The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3109: Sky statue

Scorpio apparently feels that Jiang Yun just wants to bring Feng Ping back to the heavens. This busyness is too small to reflect himself and the strength of the whole world.

Especially since Jiang Yun has already said that after entering the Tiantian Jiyu through the domain gate, he will join Haotian, then Tianzhu naturally wants to fight the hot iron, and then give Jiang Yun a little benefit and strengthen his determination, so this hope Jiang Yun can make some more requests.

From his remarks, it can be seen that the strength of Haotian is indeed strong enough to be unimaginable.

Jiang Yun still doesn't feel like it, but Feng Ping on the side has already opened his mouth.

Because the domain door, it is related to the lower domain monks can enter the days of the field, so within the domain door, it is an absolute survey of the pulse, and the nine major Tianzun and other major forces of the site.

In the whole process of the lower domain monks and gates, the major forces of these days will send people to monitor the situation and watch the movements of all the lower monks.

Even many times, the patrolling angels and Tian Zun himself will go and see for themselves.

After all, there are also good seedlings with excellent qualifications in the lower domain.

If you can take the opportunity to draw yourself here, for them, it is also a big gain.

Of course, although there are many people who hold this kind of thinking, but in the history of the collections of the heavens, when they are really able to be in the gates of the country, they are the lower-field monks who are regarded by these Xeons. But it is also pitiful.

On average, once a domain door is opened, there is not necessarily a single person who can be seen by them.

The area of ​​the heavens is already large enough, and the number of creatures within it is more than the sum of all the lower domains, so it is really rare to really get the eyes of these top leaders.

But in any case, the nine great Tianzun and the patrolling angels will definitely pay attention to the situation of the domain door.

Under such circumstances, Hao Tian could still insert a hand in it and give Jiang Yun a little help. This is really making Feng Ping too unexpected.

Jiang Yun smiled and shook his head. "My brother can help me bring him back to the heavens. For me, it has been a great help. As for the domain, I still hope to rely on myself. The strength is to look at it."

This is the truth of Jiang Yun, but in addition to this, there is another reason, that is, when you enter the domain door, it is likely to be with the ancient spirit.

He does not want people to know the cooperation between himself and the ancient thoughts.

Scorpio opened his mouth and wanted to tell Jiang Yun about the dangers in the domain door. But when his mouth turned, his eyes turned, but he thought of a better idea.

Therefore, Scorpio nodded and said: "Well, if this is the case, I will not force it, then I will be in the days of the world, waiting for the arrival of my brother!"

After that, Scorpio turned to Feng Pingdao: "This friend, what else do you have?"

"Nothing!" Feng Ping shook his head again and again.

"Then we will return to the heavens now!"


Scorpio and Feng Ping, although they still don’t know that the patrol has left, they don’t want to continue to wait in the lower domain for even a moment.

Jiang Yun is holding a fist in the two men: "Two, goodbye to the heavens!"

After watching the two entered the crack, Jiang Yun also took a breath and looked at the direction of the old man with cause and effect.

Although he really wants to figure out what the causal old man said, the patrol has let go of the scorpio and opened the domain door in advance, but in the end he gave up the idea and used the domain map to come to the domain door. Where.

Jiang Yun’s gaze just saw the domain door, and like everyone else, he suddenly turned into a statue and couldn’t move for a long time.

At first he just saw a broken door frame, which made him stunned.

Now, looking at the domain door that has been completely opened in front of him, he is once again deeply shocked.

After watching for a long time, Jiang Yun took back his gaze and turned to look at the large number of monks scattered around him. He first saw it, but then he understood it.

Originally thought of in Jiang Yun, since the domain door has been opened, and there is no opportunity to enter the Tongtianmen, there is also an opportunity to enter, so the monks here must be rushing into the domain door.

However, the situation here is to let Jiang Yun realize that everyone is scrupulous and afraid to enter the domain door for the first time. They want to see what happens when other people enter the domain door or when they are in the domain. After the situation, consider whether you want to enter.

For the thoughts of the monks, Jiang Yun can understand that after all, for the unknown, everyone has an instinctive fear.

The emergence of Jiang Yun, especially in the middle of the domain door, naturally attracted the attention of the surrounding monks, but many people recognized Jiang Yun.

However, the monks gathered here today, although heard the name of Jiang Yun, but have no friendship with Jiang Yun, so no one came forward and talked with Jiang Yun.

However, all of their eyes are full of hope, and they are watching Jiang Yun.

Because in their view, Jiang Yun can already be regarded as the world of this world, second only to Ji Kongfan's strong, it should be the first to enter the domain door.

However, after looking at the crowd, Jiang Yun sat down on the same knee.

The purpose of his coming here is to stop his friends and disciples from entering the domain.

I have to say that Jiang Yun’s sitting has made many monks a little disappointed, but they can’t force Jiang Yun to enter, so they can only regain their gaze and continue to wait.

At the same time, among the heavens, the same is true!

It’s not just the subfield monk where Jiang Yun is located. He didn’t think that the domain door would suddenly open so quickly, and the days of the field did not think.

Moreover, the lower domain is not just one, but has a myriad of seats.

Since the domain gate of a lower domain is already open, the domain gates of other lower domains also need to be opened immediately.

Therefore, the entire collection of the days can be said to be shaken by the sudden opening of the domain door, and all the forces of the size are also busy.

For the lower domain monks choose to enter the domain door, although the power of most people does not care, but for the situation after the lower domain monks enter the domain door, they must observe it.

In addition to trying to win over the lower domain monks, there are also a lot of strong people in the days, who will regard the process of the lower domain monks as a game, a chance to entertain and relax.

There will even be people who will use this to start a gamble.

Like those powerful forces, such as the ancestral gates and ethnic groups belonging to the nine great Tianzun, they have treasures that can see the situation inside the domain gates in their respective mountain gates, and there is no need to travel around.

And those relatively weak forces, they want to see the situation inside the domain, they need to go to the viewing platform.

The viewing platform is a special building that the patrol angels deliberately opened up in various areas of the heavens.

The entire building is round, with a layer of seating around it, and in the center, there is a huge mirror that reveals the situation inside the domain door for everyone to see.

Just as all the forces began to prepare, the man who opened the gate of the domain door was already in a luxurious palace.

Just in the lower domain, he was still arrogant, but at the moment he was kneeling on the ground, bowing his head, and even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

Because there is a statue above him.

One is almost the same as his dress, only the clothes on his body and the mask on his face are blue statues!

Blue, representing the color of the sky, wearing blue clothes in the sky, only the angels!

At this moment, there was a human voice in the statue of the patrolling angel: "Why do you make your own claim and open the domain door in advance?"

The whisper of the sky-walking **** is not raised: "It is a causal old man, he said..."

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