The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3239: A sigh

"Is she?"

At this moment, the nine characters, the patriarchs of the three major families, and the minds of the patrolling angels and the ancients, almost simultaneously produced the same three words!

In the next moment, in addition to the ancient and the old, the top of the thirteen heavenly kingdoms, there is also a slap-sized jade in the hands.

This jade is white, but on it, there are 13 runes of various colors intertwined with each other.

Thirteen runes seem to form a special symbol.

Looking at this intact symbol, the thirteen top powers are quietly relieved, and the changing face is restored to normal.

However, everyone's brows are all wrinkled, and there are various problems in their minds.

"The seal is not damaged, indicating that she is not out of trouble!"

"But the wind can only be derived from her. After all, in addition to her, no second person can have such strength in the whole spiritual domain!"

"Is this style of wind, is it specifically for Jiang Yun, just, why?"

Among the thirteen people, only the goddess of heaven and the emptiness of the heavens, after the two of them, the face showed a thoughtful color, and nodded gently.

But at this time, the change will start again!

Whether it is the viewing platform or the major forces, in front of them, placed on the mirror that can present the situation in the ancient domain of the spirit, there is an inexplicable mist of a stock.

The mirror surface suddenly becomes blurred, and naturally, the situation of the ancient domain cannot be seen, and the images of all the monks in it cannot be seen.

For such sudden changes, many of the monks in the various fields of the Tiantian are all confused. They don’t understand what happened, they whisper each other, and there are many discussions.

Thirteen top-ranking powerhouses, after a glimpse of the sacred area, saw the twelve sacred sacred scorpions that had left, and went back and reappeared again, and the figure directly rushed into the ancient domain of Ling !

Twelve purple patrols, after appearing in the ancient domain of the spirit, one by one, the body shape was cast to the extreme, and rushed to somewhere.

Soon, there was a world in front of them, a world that was shaped like a mirror and was extremely smooth.

Beyond the vast world, there are a total of thirteen different huge runes, such as chessboards, hammers, seals, and plaques, which are like a complete suppression of the whole world.

Twelve sacred sacred scorpions, in places far from the world, stopped their bodies.

After looking at each other. Going out of one person, coldly and coldly said: "The spiritual master, I am waiting for the life of the ambassador, come to ask, what is your intention!"

Spirit Lord!

The Lord of the Spirit!

If Jiang Yun can hear this title at the moment, then he will understand that the first time the Shizuo told him that there are several top powers who can compete against the nine great gods and the angels!

One of them is the spirit master. Strictly speaking, it is the original master of the Linggu domain, and its strength is extremely strong.

It is precisely because of the existence of her and several other spiritual elites that the Tiantianji has cost a great deal and has captured the ancient domain of Ling.

However, even if the Tiantian Jiyu occupied the Linggu domain, but did not know for what reason, but did not kill the spirit and other strong, but with the power of thirteen people, these people were sealed in different In the world.

In front of this mirror-like world, the seal is the spiritual master.

No matter the inexplicable wind that appeared before, there are layers of fog that obstruct the situation in the ancient domain of the spirit, all from the hands of the lord!

Twelve patrols, come here, ask the spiritual owner for reasons!

As the voice of the patrolling sky fell, there was no sound in the mirror world until after a long time, and there was a sigh of sigh.

Just a sigh, but the face of the twelve sacred sacred scorpions smashed, and all of them were filled with blood, and the figure was uncontrollable and quickly retreated toward the rear!

Although they barely stopped their bodies, their bodies were trembled a little, and an inexplicable fear, rising from the bottom of their hearts, madly swept them all over the body.

As the highest level of the patrol, they naturally know the existence of the lord, but they did not participate in the battle against the lord.

But now, they finally realized the power and horror of the spirit.

After sighing, a woman’s voice followed the sound: “Go back and tell them, they do what they do in the ancient domain of my spirit, I will not interfere, but please leave a little dignity to my spiritual family!”

"If you promise, then the rules they set, I will not change, otherwise, don't blame me, you are welcome, go!"

As the woman's voice fell, the twelve sacred scorpions immediately felt a breeze blowing down on their body.

Under the breeze, his body suddenly flew away at an extremely fast speed.

In the twinkling of an eye, I have already left the ancient domain of Ling, standing outside the ancient domain of Ling!

They were hidden under the mask, and they all showed extreme shock, but they did not dare to delay. One by one, they shredded a piece of jade, and returned the words of the spirit to the angels.

In the sky-walking hall, above the statue, there was a blurry and distorted figure standing there, seemingly looking into the distance.

After a while, within the days of the collections, thirteen top forces simultaneously made a sound, and the war continued in the ancient domain, but no one was allowed to watch it!

As for the reasons, none of the 13 forces have said it.

For this decision, although it caused almost all the dissatisfaction of the monks, but the decision made is the thirteen top forces, so everyone can only accept helpless!

In the life of the seal, Feng Ming Tian Zun has re-sit down, and the whole person has returned to a state of lightness and lightness.

On the other side, Feng Ping was a foggy water. He couldn’t help but ask: "The ancestors could not see the situation in the ancient domain of the spirit. What about Jiang Yun?"

Feng Ming Tian Zun smiled slightly: "Jiang Yun, should not die!"

Outside the ancient realm, the ancient immortal hidden in the dark, feeling his own beard, turned his eyes and said: "It seems that the rumors of the year are true, the sudden release of the lord, there is a great possibility for the fourth! ”

"In this way, you don't have to worry about the safety of the fourth child!"

"But, since I am here, I am here waiting for the fourth child!"

After that, the ancient elders actually sat down on the knees.


The sorcerer's image is still continually moving forward. He has never noticed his huge body. He has been wrapped up by a wind that does not know where it originated.

Jiang Yun, above his shoulder, is already in a coma, and he knows nothing about the outside world.

However, for those thousands of monks who have always tracked behind Jiang Yun, they found a strange situation almost at the same time---Jiang Yun, disappeared!

Thousands of monks come from at least twenty or thirty different forces, and each has a different method of tracking.

However, at this moment, all their methods failed, and they also lost the trace of Jiang Yun.

Although thousands of monks did not reconcile, they gave up, but after continuing to search for a month, and still failed, this had to give up.

So far, the pursuit of Jiang Yun has finally come to an end!

At the moment, Jiang Yun is already in a strange world, and the ghost statue has disappeared. Only Jiang Yun himself, lying quietly on the earth.

Beyond his body, there is always a breeze!

This breeze, with some magical power, made his old face slowly become younger, and the countless wounds on his body slowly healed...

At the same time, there is a woman's voice rang in his ear: "One drink, one is the fate."

"Your Nine Sacrifice will wake me up. In return, I will treat you as the soul of the sacrifice and return it to you..."

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