The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3240: Trial

Time flies, it is three years!

Although the three years are not long, but for many monks in the ancient domain of the spirit, it feels as long as thirty or three hundred years.

Because, whether it is a monk from the heavens, or a monk from all the major domains, in the past three years, has experienced several wars.

The objects of their wars are not from their kind, but from the Lingu!

The Lingzu, the only ethnic group in the original Linggu domain, after restoring freedom, once again knows that their homeland has once again become a place for the trials of the monks to assess the monks, naturally it is not hesitant. All the foreign monks started a crazy revenge.

However, the spirits have been imprisoned for too long, so that their strengths have fallen to varying degrees, so at the beginning, the spiritual family who just regained freedom, in the war, is completely in a weak position.

In the face of the invasion of foreign monks, even the escape can not be done, basically only the fate of being killed.

However, this situation did not last long.

Although on the strength of the individual, the Lingzu is indeed weaker than the foreign monks, but the true strong people of the spirits, after being defeated by the Tianji area, in fact, most of them are in a state of sleep, simply ignore any thing.

Because of this kind of sleep, they can save their strength, can extend their life, and let them wait for the day of their own revenge!

For example, Shima.

He is also in a deep sleep. If it is not because he feels the spirit of the spirits of Jiang Yun, he will not wake up, and it is even more impossible to turn the battle armor and follow Jiang Yun for a while.

However, no matter whether it is a spiritual or a foreign monk, they have never thought that these strong people of the spiritual family have suddenly awakened.

These spiritual elites, even though their cultivation is still firmly suppressed, most of them have experienced the great wars of the past, and they are quite familiar with the monks of the heavens.

What's more, their awakening is tantamount to letting each spiritual group have its own leader.

In addition, the scope of the spiritual activities is no longer limited to the world in which they are located, but can be shuttled to and from the boundaries, so that the strength of the spiritual family has gradually grown.

Even more unimaginable is that there are many foreign monks who, in order to survive, have temporarily joined some of the spiritual groups to help the spirituals to deal with other monks.

In this way, I dare not say that the Lingzuo has been able to suppress the foreign monks in turn, but the two sides will meet again, at least they can make a match.

This is not good news for foreign monks.

After all, the ancient domain of Ling is the territory of the spiritual family.

Nowadays, there is no existence of Scorpio, which allows them to have a temporary place to live. If they want to deal with the Lingzu and want to get more killings, it will become more and more difficult.

Under this circumstance, the power of the twelve top monks is reflected.

They basically win every battle, and each summons monks who belong to their own small forces, unite them, and fight against the spirits.


At the beginning, the area where nearly half a million monks first gathered into the ancient domain of the spirit marched toward the southwest and passed through several worlds.

In the nineteenth world that passed, there were a group of foreign monks gathered here.

This group of monks, not others, are those subfield monks who used to be in the middle-level battlefield.

Like Shen Minglie, Laojiao, Huang Qiuyan, late summer, and Zinuo, a few monks from the heavens!

At that time, Jiang Yun said that they had moved them and let them leave first. They just made an appointment with them and rounded in this world.

Their luck is still good. There is no spiritual existence in this world, so they have been waiting here for three full years.

Just today, their tranquility has finally been completely broken by the arrival of a group of spiritual people!

Above the sky, a group of dense stone people appeared, and each stone person had only one eye.

And standing in the forefront is an old man.

Although the atmosphere of the old man is not strong, it is just a rebellious world, but when you see this one-eyed old man, everyone's heart has raised a feeling of incompetence and surrender.


Zinu is quietly speaking and uttering the name of this ethnic group.

In fact, the monks present at the scene knew the Shizuzu.

In particular, Huang Qiuyan, who once entered the Shizuzu family with Jiang Yun, finally left to live.

Unfortunately, their memories have been tampered with.

The original memory was also taken away by Jiang Yun, so they did not recognize the Shizuzu, and they did not know why they had a sense of surrender to the one-headed old man standing in the forefront.

After the old man’s one-eyed sweep of the people below, there was a hint of pity in his face, and he said softly: “Jiang Yun, really is not here!”

This old man is naturally a stone marsh!

When the rules of the ancient heavens changed, he left Jiang Yun and returned to his own world.

Most of the foreign monks do not know what is happening in the ancient domain.

However, Ishigaki knows that Jiang Yun used his own power to kill the monks of the three great heavens. He eventually escaped after killing more than 5,000 people with some secret method.

After that, thousands of monks followed and followed Jiang Yun’s, but it is said that Jiang Yun’s inexplicable disappearance!

Upon hearing this news, Shimao was somewhat regretful and regretted why he had to leave Jiang Yun.

Because between Jiang Yun and the Tiantianji, there is no possibility of easing.

Coupled with the identity of Jiang Yun as a philanthropist, he can completely pull Jiang Yun to the spiritual side and help the spirits to fight against the heavens.

He was dubious about the news that Jiang Yun’s inexplicable disappearance.

I even thought that Jiang Yun should have been killed by the thousands of monks, but in order to cover up the partition of Jiang Yun's several pieces of the domain, so thousands of monks deliberately lied that Jiang Yun disappeared.

Even so, Ishizu still took his own people and tried to find the whereabouts of Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun, he can't find it, but Shen Minglie and Zi Nuo and others in the soul, there is his own hand-made spirit.

Therefore, he turned to find the whereabouts of this group of people.

Today, he finally found this group of people, but unfortunately, he did not find Jiang Yun.

However, he believes that as long as Jiang Yun is not dead, then one day he will come to this group.

After all, he is very clear about Jiang Yun’s ambitions in the past, to resist the entire collection of the heavens, and these people are useful to Jiang Yun.

"Bring them all over!"

The eyes of Ishiuma swept the people below, a faint road.

Although everyone has the heart to resist, but under the role of the spirit, they can not resist, the scorpion was brought to the front of the stone marsh.

Ishiguro looked at Zinuo: "Why are you staying here?"

Zinuo smiled bitterly: "At that time, Jiang Yun gave us a voice, let us wait for him here, but until now, he did not appear."

When I heard this, Shijing’s heart was moving, and it was more certain that his thoughts were correct. With this group of people in hand, Jiang Yun will definitely come to him.

The stone marsh said quietly: "From now on, let us go with us, so that at least you can guarantee your safety!"

With a wave of hand, the Shizuzu people immediately took the people away from the world.

The stone gaze stared at the bottom and waved again. A piece of rock with a size of 10,000 feet flew out of its hands and landed on the earth.

Since Jiang Yun and Zi Nuo agreed to meet in this world, Jiang Yun will definitely come here one day.

So Shimao left a message to Jiang Yun, letting Jiang Yun know that these people have been brought back to the Shizuzu.

"Oh, I don't know, I have done all this, it makes no sense."

"After all, if Jiang Yun disappeared or was killed, I am not sure!"

Shaking his head, Shi Yun turned and left the world.

At the same time, Jiang Yun, who has been sleeping for three years in another world in Linggu, is slowly opening his eyes!

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