification to enter the domain, you can enter now. If you are not qualified, you can try to enter, or you can enter."

"Remember, after one year, the domain door is closed!"

After the last time this clear discourse fell, the scorpion, who was always standing in front of the open field door, bowed his head and glanced again at all the lower-field monks here. He immediately turned and stepped into the domain door. , disappeared without a trace.

Obviously, the sound of the introduction is controlled by the patrol.

However, no one cares about the disappearance of the parade, but all of them are remembering what he said last.

It turns out that if you are not qualified, you may also enter the domain door.

However, everyone understands that if you want to enter successfully, you must pass some kind of test, or you may have some difficulty.

Especially after seeing the end of the wind-blown monk, everyone is also well aware that if they fail to pass the test, they are likely to die as well.

Therefore, under the threat of death, although there are many monks gathered here, no matter how high or low they are, no one dares to go to the domain door first, and no unqualified person dares to try it. Whether you can enter the domain door.

Anyway, the domain door is open for a year. Even if you wait until the last day, you can enter it again.

Driven by this idea, after the people were shocked, they gradually dispersed, or gathered together in groups of three or five, or stayed away from the crowd and sat alone.

Some people started a whispered discussion, while others continued to look at the domain door. Some even closed their eyes and simply ignored the domain door.

If they still have memories of the Guantian Temple, then they will find that they are very similar to the ones facing the Tianmen Palace at that time.

These monks did not rush into the domain door, but there are still a large number of monks in all directions of this world, still coming to the place as soon as possible.

Every word that has just been quoted is sounded in the minds of all the creatures in the lower domain, so everyone hears it clearly.

For others, these words, in addition to making them more excited, want to see the domain door earlier, for the night solitary dust and Jiang Yun and others, it is to let their hearts can not help but sink.

Especially in the night, I looked at the many monks around me.

Among them, the vast majority of people have a bright light in their eyes.

For example, no injuries, such as virtual mad, Dan Daozi, Lei mother, etc., even Tang Yi, Lu Yourong, the same as the moon and so on!

The reason for their excitement is naturally because of the last words of the sound of the introduction.

The mountains and seas, including almost all the domain, are really few and few, and there are very few people.

After all, their overall strength is low, and it is impossible to be the opponent of the destroyer.

They stayed with the night alone, originally just to see the excitement, long experience.

However, now they even have the opportunity to enter the domain door, which makes them unable to move, how can not be excited!

The night of the lonely dust sighed helplessly in the heart, said to himself: "I can't stop it anyway, just look at whether Jiang Yun can convince them."

At the moment, Jiang Yun is also having a headache.

He is too aware of the personalities of his fellow friends, especially the many monks in the mountains and seas.

They have experienced too many battles and death baptisms. They dare not say that everyone is not afraid of death, but at least 80% of them will definitely try to see if they can enter the domain.

Therefore, Jiang Yun couldn't even go to the old man who was causal and asked about it. What did the causal old man say to the patrolman, so that the patrolman not only let go of Scorpio, but also opened the domain door ahead of time.

Jiang Yun turned to look at Tianzhu: "Scorpio brother, I am going to the domain door now."

"If you join the heavens, if I can live into the heavens, then I will promise."

"But before that, I hope you can help me a little."

The eyes of Scorpio suddenly shine, others enter the domain door, it is a life of nine deaths, but he has a strong confidence in Jiang Yun, so in his view, Jiang Yunyi’s problem of crossing the domain door is not big, it is equivalent to agreeing. Will join the day!

This made him immediately slap on his chest: "It’s all my brother, I’m so polite, I have any need for my help, even though!”

Jiang Yun reached out and made a move, and Feng Ping appeared in front of Tianzhu.

"This is also a friend of mine, from the days of the world. I don't know if I can trouble you from here, bring him directly back to the heavens, and don't be discovered by the patrolling angels."

Feng Ping already knows that Tianzhu is a member of Haotian. He was originally prepared to stay in the Tiantian Palace and go to the Tiantianji with Jiang Yun.

But that still has certain risks.

In case Jiang Yun died in the domain door, he must follow the death, so after knowing the identity of Scorpio, he begged Jiang Yun, can you let yourself go back with Scorpio now, at least this small one. Life must be able to keep it!

Jiang Yun also needs to seal the first move back to the days of the field.

After all, Feng Ping is his own person. Going back first can help him paving the way and inquiring about some things, so this promised.

Scorpio only glanced at Feng Ping, and did not ask the origin of Feng Ping. He said with a happy head: "It’s just a little thing, no problem!"

"Ginger brother, do you still have a place for me to help?"

"You have to know that what we can do is far more than you can imagine!"

"For example, in the domain door, we can also give you some help!"

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